Archived Pvp Overhaul - A Long, But Fun Idea

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Mar 3, 2013
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The Matrix
So, PvP.

It's fun.

Yet, being skull splitted to death, or having someone run off to chug down a health potion 300x isn't.

I'm not sure on the current condition of axes, but when I played it's all everyone who PvP'd complained about (aside from Vampires).

So, I'm here to propose some radical ideas that could be applied to PvP. (I'm not saying these should be an overnight thing, just some things to consider)


I believe this has been suggested several times. Obviously heavier armor would create a physical strain on your body. I think that several things should happen when wearing heavy armor.

  • Your speed should be reduced.
  • You should sink (Manipulated air bubbles, yes this can be done).
  • Concussions should be possible. If someone can hit your helmet (I dont think you could localize it like that, maybe give it a percentage of a chance of happening) hard enough, you're going to feel it. This could be done through slowness and blindness, possibly nausea.
Fire (A Deadly Tool)
Fire is a bit underplayed. I personally believe that fire should be a very bad thing to run into or have afflicted onto you. My suggestions for this:
  • Make some races have a particular disdain for fire. Specifically Undead and Vespids. (Undead would have deteriorating flesh, depending on the particular Undead and bones can be made brittle with heat. For some reason I keep associating that Vespids, as insectoid beings with exoskeletons, should burn up a bit more roughly than say a fleshy Human. I imagine the shells being an oven of sorts for their internal organs)
While I love potions, I personally think they are annoying as sin for PvP. Especially health potions. I have one very clear suggestion for these...
  • Give all potions the possibility of backfiring and doing one of two things (Nothing, or the inverse effect of what the potion is. I mean we aren't all master alchemists, now are we?)
Just some random ideas for thought.
Feel free to criticize. I may add more, I dunno.
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While I love potions, I personally think they are annoying as sin for PvP. Especially health potions. I have one very clear suggestion for these...
  • Give all potions the possibility of backfiring and doing one of two things (Nothing, or the inverse effect of what the potion is. I mean we aren't all master alchemists, now are we?)
Just some random ideas for thought.

Feel free to criticize. I may add more, I dunno.

Suggestions to this Suggestion:

Make Alchemy a skill for MCMMO
What would happen:
  • Skill increase: making potions
  • Backfiring - Depending on your skill, you have a chance for potions to backfire (resulting in the opposite effect)
  • Strength - With higher skill levels, you can make potions last longer or have a stronger effect. (Max: 15% bonus)
  • Potion explosions - Depending on your skill, your potion could explode resulting in fire everywhere and damaging you (explosion size = .25 (half a creeper))
Suggestions to this Suggestion:

Make Alchemy a skill for MCMMO
What would happen:
  • Skill increase: making potions
  • Backfiring - Depending on your skill, you have a chance for potions to backfire (resulting in the opposite effect)
  • Strength - With higher skill levels, you can make potions last longer or have a stronger effect. (Max: 15% bonus)
  • Potion explosions - Depending on your skill, your potion could explode resulting in fire everywhere and damaging you (explosion size = .25 (half a creeper))

They didn't create MCMMO, they borrowed it. Programing something like that would be a lot harder then you think.
They didn't create MCMMO, they borrowed it. Programing something like that would be a lot harder then you think.

This is exactly what I was going to say.

It's a lot easier to work with your own code, as opposed to someone else's. Especially something so developed.

I'm sure it wouldn't be impossible, but I doubt they'd sink the time required into it.
As for this idea...

Also, I personally would love to see boiling oil as was poured over castle walls, but I guess that's what we have lava for right?
I love everything in this thread right now
The only change I'd make to the OP is on concussions, just give them the Daze effect that the bow creates.
How so? I am neutral to this idea, I've never heard any reasoning behind it before.

The reasoning as I understand it is people would stop going into PvP wearing their god armors and other similarly super powered tank wear because if they die they'd lose it. Thus making PvP more level fielded for all involved.
The reasoning as I understand it is people would stop going into PvP wearing their god armors and other similarly super powered tank wear because if they die they'd lose it. Thus making PvP more level fielded for all involved.

