Archived Premium To Use Signature? What? No.

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Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland
Recently, I noticed it says "You must be premium to use a forum signature".
Now, personally, I think that's complete BS.
Everyone should have the right to express themselves through their signatures.
It's unfair and not cool, in the slightest.

So, I wish to ask if this can be changed.
and if anyone agrees with me.

Also, for the record, I am premium.
This isn't me bitching just because I can't get it [which I could if I wanted to]
It's me bitching because everyone should be allowed it.

I honestly hope this was accidental or a mistake of some kind.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
...The hell? Didn't even notice till I looked at one of my past posts then saw this. Well. Incoming wall of Text. Sorry for this.

Alright. So. Have at this. The main issue I have with this is the subject fact that the forums doesn't even see you as premium unless your forum name matches your IGN. Why this is so, when you can literally just go off the one IGN field in personal info when they're getting set up is beyond me. Yes, I could totes change my IGN field to some other derp, but what would this accomplish? Minor trolling? Pah.
Expanding on this point, I note that some people literally cannot change their forums name for various reasons. Yes, this can be worked out. But truly, it isn't really...That worth it, to be honest. Especially when our forum names have some meaning. I'd absolutely refuse to change my forums name to cambar, mainly due to 1: Cambar as a forums name is horrifically stupid and bland. 2. Mostlyhuman is my...Persona, so to speak. This is true with many others. It's a main aesthetic choice. We picked these forum names for one reason or another. There is more than likely, though not always, a reason to keep said forums name. It's a part of us. Yes you might argue "Well that's a sacrifice you make." But, why should it be? There's no point to that. You're dealing with people who are highly focused on persona and Aesthetic, and, to a point, individualism. Just look at our characters if you don't believe that.

I understand you need to shell out new features due to the EULA, but this isn't the way to go about it. It isn't required to do this. I already saw some pretty nice ideas above, such as client-sided aesthetic changes to the forums. I could say that you could add more..Eye-candy, or even options to tone down certain effects or looks to the forums. And, frankly, the banner for a lot of people, is enough. Those who can't change the name, well, they can live without it. They have before, and I doubt it's like "OMGINEEDTOGETTHEBANNERNOWwgerhbgjherbghberbgjer". No. It's an aesthetic addition. In essence, it comes down to the fact that you're reducing core functionality to the forums from certain groups of people, whilst it'd more than likely be optimal to add in aesthetic choices and freedom to looks.

Most of the community I'm seeing that has voiced opinion on this are disliking this insofar. It may change, but, again, it may not. Yes, you can inform us it's due to the EULA, and offer to change names, but it does not change the above two points. Far as I'm seeing, the community sees your offerings and information as moot, and, yes while it's a mob mentality at times, it's still a very ill-taken change, and feedback should not be ignored. Already, I'm seeing boycotting and the like occuring. Yes, it may seem petty, but frankly, it's still a core part of functionality and personality to us. You simply cannot take that away. It will not work out well.

...My fingers are tired now.

1: Change the forums name variable to IGN field variable in personal details, in terms of matching premiums on the forums to IG.
2: Please do not force a highly aesthetic and individualized community to change one of their core items for aesthetic and invidualization.
3: Use other ideas that do not reduce core functionality to the forums. Premium should, for RP'ers, really be a large array of aesthetic additions and expansion on personalization, even if it's just client sided.
4: The Community feedback must be accounted. Making posts trying to push us away will only do just that: Push us away. I don't wish to see any friends or people who are intelligent boycott things and run the server down.

I tip my hat, and bid you farewell then, hoping my voice has some effect upon this.
I'm more for having signatures then not having them...both arguments have valid points..but ...watching and looking at the signatures were held with bootiful and hilarious moments! I got entertainment from them! Now..chibi is stuck...looking at blankness...with no! QnQ
Most of the people who matter are saying "no, we don't like this".
๖ۣۜI remember believing that some arguments about Premium features were too simple to argue over before the EULA was created.
Well, my belief is back. Now let me say; I certainly did like my signature, it is a disappointment it went away, but...

Really? You are boycotting Massive because you can't have a small post with words and a fancy touch to it? That has to be perhaps one of the poorest to leave Massivecraft, because you do not have a forum signature. You can live without it; as can I. If you put so much effort to make a beautiful signature, why not take that beautiful effort to spice up your roleplay introduction? Or your faction recruitment? If you want people to see a link, post it on your status; everyone online will probably see it at least once, and also probably give it a click or two. If people truly are wishing for the signatures to come back, try a collaborative argument, just saying you'll boycott because you can't make Regals won't help anyone whatsoever, not even yourself. I would honestly say it would be neat to see the signatures come back, but I certainly am not for making a big stink about it. It either way will not affect me positively or negatively.
...Now finding I cannot edit posts due to Signature glitches, nor even reply to it... Expansion on last post. Consider it an edit.
Picture proofs and the like.
Can't edit my previous post. So:
5. I loved the signature, I spent time on it and got creative. It's my only creative output on a website of words. Without it I feel like this is just a boring website. I also feel like Massivecraft is now losing it's touch. It's now just another money grabbing server.

