Archived Re-define House Guard Charter Regulations In Respect To Other Charters

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40th President of the United States
Oct 3, 2017
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United States of America
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The rule within the Regalian House Guard Charter preventing house guards to be members of guard orders makes a lot of sense, since there have been troubles / questions around it both IC and OOC beforehands.

However, I think the overlap between house guards and other charters should be allowed considering the recent influx of a great amount of house guards. This could be done by separating the only two charters right now that have borderline or full guard-related duties.

House guards should not be able to join:
- The Regalian City Guard
- The Vigilant Shield
- The Safeguard Rangers

House guards should be able to join:
- The Sawbones Society
- The Law Society
- The Merchants' Guild
- Any future military charter
- The Alchimia Order
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The Rules are IC, meaning they should be appealed IC.

From a Noble Management stand point of view however, a member that is a member of multiple charters and House Guards becomes a zero-number, meaning they do not count towards power projection due to conflicting loyalty. A player cannot contribute to the power projection of A and B, thus any House Guard where all members are also a member of a charter, count as 0 actual power projection.
Would disagree with this alone. Otherwise completely agreed.

Though I'm fairly certain this is just IC regulation and as such should be changed ICly.

Tell me if not, but I think you misunderstood. I was kinda referring to militaries. EG, presenting your house guard in your house military.