Archived Race Idea: Halflings

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Officer - The Old Guard
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
The Old Guard
I was just minding my own business the other day when an interesting point came up in general chat. The general idea was that this person had RP parents of two different races (human and elf). They where a "halfling".

Now a halfling to anyone who follows the work of Tolkien is better known as a Hobbit. This got me thinking about a halfling race in Massive craft. Not strictly a hobbit, but similar. I came up with the following:

Race traits:
Big appetite: food level (hunger) is 1.5 more than any other race
Colonialism: For every wheat harvested: 20% change to drop another

Then either one or both of the following:
hard to hit: dodge ability is 1.5 more than any other race if player hasn't attacked within x seconds
Invisible: Shift clicking the ground with empty inventory slot would make player invisible to non-halfling entities for x seconds with an x seconds cool down.
Vampire immunity

Tell me what you all think about the idea? I think its fairly balanced and would be a race more designed for getting away from trouble (so kind of leaning towards hobbit in that sense).

We have races that don't need food... why not have one that needs more than usual?

Don't rate as disagree without giving a well thought out agreement to why you disagree.
And read the whole thread, lots has been said already!
Further Edit

With regards to the invisibility trait, a lot of people have said "oh its rubbish" or that is could be used to attack other players in PVP. Let me amend this by suggesting either a) no invisibility, or b) severely diminished attack for x time afterwards...
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The staff is not excepting more races, also this is like having sub races and they don't want sub races; it will confuse new players to much.
I like it, always up for more variety in the races, classes, etc.
Billy, its not really a sub race. It would be its own separate race. The only real reference to it being a sub race would be the name "halfling" and like I said, that is another name to Hobbit... I only bring up the whole "half elf/ half human" thing because that is what got me thinking about it in the first place.

In RP you could say that was the reasoning behind choosing that race, but from a tactical player point of view, the race would be suited to players with a more passive frame of mind when playing.

The idea behind it was to give players who are not interested in a race that a) isn't human or b) isn't geared for PVP (which may I point out is all of them... and human would come under that too if you take vampire as a "SUB RACE")

Also, if you read the lore that is available, there are races that haven't been implemented yet like the Avarr or the Thylans. These races exist in the current lore (the Avarr have actually been specifically stated as making a come back in their section) so I'm guessing they will be implemented.

And if there are any admin reading this, I'm happy to help do the code for these races. I get bored at work and switching languages to Java for a bit would be a nice break :P
If you wanted your character to be anything like a halfling (or hobbit) the closest thing you'll get is half dwarf half elf :)
You did disregard part of my statement. The staff don't want more races for a few reasons.
  • They confuse new players
  • Adding to many races can lower the quality of races.
  • The traits system will override the races.
Also halfling is straight from LOTR, people already compare Massive with TES. We don't need another reason to be compared with pop cultural fantasy.
There is no good reason to add more races when the traits plugin is under development.
yeah, but the point is not to have a half and half race character, but a race that is designed to help passive players... I don't think you fully understand the point I'm trying to make about a more passive race... The lore around the current races is geared towards combat. The closest thing to a passive race in the lore is either Thylans (quoted as being "at near war" with the Urs) or the Torpids who are... lets face it, food for other Vespid.

So while Thylans would be relatively passive in terms of RP, they could still have a bonus attached to them based on their tribal ways (something like the Vespids "swarm" trait but for defence), and the Torpids are purely a defensive tank (so slower movement and a higher defence/armour ability), the race I'm proposing would be more geared for escaping combat through other means...
And Billy, I'm not disregarding your point... I've already pointed out that the lore strongly hints towards more races being made available.
I don't see how more races would confuse new players if they take the time to read through the lore available online. The traits plugin wont be getting rid of the race plugin anyway, races are being integrated into the new plugin. I think that the trait plugin (correct me if I'm wrong) will work along side the buffs of your chosen race anyway, so it will just allow for more customisation (a good thing on an RP server).
Neogreggory... I think I answered your point there too...
I get it, a passive race not geared toward combat, (like a lot, or most of the races are) I think that would be good for some people like me who aren't really into combat or Pvp, still like the idea.
Races that have passive abilities.
  • Yanar: heal with flowers
  • Maiar: speed in water, great for escaping.
  • Humans: gain more resources.
  • Naga: immune to poison.
  • Thylans: are said to be acrobatic, assumed no fall damage and maybe double jump.
Also Urs are actually the peaceful race in that war.
Billy, I'll give you the fact that they might not look like pvp buffs but here is why they are:
Yanar: Heal ability cannot be applied to yourself (thus making them more like a healer in mmo combat rpg's).