God forbid the content of the forum is actually interesting right. Why are you even on the forum if the signature is the only interesting content on it?
Does this mean the people who disagree don't matter?

I'm talking about the forum users. Check out that poll and these ratings - the people who use the forums (and thus will use/not use a signature) are mostly for all people getting signatures rather than prem only.
Why has this been done? That's what a lot of persons appear to lack consideration for. Whatever you might think of MassiveCraft and its staff, Cayorion, last I heard, is on minimum wage. No one else gets money from the server. MassiveCraft is his job, and he could easily get another with a great deal more money. So, before we shout out 'no!' Perhaps we should consider, yes?

'Money grabbing.' That's what I saw as I read through the thread. Roughly 600 people are premiums, that's about £4.80 from each premium every month. In total? £2880. Now, that might seem a lot, but with the deduction of tax and costs for the server, I imagine that a rather small amount is left, somewhere in the region of £1250. That makes an annual net income of £15,000. Not great. If you think that's money grabbing? Think again.

With the new EULA, my heart sank. I'm not a PvPer, in all honesty, I buy premium for two main reasons. I'd love to say it's purely out of the goodnesss of my heart, which is a partial reason, but coloured names and backpacks are key (the money is nice too). The EULA will have a big impact on people's motivations to buy premium. If one is too follow it to a fault, one is left with pets, coloured names, hats, and whatever is left on the forums. They need to give players a reason to buy premium! So, while we may all sit down and type out angry rants at our keyboards, in a couple of months one may well think, "Oh, premium. It would be quite useful for getting more views on my thread." Everyone goes through great cost to give us this server, so can everyone please conceed the necessity of giving up your forum signature? I might agree that there are other changes, but please suggest alternatives. Since February, premium numbers have been dropping and they need to pick this up.

I apologise if this was slightly unorganised, but I'll attempt a brief summary:

  • Everyone who runs MassiveCraft does so at great personal cost
  • There have been recent difficulties with premium benefits and as a result, numbers of them
  • If the numbers of premiums drop anymore, the future of the server will be uncertain
  • If the numbers of premiums rise, the server will have greater potential
  • On the contrary, there are more non-premiums than premiums, so we must consider. Since without non-prems, we wouldn't have people to become premium
  • New premium features must be added, or features must become premium only, or the numbers of premiums will certainly decrease
  • If you are not happy with a feature, try your best to suggest alternatives
N.B. I am not supporting this feature, but conceeding its possible necessity as we move forward in concurrence with the EULA
@Oxoman - Very well stated, my opinion has changed. I support any changes needed to support the server in light of the EULA.
๖ۣۜI remember believing that some arguments about Premium features were too simple to argue over before the EULA was created.
Well, my belief is back. Now let me say; I certainly did like my signature, it is a disappointment it went away, but...

Really? You are boycotting Massive because you can't have a small post with words and a fancy touch to it? That has to be perhaps one of the poorest to leave Massivecraft, because you do not have a forum signature. You can live without it; as can I. If you put so much effort to make a beautiful signature, why not take that beautiful effort to spice up your roleplay introduction? Or your faction recruitment? If you want people to see a link, post it on your status; everyone online will probably see it at least once, and also probably give it a click or two. If people truly are wishing for the signatures to come back, try a collaborative argument, just saying you'll boycott because you can't make Regals won't help anyone whatsoever, not even yourself. I would honestly say it would be neat to see the signatures come back, but I certainly am not for making a big stink about it. It either way will not affect me positively or negatively.
I'm not doing it because I can't make the regals, which I probably could if I was a greedy man.
Why has this been done? That's what a lot of persons appear to lack consideration for. Whatever you might think of MassiveCraft and its staff, Cayorion, last I heard, is on minimum wage. No one else gets money from the server. MassiveCraft is his job, and he could easily get another with a great deal more money. So, before we shout out 'no!' Perhaps we should consider, yes?

'Money grabbing.' That's what I saw as I read through the thread. Roughly 600 people are premiums, that's about £4.80 from each premium every month. In total? £2880. Now, that might seem a lot, but with the deduction of tax and costs for the server, I imagine that a rather small amount is left, somewhere in the region of £1250. That makes an annual net income of £15,000. Not great. If you think that's money grabbing? Think again.

