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Played Character Qimura Neiban Lin

This character is actively played.


tutant meenage neetle teetles
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
The Woods



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"You won't feel left out or unsure
Not pitiful children anymore"
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"I wanna try even though I could fail"
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( ∯ ) ART ALBUM ( ∯ )
Neiban Art Album
  • ʙᴀsɪᴄ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ || to note one's identity. 》
    • « CHOSEN NAME» Lin Neiban.
      • ↬ [ Full Name: Qimura Neiban Lin. ]
      • ↬ [ Birth Name: Wei Qimura. ]
      • ↬ [ Alias: Hixi. ]
    • « AGE» Twenty-four years exactly.
      • ↬ [ Birthday: June 14th, 290. ]
      • ↬ [ Star Sign: Gemini. ]
    • « GENDER» Nonbinary.
      • ↬ [ Pronouns: They/Them. ]
      • ↬ [ Preferred Terms of Address: Non-gendered. ]
    • « RACE» Half-Sihai.
      • ↬ [ Dominant: Dexai Sihai. ]
      • ↬ [ Recessive: Aetosian Ailor. ]
    • « OCCULT » Mortis-Brood, Mage, Invaded Spirit.
  • CORE CONCEPT || to know one's self.
    • « IDENTITY » Neiban is an inventor, enjoying finding new things to create and innovate. They enjoy working on various projects that come to mind, trying to make things that improve quality of life.
    • « RELIGION » After quite a bit of back and forth, as well as coming to terms with some memories from the past, Neiban returned to Draconism. Or rather, they finally became one after years of trying to be forced into what is now the Old Ways. They joined the faction of the Great Calm and now work towards undoing some of the old teachings still ingrained in their being and trying to build a better version of themself.
  • ᴠɪsᴜᴀʟ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ || to show one's self.
      • ↬ [ Typical: Standing about 5'5, Neiban has black hair and their skin has a slight tan to it. Their right eye is brown, while their left is a sickly green due to being a Mortis-brood. Additionally, due to being a brood, they have fangs. They like to wear shades of blue, white, and black mostly when it comes to outfits. Usually they have a crutch that appears to be Jadetech in make. ]
      • ↬ [ Disguised: When getting into trouble or running a black market stall, Neiban takes on the alias Hixi after the celestial body in the sky. They wear quite a bit of fabric that they used to hide all sorts of things on their person, though mostly a white robe with blue accents to it. They keep a blue scarf they received from their fellow market merchant wrapped around their head as well. Additionally, they have bracers that function as fingerless gloves as well. The clothing is the mundane part of their disguise, but they aren't aware what they assume is their Lunar Shifting ability is actually magic to make them look more avian. As Hixi, Neiban takes some characteristics of both a crow and a peacock with black and blue feathers in portions of their hair. Their fingers are usually talons as well. Finally, to complete the look and hide what would truly give them away, they wear a mask made from metal on the upper half of their face. The avian motifs are carried into the mask, etched into the metal. ]
      • ↬ [ Eye Color: Right eye is dark brown, left eye is sickly green. ]
      • ↬ [ Hair Style: Short black hair, the top is a longer and has tendency to get in their eyes at times. ]
      • ↬ [ Skin Tone: Slight tan. ]
      • ↬ [ Clothing Style: Typically clothes more in line with Sihai styles, consisting of blues, whites, and black. Style does deviate in ways. ]
      • ↬ [ Height: 5'5 or 165cm. ]

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"Still, though, whatever it takes
I'm gonna fix it, just watch me"
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sᴋɪʟʟ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

