Archived Reduced Starting Money

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Seasoned Runner
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
I'm suggesting reduced starting money to try to reduce inflation by cutting the 30 silver to 15 silver. Here are my calculations on this suggestion:

If you start off with 15 silver, you'd probably want to buy some tools to do some work with. I am going to say that diamonds are worth 0.25 silver, maybe more, maybe less. If you wanted a hoe, a pickaxe, a sword, an axe, a shovel, and a fishing rod...well, let's do the math.

0.25 * 2 = 0.5 for a hoe. 0.25 * 3 = 0.75 for a pickaxe. 0.25 * 2 = 0.5 for a sword. 0.25 * 3 = 0.75 for an axe. 0.25 * 1 = 0.25 for a shovel. And I'm just going to say that fishing rods are 0.25 silver. You would do 0.5 + 0.75 + 0.5 + 0.75 + 0.25 + 0.25 = 3 silver.

It's about mid-day, and after digging some tunnels underground with your new tools, you want to buy something to eat! Let's just say you want carrots. A stack of carrots will sell for 1 silver pretty easily. Now you've spent 4 silver.

Now it is night and you are out mob hunting for the very first time. You realize that you forgot to buy armor! If you wanted iron armor since you are a non-premium, then I'm just going to estimate that the total cost of a set of iron armor is 5 silver. Might be less, might be more. If you are a premium and you want diamond armor, let's say that diamonds are 0.25 each.

0.25 * 5 = 1.25 for a helmet. 0.25 * 9 = 2.25 for a chestplate. 0.25 * 7 = 1.75 for leggings. 0.25 * 4 = 1 for boots. You would do 1.25 + 2.25 + 1.75 + 1 = 6.25 silver.

The total cost, with iron armor, would be 9 silver. The total cost, with diamond armor, would be 10.25 silver. Either one would give you about 5 silver remaining, about a third of your starting money. For the essentials, I think that 15 silver would be enough. 30 silver, for each new player, is in my opinion way too much money going into the economy.
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We could also remove ALL the silver on the server, resetting everyone to 30. That would be super fair to everyone!
You could also be a good example and give away All your silver, to a safezone faction to reduce inflation! :-)
We could also remove ALL the silver on the server, resetting everyone to 30. That would be super fair to everyone!
You could also be a good example and give away All your silver, to a safezone faction to reduce inflation! :)

This would be extremely unfair to the people that have worked very hard to earn their money, so I don't think this would be a good idea.
We could also remove ALL the silver on the server, resetting everyone to 30. That would be super fair to everyone!
You could also be a good example and give away All your silver, to a safezone faction to reduce inflation! :)

Maybe make it so only those with less then 30 get 30, people are trying to make a faction and they have nearly 200s from what I know.
I do see how this wil benefit faction recruitments. The choise to start your own faction as a beginner is now more difficult as you then will need 13 other players instead of 6. Thus prevent factions with lower than 10 members. Also people will rather join existing factions so they can keep that little money they previously had... And so grow the large factions to even larger factions...

But that more my opinion...

I like seeing huge factions with multiple cities and villages, than each faction with his own little town...
It would be in my belief that it would be more epic ;) (imagine faction wars at that scale)
And then think of that starting people are epic newbs and doesnt know a thing about economy and can buy 1 freaking carrot for 5 silver._.
So, the new player spends most of 15 silver and has iron armor, diamond tools and a stack of food. They finally get enough help to find the wilderness, and a friendly thief is waiting for them the moment they step out of the safe zone. They die, losing all of their tools and armor. They will be more careful next time, but with only 15 silver, their money is gone, so why would they bother to try again. Lowering the starting money would just encourage people to find another server.
So, the new player spends most of 15 silver and has iron armor, diamond tools and a stack of food. They finally get enough help to find the wilderness, and a friendly thief is waiting for them the moment they step out of the safe zone. They die, losing all of their tools and armor. They will be more careful next time, but with only 15 silver, their money is gone, so why would they bother to try again. Lowering the starting money would just encourage people to find another server.
And this is why people would be encouraged to find a faction.

