Archived Referral Rewards

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Definitely Maybe
Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
Arinthian Coalition
I think it would be great if massive craft had a system/plugin that when you first log on to massive, you can enter the username of someone who referred you to the server. The person who got referred and who referred them would get an item similar to voting, but a little better since it is a one time thing.

  • It would encourage people to invite their friends
  • It would encourage newer players to stay on the server, now that they have some starting items with value, and friends to play with
  • The friends invited would more likely stay on the server for longer, now that they also have friends that play
  • Could be abused with alts, but not too big a worry since it is a one time deal
  • I don't have any experience with coding plugins, so I don't no if this would either be hard to code, or not worth the coder's time

Newer played are encouraged to stay on longer, while bringing friends in, and their friends staying longer. May or may not be hard to code/not worth time.

P.S. This is my first idea I have posted so if you like the idea great! If you absolutely hated it and thought I spewed absurdities on to my keyboard, still great! Just explain why below.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think this would be nice for the people who used it as you envision. However, having worked in the Game department, I know that people would mass buy hacked accounts to abuse this, and that most of the friends they would invite would log on only long enough for them to get the item for their friend and join their friend's faction to increase it's claim power. As we add more quests, with rewards, there will be more chances for friends to work together and get more loot with which to start out. I am hoping that these quests, the roleplay, the chance to PVP and fight new mobs, will give players ample reasons to invite their friends.
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