Archived Ra'zoc & Lethbrekka (new Race Suggestion)

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Mar 9, 2014
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The Ra'zoc are and evil race that are rarely seen and uncommon. They are pure meat-eaters and very dangerous. The Ra'zoc normally wear clokes over themselves to hide their twisted bodies. They have hunched over bodies with a black exoskeleton that covers their whole body other than their face, they have beakes instead of lips and they have beady little eyes like a beetles, their native tounge consist of a series of clicking sounds (much like the morse code), and when they speak in the human tounge their voices sound like the hissing of a snake, they don't have normal hands but claws like a birds instead . They stronger, faster, and more agile than humans orcs tigrans and are very skilled in battle although they do not have the ability to use magic. The Ra'zoc are just children and adolescent Lethbrekka(The Ra'zoc are like the Lethbrekka's pupie) . The Lethbrekka have wings and are able to fly, their wings are covered in black feathers and have hands(claws) on the end of them to grip things with. Their heads are like that of a large vultures without a neck and the drooping thing. The rest of their bodies are like that of the Ra'zoc's and their feet are like that of a hawks. The whole lifespan of them is about 468 years. Their hearts are said to be black as night and they were said to be created by an evil unknown Wizard.
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One thing I have to say is the ability for the other race to fly. This should probably change as people could just be like, "Flies off."
One thing I have to say is the abilI have not thouvhity for the other race to fly. This should probably change as people could just be like, "Flies off."[/
Well i was think for the flying to only be able to go up or down and maybe only tree to five blocks of actuall movement per flight
but what would their wings be used for if they could only jump higher?
Umm if youre going to steal directly from eragon at least change the names.
Umm if youre going to steal directly from eragon at least change the names.
Im sorry but i dont see it as stealing, and what about the elves and orcs thwy were originally from the lord of thw rings i think that keeping the names woukd not only attract more people to the server but also to eragon as well
Im sorry but i dont see it as stealing, and what about the elves and orcs thwy were originally from the lord of thw rings i think that keeping the names woukd not only attract more people to the server but also to eragon as well
also sorry for my mispellings i am on my phone doing this so the keys are small
Im sorry but i dont see it as stealing, and what about the elves and orcs thwy were originally from the lord of thw rings i think that keeping the names woukd not only attract more people to the server but also to eragon as well
I'm also 100% sure elves/dwarves are not originally from Lord of the Rings, and the staff aren't accepting new race ideas/suggestions anyway.
orc are tolkirn created them they were originally elves that got captured by sauron and turned evil vy him
i aslo have not said anything,about dwarves
Im sorry but i dont see it as stealing, and what about the elves and orcs thwy were originally from the lord of thw rings i think that keeping the names woukd not only attract more people to the server but also to eragon as well

Orcs were a term used in the dark ages (I think, maybe the Roman Empire?) to reference the northern British population. Elves, Dwarves, Goblins, and most other commonly used fantasy races are notable in folklore since before written language. They are not new concepts either way, while the Razoc & Lethbrekka were fair unique in their nature as thinking bugs.
I've not read the Eragon series so I don't know if this is directly copied but you should aim for some originality. While Massivecraft does have races that are based on other fantasy stuff, most of the lore and background story, origins and stuff, are original. Also, if you haven't already done so, I'd suggest reading all the lore on Massive to see how these races would fit in with the world of Aloria.
I have read thw lore and i am planni.g on adding a different background than in eragon but i am still thinking it through and trying to find possivle solutions to certain problems might come up with this race but untill then this is yhe olny valid things i could put down
They have the same description and name as they do in the Inheritance Cycle ('Eragon' series). I think if we are going to add new races we should come up with slightly more original ideas.
well i am thibki.g of having the same names but different kinds of the sane thing, like the elves there are a few different kinds of them and making some be like being born with like different kinds of wings and such
Im sorry but i dont see it as stealing, and what about the elves and orcs thwy were originally from the lord of thw rings i think that keeping the names woukd not only attract more people to the server but also to eragon as well
I just died a little inside.

This is worse than the time someone asked me if there were igloos in Cuba.
Pst, Ra'zak and Lethrblaka from Eragon, everybody.

Oh. Somebody already said that, damnit.
Yes; absolutely not. Do not copy ideas from other people and try making them your own; it makes things dull, lame, and boring when you copy because most people already are familiar, it's not exciting and new anymore
If this has seriously been taken from the Eragon Series, this will be disapproved IMMEDIATELY
We're not going to directly copy a race from another series. While some of races have inspiration from other places or are common fantasy races, they are unique in their lore.
But the Avarr are going as are the Urs. I think this idea might replace the Avarr.
MonMarty himself said it as did BboyMVB that Avarr and Urs are going and are being re-worked.
Reworked and removed are two very different things
Yes the originall idea has been taken from the ragon series but the lore is going to be very different from it i am going to make major differences aith them, and also are the elvea dwarbes and orcs not alot alike the ones in the lord od the rings and are not the names the same also?
Yes the originall idea has been taken from the ragon series but the lore is going to be very different from it i am going to make major differences aith them, and also are the elvea dwarbes and orcs not alot alike the ones in the lord od the rings and are not the names the same also?
As Azas stated, those are common fantasy races and only make sense to be in Massivecraft's lore.
You do realize that orcs, elves etc are not necessarily inspired by LoTR of other fantasy series? Elves are myths in real life, while the orcs were a term used to describe the northern population.
yes i realize that but the tall slender elvea that are ussed here largkey resenble the ones from the lotr
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