    • « TOTAL POINTS TO SPEND » 14 out of 14 points spent.
      • Strength: 0
      • Constitution: 0
      • Intelligence: 7
        • Engineering
          • ↬ [ Stance, free. ]
          • ↬ [ Emergency. ]
          • ↬ [ Fabrication. ]
          • ↬ [ Maintain. ]
          • ↬ [ Overheat. ]
          • ↬ [ Alarm. ]
        • Tech
          • ↬ [ Ghost, free. ]
          • ↬ [ Exchange. ]
        • Adapt
          • ↬ [ Wardrobe. ]
      • Wisdom: 0
      • Dexterity: 1
        • Roguery
          • ↬ [ Escape Artist. ]
      • Faith: 0
      • Magic: 6
        • Ley
          • ↬ [ Coding, free. ]
          • ↬ [ Detect, free. ]
          • ↬ [ Scout. ]
          • ↬ [ Photon. ]
        • Arcane
          • ↬ [ Portent. ]
          • ↬ [ Barrier. ]
          • ↬ [ Warp. ]
        • Adapt
          • ↬ [ Shapeshift. ]
      • Charisma:1
        • Speech
          • ↬ [ Hazard Presence. ]
    • « COMBAT STYLE »
      • ↬ [ Offense: Intelligence. ]
      • ↬ [ Defense: Magic. ]
  • « RACIALS» Sihai, Ailor, and Invaded Spirit mechanics.
    • ↬ [ Sihai Mechanics: Jadeshaping, Star Charting, Calamity Visions, Jade Statue. ]
    • ↬ [ Ailor Mechanics: Universal Insult Understanding. ]
    • ↬ [ Invaded Spirit Mechanics: ]
    • ↬ [ Dimension: Hollow Magic, Dictat Magic. ]
    • ↬ [ Schools: Elemental (Lightning and Ice), Specter, Script ]
  • «NATIVE »
    • ↬ [ Wai-lan: Parental. ]
    « LEARNED»
    • ↬ [ Common: Fluent. ]
    • ↬ [ d'Ithanie: Fluent. ]
    • ↬ [ Hellas: Conversational. ]
    • ↬ [ Shalota: Read Only. ]


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"There's something inside you that isn't right
There's something that haunts your dreams at night"
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ʟɪғᴇ sᴛᴏʀʏ

    • Neiban is a child born from an affair between an Aetosian Ailor man and a Dexai Sihai woman. Due to the fact that she disgraced the family name, their mother left to live elsewhere within Dexai before giving birth to Neiban and their twin brother. She ended up raising the two, though she was not a kind mother, resenting the two for existing and causing her to be outcast.
    • Most of their childhood was spent learning, trying in any way possible to please their mother whether it be through their musical skills or their inventiveness. Over the years though, it became less about pleasing her and more about gaining the skills to one day escape her household with their brother. One day at the age of 11, their mother was killed, leaving the two orphaned. They were brought to the orphanage then, adopted into a different family soon after.
    • Neiban continued to teach themself much of what they know, pushing themself further in their interest in technology. At some point, they left home, deciding to venture out into the world to continue learning.
    • They came to Regalia, wanting to study various things within the city.
    • Neiban, being the Head Librarian of the Ostwin Werner's Library, is very well read. They don't have the secrets of the universe, however. More so, they have just about any strange little fact that sparks their interest stored away. Need a question answered about how far a moose can swim? They might know the answer.
    • Since a young age, Neiban has had an interest in engineering. In particular, they like working on appliances to make common tasks easier. Ask them about an automatic sweeper or perhaps even about the card maker in the library.
    • Having a love for dramatics and theater, Neiban lights up if someone wants to talk to them about it. Machines may be their main interest, but they will never pass up the opportunity to tell someone about an old show they helped with back home, whether that was part of the cast, stage crew, or even the orchestra.
    • In a small area of Dexai, within one of the poorer districts, there are a few stories about a pair of Mortis-Brood twins. Entirely identical, the only way to tell them apart was their smile. One had a kind smile, offering to help people despite the looks he would get. The other had a horrible grin, one that usually flashed across their face before a fist was sent flying. Neiban is one of them, but whether the engineer that tries to avoid fights is the one that used to bite and pummel other kids in the street is still in question.
    • Not long after arriving in Regalia, in an attempt to learn more about the odd creatures and afflicted of the city, Neiban traded the bones in their left leg for information. For a period of time, there were none in their leg with the femur and down missing. They only had mobility via a brace that they controlled through jadetech. Eventually, they had the bones replaced with jadetech ones. However, the damage was done and now they have a crutch for the chronic pain.
    • In a quest to build and do more with technology, Neiban obtained the grim artifact known as Sandspite. The cursed hammer of the Machinist infected their mind with a demon, one that sought to do harm and inflict misery upon others. Even after destroying the artifact in order to assist in bringing the Goddess Pahtia back, the demon remains in their head. They have taken to calling the demon Spite.


