• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Publication Of Demand

Pinned upon the Willow notice board was a letter written by and in the handwriting of the former Sellsword Captain known as Heikki. The message reads,

To the appropriate authorities:

We will keep this blunt. In our possession is a 'Valbrand Haagenvig'. At this moment, he remains alive and well. If we both get what we want, he will remain this way. Our only demand is this: the pardoning of Heikki. This is non-negotiable. If you send us any news that will disappoint, we will send Haagenvig's head.

P.S Your hunters failed miserably. Don't disappoint.

most humbly,
Heikki, and his newest guest Valbrand, Imperial Knight Kopvagr.

Underneath was an entirely different message penned with seal of the Regalian Guard written in broad strokes.


The Regalian Guard will not be intimidated or coerced by Rogue elements within the Holy State of Regalia under any circumstance. The abduction of Imperial Knight Haagenvig is most regrettable and is confirmed to be the doing of former Broken Standard members who have acted from underneath the city in the Sewers where the Regalian Guard was not able to pursue and question to prevent the action. Attempt at contact with the Black Hand conerning the Blackguards was made in the past, but the case was deemed too irrelevant for the attention of the Charter.

It is by these developments that the hand of the Guard is forced, to assume the former members all guilty by refusal of summon and that warrant must be placed on the individuals who have followed after Heikki and to be punished in similar vein to their traitorous master which is execution. For the matter of jurisdiction within the sewers and what is there to be done for Imperial Knight Haagenvig will be escalated to His Highness the Undercrown and higher jurisdiction.

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~*Not long after its erection, the following notice appears below the highlighted publication, written in a tell-tale white chalk upon blackened parchment.​


Our ears are open, our hands are blackened.
The Imperial Spirit does not smile upon incompetency and liars.
Juliette would've stopped to check out the board, catching the note. She paled significantly before unfolding her arms to swipe at her eyes once as she turned back out of the tavern courtyard, off down the main road with a mutter of, "He'll be fine, Valbrand isn't stupid enough to get murdered."
Clinton would rip the flier down after a few days, Pocketing it, returning home and sharpening his blades "Man, these guys are out of hand. I wonder what the rewards for Heikki's head is?"
Agnette would have stopped to read over the day's boards, eyes locked in a stare as she brought up her arms to wrap around herself, shaking her head and barely letting out a "..--Father."

She gave a glance about of her surroundings before stepping back and hurrying home, bringing a sleeve over her hand to wipe at her eyes.
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Marcus Bigge stepped up to the notice board, his gaze traveling through the various notices until it halted upon the Guard announcement, his brows furrowing. "Disgusting. I hope this Heikki and his gang are found and executed soon." Marcus then marched his way into the tavern, a sigh escaping his lips.