Holy crap, I really I REALLY want this to happen now...
I think what they want to do is to allow a player to really make a custom tier of gear.

However with the current setup, I think its too easy to get the available levels of power that some of the gear offers.

I think that armor (the only reason I mention this is because during the livestream this was mentioned) should be a very personal thing. I do however think you should be able to lose it. If I want a literal god tier suit of armor, it should take great effort to create.
I so far haven't seen a single bad suggestion from MorgothTheDark. Very creative, and very workable as well. :D

+1 For This Feature And Concept
I'm really glad you added the armor weight suggestion. I have mentioned it on the pvp suggestion thread by Monmarty, (plus some other features of adding it)but i feel that it was never recognized by the man himself, hopefully this could add some recognition for it.

Also, I really like the concussion idea, adds a bit of spice to pvp :P.

As for the fire, I'm neutral to it.

for the potions, I'd suggest you would have a chance to drop the bottle on the floor when combat tagged as it takes a lot less coding and difficulty than changing the MCMMO plugin.
As they should be. When going to war, most warriors have jitters about it because they're risking something.
Well I prefer a nice long fight over a quick little brawl between two people in regular diamond armor who three shot one another with god axes.
I know how coding works. And I also know they borrowed it. I am very aware of the things the Cay coded or not. And finally I know I am not an idiot, so do not treat me like one.

I'm not treating you like an idiot. What I meant to do was put your idea to a stop before others took it to heart. The last thing I want is for someone to think that asking near impossible feats from Cay is a good idea. Do not accuse me of insulting you. I would not do that to someone I hardly know.
I'm not treating you like an idiot. What I meant to do was put your idea to a stop before others took it to heart. The last thing I want is for someone to think that asking near impossible feats from Cay is a good idea. Do not accuse me of insulting you. I would not do that to someone I hardly know.

Ok. Sorry. I was just saying I know where it would be posted if we wanted it.
I love the idea of heavy armor (Iron, Diamond ect) slowing you down, it would also be good for rp, as many people would not have the strength to fight in full platemail.
  • Concussions should be possible. If someone can hit your helmet (I dont think you could localize it like that, maybe give it a percentage of a chance of happening) hard enough, you're going to feel it. This could be done through slowness and blindness, possibly nausea.
  • Give all potions the possibility of backfiring and doing one of two things (Nothing, or the inverse effect of what the potion is. I mean we aren't all master alchemists, now are we?)

From me, you get a disagree for this. It's not people skull splitting you, that annoys me, nor is it people with their potions. It was counter-attacks for example, that annoyed me, because you had a chance to get them, but coudln't trigger them yourself. That made pvp more like a gamble. Many mcmmo features had the same effect caused by bugs (doing randomly a high amount of damage).
What I would like to see in pvp, is less gamble and more skill. And both of your ideas I quoted there, would make pvp even more a gamble.
From me, you get a disagree for this. It's not people skull splitting you, that annoys me, nor is it people with their potions. It was counter-attacks for example, that annoyed me, because you had a chance to get them, but coudln't trigger them yourself. That made pvp more like a gamble. Many mcmmo features had the same effect caused by bugs (doing randomly a high amount of damage).
What I would like to see in pvp, is less gamble and more skill. And both of your ideas I quoted there, would make pvp even more a gamble.

Part of the gamble comes from the program's limited nature. They would most assuredly be replaced with such things as true headshots or actually brewing a potion through a minigame perhaps, if the program allowed it. To fall back on Dungeons and Dragons again, you roll a die to see how well you hit your target because the game is limited, you cannot physically swing at an orc and see how much damage you do. The chance takes into account things like experience and equipment quality, but that's as good as it can do as long as it's a game (or at least that type of game). And not to make light of your opinion of that chance, as I assume you'd rather remove such aspects as long as they are limited to chance, but large swaths of gamers are very used to and don't mind relying on a dice roll with modifiers (skill, xp, etc.) because they can still enjoy expanded aspects of a game. And regardless, to say luck doesn't play a role in real life combat, much less video game combat, would be very false.
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