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Character Information
- Full Name » Rayne Lupescu
- Nicknames/Titles » Butcher of Crookback, Fox, Bloodhound, Witch, Red
- Heritage » Ailor (Wirtem-Întuneric)
- Age » 22
- Gender/Pronouns » Feminine-presenting; has no serious attachment to gender identity here nor there. (demigirl, she/they)
- Religion » Rayne is a syncretic worshiper; she is an Evolist first and a Nilthist secondly, holding the self-imposed responsibilities of either faith quietly and distantly. Recent times have made her less and less certain of her religion, however.
- Occult » Abyss and Vortex mage; Vampire Brood (Bremnevel Bloodline).
- Occupation » Hunter, Butcher, Alchemist, and an occasional gun for hire.
Appearance Information
» Rayne stands at 5'4" and weighs around 120 lbs. One will notice that Rayne's footsteps are almost always eerily silent, a peculiar product of her experience as a tracker and hunter. Rayne makes up for what is an overall unimposing stature with violent battle tactics, kinships with beasts, and an uncanny tolerance towards pain.
» Rayne's eyes are a warm amber color with vertically slitted pupils, comparable to that of a fox. These eyes are perhaps the only mutation she was truly born with. Her stare maintains a constant and unnerving sort of lightlessness. Long, reddish-brown waves of hair are most often styled into a semi-neat bun. Rayne maintains an unreadable and stern expression when at rest. Beyond faint ruddiness from cold or sun, color rarely graces her pale skin. Perhaps the most obvious indicator of her Brood identity would be the beastly-sharp canine teeth that appear as fangs in her mouth.
» Rayne's hands sport dark, sharp claws. The surfaces of her hands and forearms are a gently dusky ombre in color and scaled with a texture reminiscent of avian scutes. Rayne also possesses subtle disruptive coloration on her hips, thighs and forearms much like a tiger's stripes. A wiry, sooty-brown tail that ends with a tassel of black fur, comparable to a cow's or lion's tail (and yet still uniquely unidentifiable in species), flicks agitatedly behind her more often than not.
» Rayne is often found wearing her favorite military-grade scarlet coat over whatever neat and casual underclothes she finds suitable for the day. She almost never removes her hunting gloves. Beyond that, Rayne prefers to dress practically, with a generally masculine-leaning and dark-colored fashion sense. Rayne enjoys creating and wearing baubles and charms made from the game she hunts, believing the remnants of her past successes to be good luck and aides in future hunts. Teeth, carved bone, fur tufts and feathers alike can be found hanging off the loops of her holsters and belts.
» Rayne's eyes are a warm amber color with vertically slitted pupils, comparable to that of a fox. These eyes are perhaps the only mutation she was truly born with. Her stare maintains a constant and unnerving sort of lightlessness. Long, reddish-brown waves of hair are most often styled into a semi-neat bun. Rayne maintains an unreadable and stern expression when at rest. Beyond faint ruddiness from cold or sun, color rarely graces her pale skin. Perhaps the most obvious indicator of her Brood identity would be the beastly-sharp canine teeth that appear as fangs in her mouth.
» Rayne's hands sport dark, sharp claws. The surfaces of her hands and forearms are a gently dusky ombre in color and scaled with a texture reminiscent of avian scutes. Rayne also possesses subtle disruptive coloration on her hips, thighs and forearms much like a tiger's stripes. A wiry, sooty-brown tail that ends with a tassel of black fur, comparable to a cow's or lion's tail (and yet still uniquely unidentifiable in species), flicks agitatedly behind her more often than not.
» Rayne is often found wearing her favorite military-grade scarlet coat over whatever neat and casual underclothes she finds suitable for the day. She almost never removes her hunting gloves. Beyond that, Rayne prefers to dress practically, with a generally masculine-leaning and dark-colored fashion sense. Rayne enjoys creating and wearing baubles and charms made from the game she hunts, believing the remnants of her past successes to be good luck and aides in future hunts. Teeth, carved bone, fur tufts and feathers alike can be found hanging off the loops of her holsters and belts.
Skill Information
- Alchemy. (An apothecary for toxins and poisons. Well-versed in transmutations.)
- Medical. (Alarmingly good at taking someone apart. For surgery, of course.)
- Athletic. (Hunter, trapper, and war veteran of the Regalian-Sendrassian War. Never truly resting.)
- Magic. (Schools: Body, Genos, Blood, Familiar Magic. Rayne is most adept at hemomancy and body modifications. Under worse yet circumstances, an unfettered connection to the Abyss can transform Rayne into something terrible - sometimes unwillingly.)
