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Prowess Decree - 17th February, 309ac.


Jun 25, 2018
Reaction score


On this day February the 17th, 309 AC, I, Marisa Solisti, Mistress of Prowess, and Breothric, Master of Prowess, proclaim thusly.

Firstly, we would like to both personally thank the Mistress of Ceremonies for giving us the chance and honor to serve within the Imperial court. We will both endeavor toward dutiful service to our positions for as long as our tenures may be. With such in mind, we have a number of initial statements to lay the foundation of our ambitions as the Master and Mistress of Prowess.
  • On the subject of the Bellator, the House Champions, Knights, and the future state of the Prowess Tourneys.
    • All able-bodied fighters wishing to participate in the Bellator tournaments are requested to pen a letter to Breothric, Master of Prowess. If you are unable to pen a letter for some reason, the Master will be holding regular try-outs to access fresh talent. (Keep on regularly checking the discord!)
    • On the subject of House Champions, all houses are encouraged to have one to represent their house. We heavily encourage the houses that have yet to elect a champion to do so at the earliest possible opportunity. Pen a letter to either the Master or Mistress of Prowess with your selection, to have them properly registered.
    • On the subject of the Knights of the isle, all knights are encouraged to contact Marisa Solisti, Mistress of Prowess to have their names registered within the registry. Additionally, the Mistress will be regularly hosting tournaments for the knights to prove their mettle against each other.
    • On the subject of The Bellator Championship. Once the initial roster of gladiators has been selected, the Prowess tournaments will begin regularly being hosted. More information to come at a later date.
    • On the subject of The House Championship. Once all Houses have submitted their championship, the House tournament can begin. More information to come at a later date.
    • Finally, any restaurateurs, bartenders, and food-stall owners are encouraged to seek out the Master or Mistress of Prowess on the subject of catering the championship bouts and regular matches.
  • On the subject of Imperial Hunting Events and the future of recreational hunting within the court.
    • All skilled trackers and hunters are encouraged to pen a letter to Marisa, Mistress of Prowess to arrange an interview regarding possible employment by the Mistress to aid in guided and unguided hunting voyages hosted by the Master and Mistress.
    • On the subject of House Huntmasters, all houses are encouraged to employ or elect one skilled in Tracking and Hunting as a personal Huntmaster, whose presence will enable the attendance of unskilled members of the Peerage to the Prowess' hunting events. The duties of these Huntmasters during such is to provide in the enduring safety of their Noble employer and to provide their advice and skilled insight to the Peerage partaking in the hunt. All houses are implored to contact Breothric, Master of Prowess with their elected choice for such duties.
    • On the subject of House Whalemasters, all houses are encouraged to employ or elect one skilled in the arts of Sailing and Navigation as a personal Whalemaster, whose presence will enable the attendance of unskilled members of the Peerage to the Prowess' Naval-based hunting and traveling events. The duties of these Whalemasters during such is to provide in the enduring safety of their Noble employer and to provide their advice and skilled insight to the Peerage partaking in the hunt. All houses are implored to contact Marisa, Mistress of Prowess with their elected choice for such duties.
    • On the subject of freelance Hunters and Whalers, those skilled in the arts of hunting, both bound by land or at sea, are invited to come forward to pursue work under the Prowess, to provide their services as guides and advisors during the hunting events held by the Master and Mistress, whilst not being bound to any particular house. Freelancers are invited to pen a letter to either the Master or Mistress of Prowess indicating their interest in playing such a role.
    • On the subject of planned Imperial Hunting Events. Once a respectable base of Huntmasters and Whalemasters has been achieved, as determined by the Master and Mistress of Prowess, hunting events will begin. In particular, these events will consist of a mixture of Land-based and Naval hunting events, ranging from smaller, pre-arranged hunting trails, to larger, more risky escapades into the wilds.
Lady Marisa Solisti,
Mistress of Prowess in the Imperial Court

Master of Prowess in the Imperial Court
