Archived Race Idea: Halflings

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Officer - The Old Guard
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
The Old Guard
I was just minding my own business the other day when an interesting point came up in general chat. The general idea was that this person had RP parents of two different races (human and elf). They where a "halfling".

Now a halfling to anyone who follows the work of Tolkien is better known as a Hobbit. This got me thinking about a halfling race in Massive craft. Not strictly a hobbit, but similar. I came up with the following:

Race traits:
Big appetite: food level (hunger) is 1.5 more than any other race
Colonialism: For every wheat harvested: 20% change to drop another

Then either one or both of the following:
hard to hit: dodge ability is 1.5 more than any other race if player hasn't attacked within x seconds
Invisible: Shift clicking the ground with empty inventory slot would make player invisible to non-halfling entities for x seconds with an x seconds cool down.
Vampire immunity

Tell me what you all think about the idea? I think its fairly balanced and would be a race more designed for getting away from trouble (so kind of leaning towards hobbit in that sense).

We have races that don't need food... why not have one that needs more than usual?

Don't rate as disagree without giving a well thought out agreement to why you disagree.
And read the whole thread, lots has been said already!
Further Edit

With regards to the invisibility trait, a lot of people have said "oh its rubbish" or that is could be used to attack other players in PVP. Let me amend this by suggesting either a) no invisibility, or b) severely diminished attack for x time afterwards...
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Half lings came under discussion a couple of days back, and we were actually considering implementation as a dwarf sub race.

The problem we currently have is trying to re-envision the half ling concept as small folk, and not simply re-hash lord of the rings content. They are currently code named "Kleinfolk" and won't get some visualization yet until we figure out how to create a creative foundation for the sub-race. I do have a small height comparison chart here that I was working on.
Well from what I have read, the new traits system will make "halflings" a possibility. I'd love to get into a) the code b) the lore and possibly even c) the artwork behind all this as I have a few ideas (as you may of noticed), which have evolved through the course of this thread...
The invisible thing will be too OP
Actually, The invisibility won't be too OP if there is a cooldown time say like 10 minutes and you can only use it for say a minute to thirty seconds.
Also things that could balance them are they could have an infinite slowness on them(because short legs can't run fast) or Weakness( Because they are smaller, not as much muscle)
Little midget.. :P
I strongly like this concept because under all the races the humans are the closest (in my opinion) to a agrarian culture than any others. For example dwarfes mine, elves (um lumberjack or hunt), yanar (hippies JKJK), maira (deep see mining), Dakkar (warriors of the deep), and humans well they seem like the last race for that yet they are also nobility so hmmm. Halflings would be perfect for this and not only this but massive needs more peaceful races.

everything in () are opinions or idk's
I want goblins. they're so tiny and adorable. But Halflings sound cute too.
Me too, I played a Goblin on the previous RP server I've played on. They were a sub race of the orcs I think, or some allies or something... I can't really remember. I'd actually love to see them here, and I'd definitly play one again
I'm going to try to stay neutral on this one, and say my piece.. Halflings aren't just from LOTR, I knew about them before I ever knew about LOTR. I think it could possibly work, and at the same time I think it can't work. Halflings aren't known for their heartiness, They wouldn't be able to stand up to the blows a human would. Also for invisibility, Have a long cooldown, and have it so when you hit a player; it would cancel the invisibility. As it was stated before; they probably won't be accepting new races into the actual plugin. Also halfings have existed for a long time; they've been copied by everything, so try not to be too hard on that part of things. At this point in time, trying to get an entirely new race is pointless; they'll be making a lot of changes, and they aren't accepting full blown new races; so try to be mindful of that. I'm not going to agree, or disagree on this, but I will keep an eye on this.
You did disregard part of my statement. The staff don't want more races for a few reasons.
  • They confuse new players
  • Adding to many races can lower the quality of races.
  • The traits system will override the races.
Also halfling is straight from LOTR, people already compare Massive with TES. We don't need another reason to be compared with pop cultural fantasy.
You're allowed to have your opinion mind though,
  1. Staff may reconsider adding more Races in the future, and this is a good suggestion to look back too.
  2. Adds a bit more of a "pleasant" vibe to it rather then the brutal nature that seems more like every race is in war.
  3. A lot of the races are taken from other creations and they have simply changed the name and altered the lore, Why is this any different? Why can't they do this.
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