Human:Like I said, the Human's PVP trait is in Vampires, a sub race that is specific to humans.
Naga: not only do they have poison immunity, but also can inflict it in combat, making them their own melee weapon in close combat.

Maiar: The closest to a non pvp race the Maiar don't have a specific buff for attack, but they are brilliant at attacking players IN water. That speed buff in water is a weapon in its own right. You try out running something that can zoom around underneath you. A well organised group could have you circled without you standing a chance...

I'm suggesting this:
Halfling: They need to have not attacked within the last x amount of seconds to get the dodge trait. Yes the invisible trait could be used to sneak attack someone, but I was suggesting an appropriate amount of time to get away unseen. You can shift and hide with any of the races. Not a massive perk for attacking (scouting I'll give you, but when it would negate the other trait for dodging...)

The other races you mentioned are a) furries and b) do not have disclosed traits yet, so your guess about the double jump for the Thylans is as speculative as my guess about them having a pack defence buff)...
First of all, one ability of this race might be OP. Being able to get invisible in PvP is not fair, 5 seconds can allready be crusial in PvP. So why make them be able to go invisible? Ever thougth of the reason why invisibilety potions got banned?
Second of all, it's propably allready said, but they don't want race suggestions. This was because players made unballenced and OP races, I think.
And I would find it weird if we copy races from a movie. Sorry, but this is a no.
And I would find it weird if we copy races from a movie. Sorry, but this is a no.
a lot of games and movies use that name. how would you name them then? Halfling is good. i would agree ith your point if he had chosen hobbits but he didn't.
Billy, I'll give you the fact that they might not look like pvp buffs but here is why they are:
Yanar: Heal ability cannot be applied to yourself (thus making them more like a healer in mmo combat rpg's).

Human:Like I said, the Human's PVP trait is in Vampires, a sub race that is specific to humans.
Naga: not only do they have poison immunity, but also can inflict it in combat, making them their own melee weapon in close combat.

Maiar: The closest to a non pvp race the Maiar don't have a specific buff for attack, but they are brilliant at attacking players IN water. That speed buff in water is a weapon in its own right. You try out running something that can zoom around underneath you. A well organised group could have you circled without you standing a chance...

I'm suggesting this:
Halfling: They need to have not attacked within the last x amount of seconds to get the dodge trait. Yes the invisible trait could be used to sneak attack someone, but I was suggesting an appropriate amount of time to get away unseen. You can shift and hide with any of the races. Not a massive perk for attacking (scouting I'll give you, but when it would negate the other trait for dodging...)

The other races you mentioned are a) furries and b) do not have disclosed traits yet, so your guess about the double jump for the Thylans is as speculative as my guess about them having a pack defence buff)...
Naga giving poison in battle was removed shortly after release abd REPLACED by immunity to poison.
Thank you arthur, I think a lot of what I was getting at has been misinterpreted as a "I want the hobbit here now" kind of thing, the main reason for this suggestion was simply a more passive race.
Fair point TheBoomFly, it might be, what if the ability was coupled with a nurf on weapons... or just to mobs?

Also Eledana, if you could give a reason for the negative feedback and not just give it, that would be great...
The way I understand it is that the races will still be there, (not the plugin) but they will be a predefined set of traits. So MetalMaxima, when you say that the races wont matter, from what I understand, your wrong. The traits system is being put in place to help diversify characters further.

Again, all this is speculative, and until someone who knows says otherwise, we wont know. Either way, the idea of a passive race being created (through the race plugin or through traits) would still appeal to a lot of players.
No we don't need MORE comparism some people are even asking for docter who just no
Billy, I'll give you the fact that they might not look like pvp buffs but here is why they are:
Yanar: Heal ability cannot be applied to yourself (thus making them more like a healer in mmo combat rpg's).

Human:Like I said, the Human's PVP trait is in Vampires, a sub race that is specific to humans.
Naga: not only do they have poison immunity, but also can inflict it in combat, making them their own melee weapon in close combat.

Maiar: The closest to a non pvp race the Maiar don't have a specific buff for attack, but they are brilliant at attacking players IN water. That speed buff in water is a weapon in its own right. You try out running something that can zoom around underneath you. A well organised group could have you circled without you standing a chance...

I'm suggesting this:
Halfling: They need to have not attacked within the last x amount of seconds to get the dodge trait. Yes the invisible trait could be used to sneak attack someone, but I was suggesting an appropriate amount of time to get away unseen. You can shift and hide with any of the races. Not a massive perk for attacking (scouting I'll give you, but when it would negate the other trait for dodging...)

The other races you mentioned are a) furries and b) do not have disclosed traits yet, so your guess about the double jump for the Thylans is as speculative as my guess about them having a pack defence buff)...