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"The same old story, the same old song
Don't act up, don't act out"
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DDᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ

  • « IN BAG »
    • ↬ [ A journal with great personal value, as well as a quill and ink bottle. Contents to be described if stolen. ]
    • ↬ [ A cloth bag containing a few regals. ]
    • ↬ [ A wooden guiro frog they received from a friend. Very fun to fidget with in any situation. ]
    • ↬ [ A flute of a darker bamboo with carvings of the night sky. A metal joint within it allows for tuning. From the end hangs a charm of a star.]
    • ↬ [ Various tools and materials clink around in their bag, constantly at the ready for any projects that come to mind.]
    • ↬ [ A jadetech slate that seems to take design cues from Meriac devices. Most of it seems to have engravings in it, though one side has a completely smooth surface. ]
    « ON PERSON »
    • ↬ [ A dagger of a shiny black material. While not the best, it's sharp at least. ]
    • ↬ [ A forearm crutch made for them by their aunt and brother. It appears to be made from a black jade, carvings of the night sky chiseled into the stone. The handle is nice and squishy. ]

    • « FAMILY » By blood and time.
      • Iduna | Apparently My Sister Now
      • ↬ [ "Somehow I got swooped up into the oddest family due to you. While I won't ever put it to legal papers, it's nice." ]
        • Care ●●●●●
        • Trust ●●●●○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ●○○○○
    • « FRIENDSHIPS » By choice.
      • Citra | Silent Prankster
      • ↬ [ "I love the theremin so much, but perhaps the main thing I appreciate about you is that you have eased my fear of Archon far more than anyone else. Aside from the jumpscares." ]
        • Care ●●●●○
        • Trust ●●●●○
        • Fear ●○○○○
        • Deceive ●○○○○
      • Dammokh | Master of the Forge
      • ↬ ["I've enjoyed getting to know you and I'm glad we can both agree your fiancé should not be allowed kitchen knives." ]
        • Care ●●●○○
        • Trust ●●●○○
        • Fear ●○○○○
        • Deceive ●○○○○
      • Iris | A Flower That Grows After The Storm
      • ↬ [ "I never knew you to be Aegipane, but I am glad to finally be getting to know who you truly are without a corrupting force whispering to you. ]
        • Care ●●●○○
        • Trust ●●●○○
        • Fear ●○○○○
        • Deceive ●○○○○
      • Ishïka | The Priestess of the Underground
      • ↬ [ "Everything you've done for the Draconists and Spirits in this city does not go unnoticed. I greatly appreciate you doing all that many will not." ]
        • Care ●●●○○
        • Trust ●●●○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ●○○○○
      • Khalil | A Behemoth of a Technician
      • ↬ [ "While we may not agree on everything, I'm glad it does not truly drive a wedge between us." ]
        • Care ●●●○○
        • Trust ●●○○○
        • Fear ●●○○○
        • Deceive ●●○○○
      • Kulvaar | Blocky More Like Orby
      • ↬ [ "I feel bad for being the one to take you to that fight, knowing the dangers of it. Hopefully I and the others can repair you again." ]
        • Care ●●●○○
        • Trust ●○○○○
        • Fear ●●●○○
        • Deceive ●●●○○
      • Neokarr | A Reminder Of Change
      • ↬ [ "My first friend in the city. While things are not the same, I enjoy seeing where life takes us. You're someone I can count on for many things." ]
        • Care ●●●●●
        • Trust ●●●●○
        • Fear ●●○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Orchestion | One With The Band
      • ↬ [ "You're interesting in many ways that I can't always wrap my head around, but I do appreciate your company and help when it's offered." ]
        • Care ●●●●●
        • Trust ●●●●○
        • Fear ●●○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Qamar | A Masked Merchant Duo
      • ↬ [ "Some days I wish I could just spend every moment with you, hearing your laugh and seeing your smile." ]
        • Care ●●●●●
        • Trust ●●●●●
        • Fear ●○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Subekti | May Need To Chill
      • ↬ [ "I have never met someone as truly anxious as you, or at least that's as bad at hiding it. You're my friend and as your friend, I think you need to perhaps relax before you start losing scales." ]
        • Care ●●●○○
        • Trust ●●●○○
        • Fear ●○○○○
        • Deceive ●●○○○
    • « NEUTRALITY » By acquaintance.
      • Ailred | A Hazard Sign
      • ↬ [ "The others all seem to trust and like you within the temple, but I still remember you treating me as a Death Cultist. It's hard to be at ease around you." ]
        • Care ●●○○○
        • Trust ●●○○○
        • Fear ●●●●○
        • Deceive ●●●○○
      • Carmelita | The Scorn Priestess
      • ↬ [ "You always seem to be fighting for some. I look forward to the court battles you have planned to help the Broods of this city." ]
        • Care ●●○○○
        • Trust ●●○○○
        • Fear ●●○○○
        • Deceive ●○○○○
      • Cassava | The Crystal Shopkeep
      • ↬ [ "I need to know more about the snails. I check your shop every time it's open to see if I can ask more about them or see how work with Kulvaar is coming along." ]
        • Care ●●○○○
        • Trust ●●○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ●○○○○
      • Eydis | Trivia Wiz
      • ↬ [ "Your trivia knowledge is astounding and I need to know what else you keep in that head of your's." ]
        • Care ●○○○○
        • Trust ●○○○○
        • Fear ●●●○○
        • Deceive ●○○○○
      • Heishan | A Fear Eased
      • ↬ [ "Archon have always scared me to some degree, but the fact that there's some out there who will sit and play mancala with me is nice. I just hope you never figure out the truth about me." ]
        • Care ●●○○○
        • Trust ●●○○○
        • Fear ●●●○○
        • Deceive ●●●○○
      • Hexarra
      • ↬ [ TBA ]
        • Care ●○○○○
        • Trust ●○○○○
        • Fear ●○○○○
        • Deceive ●●●○○
      • Khenari
      • ↬ [ TBA ]
        • Care ●●○○○
        • Trust ●●○○○
        • Fear ●●○○○
        • Deceive ●○○○○
      • Sylas
      • ↬ [ TBA ]
        • Care ●●○○○
        • Trust ●●○○○
        • Fear ●●●●○
        • Deceive ●●○○○
      • Vaela
      • ↬ [ TBA ]
        • Care ●●○○○
        • Trust ●○○○○
        • Fear ●●●●○
        • Deceive ●●○○○
      • Wisteria | Whimsical Librarian
      • ↬ [ "You're one that conflicts me now. I used to delight in seeing you, but the tensions of the sieges still ring in my head." ]
        • Care ●●●○○
        • Trust ●●○○○
        • Fear ●●○○○
        • Deceive ●●○○○
    • « DISLIKE » By actions.
      • Jhvartal
      • ↬ [ TBA ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ●●●●○
        • Deceive ●●●●●
      • Mari
      • ↬ [ TBA ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ●○○○○
        • Deceive ●●●●●
      • Sierra | A Lying Thief
      • ↬ [ "I can admire a thief's work sometimes, but I appreciate a thief who can return stuff when they've been caught more. First my bones, then my books. I'm not working for your market, or it'll be my paycheck." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ●●○○○
        • Deceive ●●●●●
      • Suzenvaela | Promise Breaker
      • ↬ [ "You may forget, but I certainly don't forget the promised aid while we were asking for help with the war effort." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ●●●○○
        • Deceive ●●●●●