- Languages »
∙ Înnora (In) [Native]
∙ Common [Fluent]
∙ Calem (Cal) [Fluent]
∙ Katharic/Pannarokh (K) [Conversational]
∙ Natl (Natl) [Conversational]
∙ Shalota (Sha) [Elementary]
∙ Lëtz (Letz) [Elementary]
Personality and History
» Rayne is a dhampiric huntswoman with a penchant for natural sciences and alchemy. She generally favors haste and stealth, taking advantage of having the upper hand in close encounters. She holds a poorly-hidden zeal for aggression whenever an opportunity arises to bloodlet. Though she can be found anywhere in almost any crowd of the city, she finds her home to lie in the marshes and forests of Gloomrot. Despite a sheltered village upbringing and introverted tendencies, Rayne is more often than not relatively well-spoken and polite. She is capable of digging up charisma when she wishes, or the closest thing she has to it.
» She prefers solving problems with pragmatic reasoning first, and conniving brutality second. Her smile does not always last long, though, as she tends to tire quickly in social contexts, better suited for isolation and wilderness. More often than not, Rayne wears a blank expression. It is never quite clear if she is in on some sort of joke or means anything she says until it is too late. One would find she can be anything, and appeal to anyone - to a certain point.
» Rayne has an acute fascination for hunting, butchery, taxidermy, and the macabre. She is a very curious individual, masked as it may be - and in many ways, brave to a fault. She is constantly asking questions to herself about the circumstances she may find herself in. She has a vast appreciation for experimentation, body modifications, and hands-on field study. Because of her unconventional interests, Rayne often keeps the truest version of her personality (and a majority of her life history) disguised, but one cannot deny she knows her way around a knife and her prey's physiology. A dichotomy arises between her earnest love for wildlife and her clinical, obsessive pursuit of knowledge, especially when she must choose between the two. -
» Rayne grew up as an only child beneath the damning union of a Wirtem soldier and an Intuneric vampiric alchemist. Her father and mother, respectively. Living her early life in an isolated village amidst the tundras and forests of northeastern Allachia, Baldmark, Rayne developed an obsession with fire and hunting, for building camps and stalking wildlife was about all she could do to keep busy. As she grew, she rapidly lost connection with familial ties due to her father's abrupt death and her mother's participation in amateur necromancy in a deluded effort to revive her late husband. This, along with a list of some particularly changing experiences thereafter, led Rayne to quietly abandoning home out of equal parts fear and ambition.
» Perhaps as a subconscious attempt to better connect to her mother's desperation that she remembered so vividly, Rayne developed a notable fixation on alchemy as an adolescent, and later science as a whole, intrigued by the ability to manipulate the natural world as a result. In Rayne's eyes, things in nature happened for a reason. To play god in this world was fundamentally foolish, yet so very tempting -- and to conquer one's own nature all the while? Even more so.
» Long before her departure, Rayne had already begun to daydream of a better existence. One filled with knowledge and purpose, and perhaps a bit of power and control. These were all things that Rayne felt she lacked, confined in the dark reaches of the cold northern town. Perhaps she could find work at a lab or library, where she could read to her heart's content about the intricacies of gunmanship and zoology. Or, maybe she could wedge herself into a community in need of a hunter. This desire is what ultimately led to her desertion of home. In current day, memories of her childhood follow her like an old dog, and ruminations of her past haunt her like a ghost. She desperately pretends this is not the case, but in reality, the fear of repetition is precisely what guides her every move.
» Once a Greater Sanguine and now a turmoiled Brood, wild hunts and blood-starved flights of aggression brought out the worst in Rayne's instincts, resulting in a questionable diet. Many traits that Rayne possesses can be traced back to previous mutations acquired from abnormal creatures that have been hunted down and slain. Most (but not all) of these traits are now technically exorcised of their malignant properties and are instead willingly displayed through body modification magic. They serve as ritualistic proof of entities and beasts she has defeated and subsequently butchered. With an almost-random assortment of subtle and incohesive physical details, Rayne is walking, talking proof of hunger for an identity that is seemingly not yet sated.
» By means of flesh that has been synthesized from a combination of monsters that truly shan't be consumed, Rayne's chimeric body has taken on more toxic qualities. Her combined biology renders the Brood's blood vitriolic and near-acidic to any it touches upon -- a double-negative, considering the way it already sizzles in direct sunlight. Beware the ichor.
» The collection and "adoption" of her slain prey is an obsessive fixation, and conversation over her claws, tail, stripes, and any other manner of oddities that an Ailor shouldn't quite have is easy to prompt. This odd habit seems to be entirely unrelated to her religious beliefs or personal alignments - but how willing she is to discuss the origin of her black hole of an appetite for domination and ownership is another thing entirely. -
» Vampirism has marred Rayne's magic with a Faustian curse, granting her a malignant addendum of physical prowess at the sacrifice of her personhood. When magically triggered, Rayne transforms into Criptapaznic, a lanky, emaciated beast that looks more like the remnants of a burnt forest than a living creature. Reflective golden-yellow eyes and an occasional flash of large, sharp teeth peek through an otherwise shadowy visage. A majority of its face (or lack thereof) is consistently and perfectly hidden from view beneath a mop of copper hair and fur/forest detritus, no matter the time of day nor lighting, as though it is kept hidden on purpose. One can theorize that this form exists as a maladaptive defense mechanism in times of extreme distress, but in practice it is detrimentally hazardous.