Also, even if players buy overpriced things, they'll learn overtime that they can get the same thing for cheaper. They'll also hopefully become smarter about their money, and not spend every penny they get.

It's the same with compulsive shopping. The shopaholic doesn't care whether he/she gets 100, 200, even 1000 dollars to spend. They'll spend all of it, or most of it on worthless crap that they don't need. When they get into trouble, they realize that it is a problem and try to change their behavior.

Same with the Minecraft situation. Once they get killed by a thief while wearing expensive items, they'll learn that they shouldn't hang wealth around their necks and should be more careful about who they meet. They might realize that factions are the best way to go, not making a dirt hut in wilderness and complaining when it gets destroyed and they are killed.
So, the new player spends most of 15 silver and has iron armor, diamond tools and a stack of food. They finally get enough help to find the wilderness, and a friendly thief is waiting for them the moment they step out of the safe zone. They die, losing all of their tools and armor. They will be more careful next time, but with only 15 silver, their money is gone, so why would they bother to try again. Lowering the starting money would just encourage people to find another server.

Just like to note that with 30 silver they still burn it all before leaving Regalia - so many things to buy, so very overpriced!
this would not be fair people like us who have been on massive would have started with 30 and the new players would only get 15
We could also remove ALL the silver on the server, resetting everyone to 30. That would be super fair to everyone!
You could also be a good example and give away All your silver, to a safezone faction to reduce inflation! :)

Once again you come in with your negative attitude that does nothing but eliminate discussion, could you please try to post something constructive now and then?

I think 15 or 20 silver could be a good amount, but new people also buy expensive things.

This would also reduce the shops worth, as new players buy things for any price.
Once again you come in with your negative attitude that does nothing but eliminate discussion, could you please try to post something constructive now and then?

I didnt really mean it in a negative tone, my attempt to be sarcastic might have failed.
You all do realize, imboring's calculation is not quite right. It would not solve inflation, it would merely give new players a disadvantage, as they (pardon my french in advance) wouldn't be able to afford shit. If it COULD work, I'd be all for it, but it can't really work, so I'm not.
I'm suggesting reduced starting money to try to reduce inflation by cutting the 30 silver to 15 silver. Here are my calculations on this suggestion:

If you start off with 15 silver, you'd probably want to buy some tools to do some work with. I am going to say that diamonds are worth 0.25 silver, maybe more, maybe less. If you wanted a hoe, a pickaxe, a sword, an axe, a shovel, and a fishing rod...well, let's do the math.

0.25 * 2 = 0.5 for a hoe. 0.25 * 3 = 0.75 for a pickaxe. 0.25 * 2 = 0.5 for a sword. 0.25 * 3 = 0.75 for an axe. 0.25 * 1 = 0.25 for a shovel. And I'm just going to say that fishing rods are 0.25 silver. You would do 0.5 + 0.75 + 0.5 + 0.75 + 0.25 + 0.25 = 3 silver.

It's about mid-day, and after digging some tunnels underground with your new tools, you want to buy something to eat! Let's just say you want carrots. A stack of carrots will sell for 1 silver pretty easily. Now you've spent 4 silver.

Now it is night and you are out mob hunting for the very first time. You realize that you forgot to buy armor! If you wanted iron armor since you are a non-premium, then I'm just going to estimate that the total cost of a set of iron armor is 5 silver. Might be less, might be more. If you are a premium and you want diamond armor, let's say that diamonds are 0.25 each.

0.25 * 5 = 1.25 for a helmet. 0.25 * 9 = 2.25 for a chestplate. 0.25 * 7 = 1.75 for leggings. 0.25 * 4 = 1 for boots. You would do 1.25 + 2.25 + 1.75 + 1 = 6.25 silver.

