Archived Ra'zoc & Lethbrekka (new Race Suggestion)

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Mar 9, 2014
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The Ra'zoc are and evil race that are rarely seen and uncommon. They are pure meat-eaters and very dangerous. The Ra'zoc normally wear clokes over themselves to hide their twisted bodies. They have hunched over bodies with a black exoskeleton that covers their whole body other than their face, they have beakes instead of lips and they have beady little eyes like a beetles, their native tounge consist of a series of clicking sounds (much like the morse code), and when they speak in the human tounge their voices sound like the hissing of a snake, they don't have normal hands but claws like a birds instead . They stronger, faster, and more agile than humans orcs tigrans and are very skilled in battle although they do not have the ability to use magic. The Ra'zoc are just children and adolescent Lethbrekka(The Ra'zoc are like the Lethbrekka's pupie) . The Lethbrekka have wings and are able to fly, their wings are covered in black feathers and have hands(claws) on the end of them to grip things with. Their heads are like that of a large vultures without a neck and the drooping thing. The rest of their bodies are like that of the Ra'zoc's and their feet are like that of a hawks. The whole lifespan of them is about 468 years. Their hearts are said to be black as night and they were said to be created by an evil unknown Wizard.
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and also not all games have them like that some have thdm as the tiny ones who help santa and or o.e that go around at night and steal things
Ok here is my problem, Lethrblaka, are basicly horses. Would you want people rping as basicly deamon horses?
And with the Ra'zac: Ra'zacs' breath have the power to paralyze humans in a dream-like state
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At least attempt to spell the names right. Its Ra'zac and Lethrblaka.
The Lethbrekka is from the Lamb Amongst the Stars series, right? At least, I think I remember them from there. Both of these races were taken from other texts and are too specific as such to be approved. You say you're going to attempt to change their lore, yet it seems (at least for the Ra'zac) that they are carbon copies of their novel counterparts. It's not enough to just change the story, the description and abilities being so similar would be enough to have these races dismissed and rejected immediately.
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