    • « FAMILY » By blood and time
      • Maite | A New Tie To The Old
      • ↬ [ "While I wasn't expecting to ever meet someone from my mother's half of the family, I'm glad to have met you. The joke is intentional, but you spiced up my life some." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Orianne | The Only Orange That's Good
      • ↬ [ "One of my closest friends in this city, perhaps even all the world, and one few I entrust my secrets to. There is not a single thing I actually fear telling you." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Senshu | Twin Brother
      • ↬ [ "You've been with me through it all and I'm glad that it was you." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
    • « FRIENDSHIPS » By choice
      • Dioni |
      • ↬ [ "Definitely a friend I care about, even if there is a small rough patch or two due to misunderstanding. I enjoy spending time with you though, you always have something to say." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Freddie |
      • ↬ [ "A great friend and honestly a joy to work alongside as well." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Haiira |
      • ↬ [ "My first and longest friend. It was great to see you after all these years." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Isa |
      • ↬ [ "You care about people so much and bring out a better side in so many people. I do wish I could be as kind as you are. If that's learned skill, you would be the best one to learn from" ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Lorelei |
      • ↬ [ "I do hope things work out better this time, I really would like to remain your friend." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Magnus |
      • ↬ [ "I care about you so much, there's no word to even truly describe. While our relationship may have changed, you're still my friend who I share many secrets with." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
      • Vartan |
      • ↬ [ "You're just a good friend as you are a baker. Which is to say very good." ]
        • Care ○○○○○
        • Trust ○○○○○
        • Fear ○○○○○
        • Deceive ○○○○○
    • « NEUTRALITY » By acquaintance
    • « DISLIKE » By actions