The total cost, with iron armor, would be 9 silver. The total cost, with diamond armor, would be 10.25 silver. Either one would give you about 5 silver remaining, about a third of your starting money. For the essentials, I think that 15 silver would be enough. 30 silver, for each new player, is in my opinion way too much money going into the economy.

Yes. And them some stronger premium comes and kills you :) Start from the bottom again! ((This is an example))
I don't think this is such a good idea. Like people have said, you can get attacked and lose all your stuff. Sure, you could join a faction, but here's the thing:
Most factions aren't safe.

Sure, the pvp factions are strong, and are well protected, but they only accept people with high mcmmo stats. With peaceful factions, there's generally no military, so even though it's a faction it still isn't safe against raids. Joining a faction that is actually safe might not be an option.
Well the problem currently isn't that we have too much silver in the system, but that we don't have enough silver. If we decrease the amount of silver newer people start with, the worth of a single silver will just grow.

Regardless if a faction is safe or not, you can prevent loosing your money when you join one. I don't say its easy to join a faction and put your trust in people you don't know. But its better to join a faction and keep your money. Then to go out on your own and start a new faction with other people and have no money at all. And I am confident that there are plenty faction out there who are small, peacefull, defenceless and still don't get attacked due to picking a good location.;)
You all do realize, imboring's calculation is not quite right. It would not solve inflation, it would merely give new players a disadvantage, as they (pardon my french in advance) wouldn't be able to afford shit. If it COULD work, I'd be all for it, but it can't really work, so I'm not.
You obviously don't know how the economy works. My calculation would solve inflation because less silver would be added in to the economy. The more silver there is, the less it is worth. It's kind of like collectibles - The more of a certain thing there is, whether it be a trading card, a ticket, etc. - the less it is worth.

If noobs don't know the economy before buying things in an overcrowded area of stalls, that's their problem. They'll learn to be more careful with their cash and become wise with it. As I said before, it doesn't matter whether we give them 15 silver, 30 silver, or even 50 silver. They will burn it all anyway, and then ragequit after realizing that they blew it on stuff that's either too overpriced or just a bunch of junk. And where does all that silver go to? It lines the rich's pockets, since most of the others can't even own a shop in Regalia, so there is no competition, becoming a monopoly.

Ever heard the saying, "the rich get rich and the poor get poorer?" This is what it means. So please, if you do not know how inflation, the economy, or the psychology of new players works, please don't post as I only want educated responses to this suggestion. Not Black Panther and his dumb pictures.
You have to realise its not all about the amount of silver being added into the server, its the items. for example People can mass produce many enchanted books and sell them for cheap, thus lowering the price on the normally expensive items, e.g, sharp V axes or god armor.
You obviously don't know how the economy works. My calculation would solve inflation because less silver would be added in to the economy. The more silver there is, the less it is worth. It's kind of like collectibles - The more of a certain thing there is, whether it be a trading card, a ticket, etc. - the less it is worth.

If noobs don't know the economy before buying things in an overcrowded area of stalls, that's their problem. They'll learn to be more careful with their cash and become wise with it. As I said before, it doesn't matter whether we give them 15 silver, 30 silver, or even 50 silver. They will burn it all anyway, and then ragequit after realizing that they blew it on stuff that's either too overpriced or just a bunch of junk. And where does all that silver go to? It lines the rich's pockets, since most of the others can't even own a shop in Regalia, so there is no competition, becoming a monopoly.

Ever heard the saying, "the rich get rich and the poor get poorer?" This is what it means. So please, if you do not know how inflation, the economy, or the psychology of new players works, please don't post as I only want educated responses to this suggestion. Not Black Panther and his dumb pictures.
Its not that hard to get money and get a shop. If you are lazy then don't complain about being poor.
"If you are born poor its not your mistake but if you die poor its your mistake." -Bill Gates
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