Here's the thing; First of all, Naga have been nerfed and can no longer inflict poison. Secondly, races are just a tiny, teensy little bonus for role-play those races; they are oriented for Role-Play, all these crazy, ridiculous suggestions are tweaking the races to be more beneficial for PvP, and don't benefit Role-Play as much. You can Role-Play yourself of becoming not invisible, but harder to detect; if a normal, average human who didn't except anything there, nor did he have any special, per say 'tracker' or 'ranger' skills or whatever, under normal circumstances shouldn't be able to see you. And last of all, we don't really need these plugins; most of the time they benefit the suggester more then the general public and we honestly don't have the time to code these plugins with all the other things "they" have planned.
The way I understand it is that the races will still be there, (not the plugin) but they will be a predefined set of traits. So MetalMaxima, when you say that the races wont matter, from what I understand, your wrong. The traits system is being put in place to help diversify characters further.

Again, all this is speculative, and until someone who knows says otherwise, we wont know.
Either way, the idea of a passive race being created (through the race plugin or through traits) would still appeal to a lot of players.

Actually, so far, as of the time i posted this, there are 3 Disagree's and 2 Read More's and only 2 Agree's. The Disagree's and Read More's are made up of a few, better known Role-Players, such as @Eledana and @Oxoman while on the Agree's..well, I would rather not mud-fling, hm?
If you really want a halfling, just...breed a dwarf with a human...I think that is the closest you can get to one.
Also Eledana, if you could give a reason for the negative feedback and not just give it, that would be great...

As you wish.

To clarify, I was not aware you needed reasoning for negative feedback, because by how many had rated it, if all that did gave their reasoning, it may clutter up the thread, and do note, I have missed that tag and therefore not responded, apologies. I have rated your idea negatively, and I stand by that. Staff have implemented several races, and I believe they aren't looking for any more. Also, I feel the idea for this race is too similar to that which we already have, which makes it seem slightly irrelevant to add to roleplay. I also feel we have enough races now. Another point is that you've barely developed upon the idea, no history and no expansion upon the points you've made.

Also, I would appreciate that you would not personally pluck me out, though I'm aware you have edited the first thread post, you've tagged me in particular. Thank you.
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Eledana sorry for pointing you out. That wasn't fair, I think I just skimmed through the names and picked you out... so erm... apologies for that... That said, I have read your comments and would say this, if (IF) the idea was accepted, it would then get the richer history it would deserve, this was more towards the coding/physics side of the race, not the culture...

AurelienBela I stand by my statement that a passive race would appeal to a large amount of players, less than 10 people have voted for either agree/disagree, with the amount of people on MassiveCraft, 5 would not be a representative sample of data. In fact even if you took that to the max amount of players allowed online at one point that's 320 votes for the idea (based on the FIVE people who voted being an accurate representative of the masses), which is a LOT of players (I never said the majority).
Once again, I feel you may fall into the group of people who didn't grasp the point of the post... I'm just going to say these two words and then quote you... PASSIVE RACE
ridiculous suggestions are tweaking the races to be more beneficial for PvP, and don't benefit Role-Play as much.
The point of this passive race (call it what ever you like btw) would be to nurf OTHER players PVP abilities a little, not to increase the players.

I want a race that will allow me to sit back and farm and build, if I do get attacked, then I stand a good chance of getting away (but I could of course still attack back)... the buffs I suggested (minus the
invisibility thing) would serve only if the player remained passive
Halfling? Nah we need some yordles (totally joking)
Great idea other then the invisiblity bit this is quite a great idea!
no.... just no.... this would make unarmed players op, invisible unarmed players?!?! deadly combination, also, this is to non-lore compliant for my suites, and its balanced on negating PvPers, the idea of a 'Halfling' would probably ruin a PvP experience for anyone, and unarmed players could use invis to an advantage of punching there opponents to death with massive unarmed skills while invis.... so yeah, I think I proved my point
2001pokemon I have said maybe not the invisible trait, or the idea of being invisible to mobs only (or even other non halfling players)
but there would be a cool down attached to it and it would stop the second you attacked something. Making it totally a "run away" kind of thing... like I said though, even without that, it would still be a good idea (so just the defence buffs while not attacking, and the increased hunger)
You forget, some people don't play to PVP, they come for the RP (which is what the server is about to be honest)... I'd rather play like that knowing that if I did attack, I would loose my defence buff... making an attack a bigger choice for me than just "oh lets go kill some stuff for the lol's" (which is against the rules fyi)
I think the invisibility (even to all players) would be easy enough to balance out by adding some way of making them a very poor choice for pvp, despite that one benefit.

What really matters here, I think, is that halflings, by one name or another, are easy enough to insert into lore. They keep to themselves and often remain out of sight. People would love playing them, that's at least certain.

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