With the new EULA, my heart sank. I'm not a PvPer, in all honesty, I buy premium for two main reasons. I'd love to say it's purely out of the goodnesss of my heart, which is a partial reason, but coloured names and backpacks are key (the money is nice too). The EULA will have a big impact on people's motivations to buy premium. If one is too follow it to a fault, one is left with pets, coloured names, hats, and whatever is left on the forums. They need to give players a reason to buy premium! So, while we may all sit down and type out angry rants at our keyboards, in a couple of months one may well think, "Oh, premium. It would be quite useful for getting more views on my thread." Everyone goes through great cost to give us this server, so can everyone please conceed the necessity of giving up your forum signature? I might agree that there are other changes, but please suggest alternatives. Since February, premium numbers have been dropping and they need to pick this up.

I apologise if this was slightly unorganised, but I'll attempt a brief summary:

  • Everyone who runs MassiveCraft does so at great personal cost
  • There have been recent difficulties with premium benefits and as a result, numbers of them
  • If the numbers of premiums drop anymore, the future of the server will be uncertain
  • If the numbers of premiums rise, the server will have greater potential
  • On the contrary, there are more non-premiums than premiums, so we must consider. Since without non-prems, we wouldn't have people to become premium
  • New premium features must be added, or features must become premium only, or the numbers of premiums will certainly decrease
  • If you are not happy with a feature, try your best to suggest alternatives
N.B. I am not supporting this feature, but conceeding its possible necessity as we move forward in concurrence with the EULA
Well stated sir.
God forbid the content of the forum is actually interesting right. Why are you even on the forum if the signature is the only interesting content on it?
Actually, most of the interesting was in the signatures. It gave me links to the cool threads and stuff.
Changes will be made to get around the EULA, yes some of them might seem 'taken to far' though would you rather lose your signatures or the server?

I applaud you sir, that is very well stated. I didn't really think it's money-grabbing either. But, I feel that some changes, the signature thing included, will drive numbers down. Aesthetic changes, rather than changes to core functionality in the environment of the forums, seems a better option. Perhaps limits could be placed on the signatures themselves, like character limits or picture limits, rather than just trashing them entirely. Perhaps, as stated in other posts, aesthetic settings and addtions could be made. It might take effort, but, I'd say it'd be worth it.

Well, you sir only have a forums account for the express reason to post ban appeals, and premium for some easy PVP bonuses, and are essentially making posts for non-constructive flaming. I can respectfully say, where do you fit in this? Not here.
Maybe a compromise (IF this is possible): Everyone gets siggies, but non-Prems get fewer options.

For example, non-Prems get plain text so they can link to their character apps/tumblr/docs/etc.

Prems get pretty pictures and formatting and all sorts of other junk.

If this is not possible, perhaps some other way to add one link to posts to allow people to link to another page. I like customizing things, but I think the real value of signatures is linking to characters or factions so people can access it quickly. If I were non-prem, I'd be satisfied just with the ability to stick a single link somewhere.

Don't consider siggies a sole reason to get premium. Consider them an added bonus for premium.
I'll give a more serious reply to this thread now:

Change hurts. Change hurts especially for us right now. The EULA situation caught us off guard, and it's having us run into unfamiliar territory. Everyone, the staff especially, would have much preferred to continue the "old route" that we created so long ago, but we cannot. The truth ultimately is that we have no idea how many premiums we are going to lose when the "switch" is made. Our previous premium package had about 30 features, and at the onset of things, we appeared to lose nearly all of them overnight. The reason why the players likely don't see the gravity of the situation, is because we've systematically been trying to assure players that there is nothing to worry about. There effectively still is nothing to worry about for the players, if anything the playing quality for everyone on the server will improve as we plan to enable a large quantity of the premium features that were previously premium only to all players on the server, premium or not.

The thing is however, that we have to maintain an inherent interest in the premium package. We do not believe we can survive the way we have in the past year on just the kindness of people. While the server's existence will likely never become threatened, our own work behind it is what is at stake.

Take myself for an example. I have been unemployed in the past 2 years working on massive with a rough 50 hours a week. I wake up with MassiveCraft and I go to bed with MassiveCraft. I have about 25 skype group chats related to MassiveCraft. Almost 10% of my life has been dedicated to making MassiveCraft bigger from when I first joined it when we had about 50 players. This all comes in the belief that if we can continue to improve MassiveCraft, it can eventually provide a stable income for me to live on. I make sacrifices in that my plans are likely delayed. If MassiveCraft suffers a blow to it's income, so does the likelihood that Cay can start splitting off small amounts of the revenue in a responsible and effective manner.

Cayorion is also at risk. Massive's current income allows him to live without financial issues and code on MassiveCraft 50 hours a week. Without the stable income, Cayorion has to think about his future plans and how MassiveCraft fits into things. Both Cayorion and I are in a relationship outside of MassiveCraft, he has his girlfriend and I have my boyfriend. We're both getting older and this living on the edge of minimum wage or living off the wage of our significant other is not something either of us want to do in the long run.

