Archived Regalia Pvp

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May 2, 2015
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Now I know what you are thinking, and its not that.

Somebody mentioned in game (and i dont remember who it was, i would give credit if i did) that it would be cool if Regalia was copied and made into a PVP world where there could be like KOTHs and PVP events in Regalia!

What do yall think?
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First we'd have to get like, ya know, normal koths.
So like a bare bones map with most of the houses boarded up and people just kill each other in the streets? It sounds like a good idea, and I'd try it.

The only downside I see is that the RP side wouldn't be too keen to not have any exclusive maps to call their own. Regalia is the RP map, and I hope nobody wants to list the number of times the PvP/RP wars are fought on the forums.

That and the possibility to confuse a newer player. If there are 2 identical Regalia maps, you might have somebody jump into the PvP one to RP, only to be insta-killed and then never come back.

I like the possibility of a second Regalia map as a PvP area, but I think the above comments should be noted.
That and the possibility to confuse a newer player. If there are 2 identical Regalia maps, you might have somebody jump into the PvP one to RP, only to be insta-killed and then never come back
It wouldnt be a /tp with regalia in it. I think it would be beneficial if this is taken into consideration to have a portal at the /tp pvp lobby to avoid confusion with actual regalia
The only downside I see is that the RP side wouldn't be too keen to not have any exclusive maps to call their own. Regalia is the RP map, and I hope nobody wants to list the number of times the PvP/RP wars are fought on the forums
Im a bit confused at this. Can u go into more detail as to why this would be an issue?
Im a bit confused at this. Can u go into more detail as to why this would be an issue?
Yeah, it looks choppy because I'm tired AF.

In short I'm making the claim that RPers may feel salty they their exclusive RP map would be copied and used as a PVP map as well. I've seen the notion of "PvPers keep to their side, RPers keep to theirs" pop up once in a while, and I'm making the crazy assumption that a change like this might add fuel to the fire.

Basically, maybe some RPers might not like seeing their map used for PvP when they can't use survival maps as fully RPable (excluding hubs)

I personally could care less, but I figured I'd throw this crazy notion into the fray to consider. I pulled this argument out of the blue, and as such it holds little reflection on RPers in general.
Well for one... i would be under the assumption that if this happens... once it is copied, the pvp regalia would not be updated. The whole idea really comes from wanting urban pvp. Being able to hide. Roads to turn to. Getting lost in a city while trying to defend your life.
With that said,
were you thinking of just having the main city walls as the arena? and just cut off the rest of the map?

Because in that case, I think that bs argument goes out the window for the most part, since a lot of the locations are gone then.
You know...
If one realy wanted
and if this where to be a thing
You could schedule semi-rp fights in it like,
rebellion force vs guard force
gang s gang
gang vs guard
Civil war
COuld be fun
If u think about it. The rpers would have a slight "home field advantage" against the normal pvpers who dont visit regalia so often
And what I've pushed for.. for a while is when yall have nobles in the progressions have these battles. What better a location to have them.. than in regalia. Actually let them play out. And i would think the rpers would hire a pvper to fight on their behalf and the outcome be cannon on the progression
And what I've pushed for.. for a while is when yall have nobles in the progressions have these battles. What better a location to have them.. than in regalia. Actually let them play out. And i would think the rpers would hire a pvper to fight on their behalf and the outcome be cannon on the progression
Cough sounds like silverwind cough owait cough
maybe if we had it as pvp events, we could have certain mobs or such or maybe it could be an illusion cast into your brain as a public attraction and u no loose stuff or we could just hunger games cuz why not the ailor are racist as crap anyways

you know
these aren't gifs
First maybe we need to get some normal KOTH events going... Every time I get on I'm like: KOTH! is a KOTH going on? Boi I hope their is a KOTH event. I have never been in a KOTH before.

And then their is no KOTH going on :P
I think something like this would be amazing for an Event. Like, say... when the Bone Horrors... eventually... attack.... Regalia... PLEASE STAFF GODS I WANT THE MADNESS!

*clears throat* Ahem anyway. If they had a backup of the City where maybe PVP or Mob Spawning was allowed, to allow for crazy events like the city being invaded or something, that would be amazing. They could even set up teams and make it more RP oriented, like, Guards are on a team so they cant kill each other, etc.

Or they could have 'Non Canon' events where players get to play as Guards where they couldn't otherwise, or even soldiers or Imperial Guards, and battle a Revolution, or Invading armies, etc.
I think something like this would be amazing for an Event. Like, say... when the Bone Horrors... eventually... attack.... Regalia... PLEASE STAFF GODS I WANT THE MADNESS!

*clears throat* Ahem anyway. If they had a backup of the City where maybe PVP or Mob Spawning was allowed, to allow for crazy events like the city being invaded or something, that would be amazing. They could even set up teams and make it more RP oriented, like, Guards are on a team so they cant kill each other, etc.

Or they could have 'Non Canon' events where players get to play as Guards where they couldn't otherwise, or even soldiers or Imperial Guards, and battle a Revolution, or Invading armies, etc.
I like it but it would really happen
I mean it would kill off so many characters
I think an illusion event would be kinda kewl
I like it but it would really happen
I mean it would kill off so many characters
I think an illusion event would be kinda kewl
Thats what I mean like, I didn't mean actual mobs, it would be emoted by staff for the Bone Horror thing. Just, that way they can have fun trashing the city without worrying about player housing etc.

Staff and Players could just go nuts with it lol
Thats what I mean like, I didn't mean actual mobs, it would be emoted by staff for the Bone Horror thing. Just, that way they can have fun trashing the city without worrying about player housing etc.

Staff and Players could just go nuts with it lol
yeah if we have like staff emote it, that would be fun,
or we could have such like npcs that give emotes or something..
like those annoying vampires and other mobs that talk
A second Regalia would be too confusing for new players. We currently have a KOTH event world which should satisfy the PvP/KOTH needs.
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