  • « SELF »
    • ↬ [ Neiban knows exactly who they are and what they want, but they do hide this from most people. They know who to be in order to be seen as a normal, lawful member of society. Or at least as somewhat normal. There are those out there who know them though. The hot-head the hides behind customer service smiles and the goofball that pretends to be serious, all to keep up appearances. Those that see the paranoia in so many of their actions and the ones that hear when they hurt. Then there are even fewer that find that streak of self loathing that they desperately are trying to be rid of. ]
    « FAMILY »
    • ↬ [ Family is not blood to them. It's who they pick to be their family and who chooses them in return. Therefore, those who they call family are people they care about a lot and would do so much for. They do have an odd grouping they call family. After all, there's their twin brother, their adoptive parents, and their adoptive brother. Their aunts, uncles, and cousins as well. Those are the normal ones. It begins to get odd when there's their long absentee father who they only recently met and their close friends Orianne and Magnus. The one person not in their family though, would be their mother. ]
    • ↬ [ Years of building trust were easily burned to the ground in one night following the poison of a noble via tea that they also drank and the disguised poisoner knowing their name, despite having not shared it. Neiban tries not to let it get in the way of their relationships, but people are kept at an arms length after the events of that night. They don't want to accept food or drinks from anyone at risk of them being tampered, nor do they always believe that who they're speaking with is in fact who they claim to be. They're trust could perhaps be rebuilt, but it would be a rough hill to climb. After all ''Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me". They've already been burnt as a child, this is the second time and they wouldn't like to make it a trend with a third. ]
    • ↬ [ Neiban's relationship with the law is odd. They want to do what they believe is right and good. A vast majority of the time, this aligns with the law. But then on the chance that it doesn't, they sneak around behind the backs of authority to do what they want. ]
    « MORALS »
    • ↬ [ For lack of better analogy, their own moral compass is a roulette wheel. Neiban functions using their twin brother's compass, typically asking themself "what would Senshu do?" in many situations. Sometimes they ignore his compass and use their own though. While Senshu may stick with a friend through the even worse relationship drama that hurts him at times, Neiban will eventually drop said friend and hope they either sink or swim. They don't want to sink too. ]
    « MAGIC »
    • ↬ [ Growing up, they were always interested in magic, but forced that interest away to keep safe when people around them didn't exactly like it. Recently, they've been allowed to explore magic. Still though, they prefer to do things by hand rather than magically. There's no need to magically sweep the house when they can or a robot can. ]
    « SCIENCE »
    • ↬ [ Neiban has a strong love of science, their main fascination with the mechanical. If let alone, there is a good chance they will have designed another contraption on paper in their notebook or dismantled something to turn it into something else. While they mostly enjoy machines, they did also work with plants and chemicals at times. ]
    « RELIGION »
    • ↬ [ There is something very broken here due to unspoken trauma. When Neiban left Draconism, they picked up the pieces they could and ran. They ran to the nearest place that seemed safe, that being Unionism. They never did truly fit in here though, essentially trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. Slowly, they began to creep back towards Draconism with the Advancement, existing in a spot in between before finally taking the leap into this newer version of Draconism with the pieces that hurt them discarded. Now they are trying to navigate unlearning some old things and trying to be happy with themself. ]

  • « LIKES »
    • Foods:
      • ↬ [ Fish, Green Beans, Cilantro, Anything mint. ]
    • Drinks:
      • ↬ [ Hot Cocoa, Mint Tea. ]
    • Colors:
      • ↬ [ Blue and all the shades of it. ]
    • Books:
      • ↬ [ Science Fiction, Horror. ]
    • Animals:
      • ↬ [ Yuen Doge, Cauruvos, Otters. ]
    « DISLIKES »
    • Foods:
      • ↬ [ Sesame, Oranges. ]
    • Drinks:
      • ↬ [ Alcohol. ]
    • Colors:
      • ↬ [ Orange. ]
    • Books:
      • ↬ [ Romance, Philosophy. ]
    • Animals:
      • ↬ [ Geese, Kangaroos. ]
    « PASSIONS »
    • Technology
      • ↬ [ An interest sparked in creation that started as child and carried all the way to present. ]
      • ↬ [ In order to create and progress, one needs to learn. ]
    « FEAR »
    • Open Ocean
      • ↬ [ Years of Akula attacks on their home have made them horrified to be out in the domain of the monsters with no land in sight. ]
    • Archon
      • ↬ [ A fear they will try their hardest to hide, Neiban still can't help screaming when a large, flying creature lands near them due to this fear. ]
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