» Criptapaznic's voice is distinctly difficult to listen to, like an animal attempting to replicate human speech. Its quiet vocal patterns are rickety, hissing, and twinged with a heavy Intuneric accent. Perhaps even more disturbingly, Criptapaznic is sometimes capable of typical intelligent conversation - and to some degree, mimicry of others. There is a person buried deep in there, after all. Mercifully, it does not speak often. Perhaps seeing the creature at all is a bad enough omen on its own.
» From a distance, perhaps the smell of freshly lit firewood or slow-charred meat would serve to comfort. If one were to stand too close to its source, the almost-choking stench of pine smoke and copper would emanate from Criptapaznic's form, despite not visibly being on fire, bleeding nor rotting. For those who can detect such, the beast is most notably kept together with hemomancy and Abyss magic. Perhaps by means of some twisted metabolism, Criptapaznic is insatiably hungry. Its transformation seems to only be able to last as long as it is energized by flesh and blood, or until its physical integrity gives out.
» Rayne speaks little of this form in public view, and will even be staunchly deceptive about its connection to her, for she understands the consequences of notoriety well. Whispered tales of severed limbs and unidentifiable viscera paints the paths of the Gloom red with fear, and any seasoned traveler would know better than to go looking for trouble off the beaten path. Those who seek information on Criptapaznic would have better luck simply traversing Gloomrot Forest to catch a glimpse of it - but along with bravery comes a high price to pay.
Notable connections in Rayne's life with important figures range wildly from morally righteous to downright dubious. Below includes a brief list of major feats and associations.
» Rayne is a long-time member and elusive managerial supporter of the Woodsman's Guild. Despite her roguish ongoings and appearance that would serve to minorly unsettle any devout Purists at second glance, the Brood has found longtime friends and business partners in the forested town of Morgenwend as a result of what is a genuine desire to protect and serve Gloomrot and the Badlands, its people included.
» Several months of obsessively tracking down the mutant creations of Motēuczōma, leader of the Baleblood Cult, led to his ultimate demise at the tip of Rayne's knife. A monstrously powerful amulet was taken from the Cultist's body, resulting in Rayne being the first holder of Mazatlias and the subsequent owner of the first Monstercast Chain. Her true intentions in this seemingly noble mission, especially as an Evolist, remain to be questioned.
» Rayne's hatred for old money nobility and Elven hands of control is no mystery. She is a benefactor and loyalist to Augustin Roca, having assisted diligently in his Company's efforts throughout the Amontaar Occupation and beyond. Rayne can never quite scrub her hands free of the blood she has spilled in the name of this cause. She doesn't mind.
» A years-long fixation on adaptations and personal evolution have landed Rayne with a fanatical obsession towards the Body Arken. She engages in its teachings whenever provided with such, and gives what she can in return to keep it attentive and amused, considering it a luminary celebrity or legendary mentor just as much as she considers it a wildcard of a threat. She speaks little of the extent of her service to Body, and how far her dedication goes is uncertain. One can only hope there is an end to it.
» Perpetually drawn to the ball and chain of Purists despite allegedly being their enemy in almost every way, Rayne has a long and painful history of subservience towards the Lothar Order. She disregards commentary on this chapter of her life, insistent that things are different now. Anyone who knows her best would also know that certain wounds have not yet healed over, and this can sometimes result in dissonant decisions, such as her heavy involvement in the Regalian-Sendrassian War as a frontline fighter and guerrilla ambusher. Purists and Knights alike can find an exceedingly useful friend or a violently bitter foe in Rayne at the same time, depending on how they play their cards.
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Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
- Dexterity »7
- Cutthroat | Target
- Cutthroat | Dodge
- Cutthroat | Bleed
- Cutthroat | Escape
- Roguery | Improvised Attack
- Roguery | Sharp Reflexes
- Roguery | Venomous Strikes
- Magic » 5
- Arcane | Aura
- Arcane | Echostrike
- Adapt | Wardrobe Pack [Magical Variant]
- Adapt | Shapeshift Pack [Magical Variant]
- Invoke | Monster Invocation
- Strength » 2
- Melee | Technique Parry
- Melee | Tangle Strike
- Constitution » 1
- Training | Iron Will
Woodsman Spirit | You have Selvath Heritage Trait 4, Capitalism Free. This is represented not as a total rejection of money and trade, but as the countryside looking out for each other, and not shopping in the City for things they grow and make themselves. |
Night Vision | You have perfect night vision, capable of seeing in dark and low-light environments without needing external lights, but does not have any Combat applications, and some Magical forms of darkness overrule Night Vision. |
Dhampir Blood | Your blood will sizzle and spark with a low flame when exposed to sunlight if you are uninfected with Vampirism. This can be used to prove your identity as a Brood to non-Vampires. |
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