We both make sacrifices, as do all staff members in the short term future, and ultimately this means players must also make some sacrifices. We try very hard to balance out the sacrifices players make, and to alleviate any sacrifices players make with cool new features. This feature in particular hurts, it hurts me as well. We are well aware what the negative impact of making this feature premium only has on the quality of the forum community. I even advised Cayorion not to make the signature premium only, but I choose to respect his decision because of the necessity. Ultimately however, we want to attribute as many premium features to the new premium pack as possible to convince as many people as possible to continue donating. If in the future it appears to be the case that we severely underestimated the amount of donators that would continue donating, we can always roll back features like this.

I simply ask everyone to have some patience, and understanding for the necessity of things, and to trust in our ability to know what way to take Massive to continue providing it for everyone.

As for people who have a username that is different from their in-game premium: Cayorion bought a plugin that allows players to change their own forum name. We are working on enabling this on the forum and it should be up and running within 2 days.
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Well, you sir only have a forums account for the express reason to post ban appeals, and premium for some easy PVP bonuses, and are essentially making posts for non-constructive flaming. I can respectfully say, where do you fit in this? Not here.

Who are you? I got this forum account far before I needed to make an appeal, and I lived 6 months as a premium back when it was essential to have premium to PvP. I am not flaming. I just think this is just a trifle. Premiums get benefits because we choose to support the server. A few months ago I was paying 16 dollars a month for 2 accounts of premium because I believe in this cause. I also deal premium on occasions because I believe in this cause, and I get my loyal members premium because I think they will enjoy the server more and be inclined to continue playing and recruit friends. This server is a crowd funded server meaning the majority of people who pay into it believe in the cause. Now this post is going to get "neutral" ratings, but when you rate me with those "awful" things. Please read my sig.
I hope everyone takes a look at this and understands the changes to Massive. A lot of the users on here are extremely young, and don't even have to get jobs yet. So of course they wouldn't understand the issue of money, since they don't have to deal with it.
I can't even see signatures on mobile. This doesn't really affect me.

But if this is what they need to do, then I respect Mon and Cays decision.
When I first saw this, I agreed that everyone should have them. Now, after reading the posts here that are for and against it, my opinion has done a 180 degree switch.

Totally Agree, although the glitches of this addition are rather irritating. I cannot edit or add to my peer-review character application, which is quite restrictive, but I respect all problems will be dealt with in time, and that they take time. When I am able to donate I will, I don't think many people know exactly how much money is needed to sustain a server of this size or what the EULA means to the future of Massivecraft's premium users. Any change is fine, if implemented for the better future of Massivecraft as a server and forum.
First off, YES I am premium, but I believe this feature should stay. ALL IN GAME BENEFITS FOR PREMIUMS WILL GO, yet its somehow unfair for someone who donates money to the sever to have little links and pictures under their posts. Honestly, the number of premiums is already going to decrease without IG benefits, so a forum signature is the least you can do. Non-prems can live without it.

Please do not announce such things. We haven't said a word on what will happen to Premium features. You are scaring players unnecessarily.
Maybe a compromise (IF this is possible): Everyone gets siggies, but non-Prems get fewer options.

For example, non-Prems get plain text so they can link to their character apps/tumblr/docs/etc.

Prems get pretty pictures and formatting and all sorts of other junk.
But Rycikins...My dragons....MAH BEUTIFUL DWAGONSSS
Yes, it is unfortunate that the staff is getting rid of a basic thing that almost any other forum has activated for everyone, but there is a simple solution if your signature is really that important to you.

Copy and paste.



Sure, it doesn't look as good if it were actually underneath the post, but if your signature really does leave some kind of important information that you'd like to advertise, pop it in underneath all your post.

This would be easier if we had an updated bbcode version...
Recently, I noticed it says "You must be premium to use a forum signature".
Now, personally, I think that's complete BS.
Everyone should have the right to express themselves through their signatures.
It's unfair and not cool, in the slightest.

So, I wish to ask if this can be changed.
and if anyone agrees with me.

Also, for the record, I am premium.
This isn't me bitching just because I can't get it [which I could if I wanted to]
It's me bitching because everyone should be allowed it.

I honestly hope this was accidental or a mistake of some kind.
There are some wonderfull benefits from this change!!
- Les spam of signatures
- Make people think about getting premium again.
However, i do agree that this is an unfair change. i feel that non-premiums should be entitled to at least 1 signature.
Is this a glitch? I see my signature and other non-premiums in conversations.




Those pictures are funny, no?

But if this is what we really must do, than I accept.
I guess I have to wait until I renew my premium to get a signature.

But anyway.
The people.
Let them eat cake!
I mean signatures.
I also meant possess.
Let them possess signatures!