Archived Premium To Use Signature? What? No.

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Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland
Recently, I noticed it says "You must be premium to use a forum signature".
Now, personally, I think that's complete BS.
Everyone should have the right to express themselves through their signatures.
It's unfair and not cool, in the slightest.

So, I wish to ask if this can be changed.
and if anyone agrees with me.

Also, for the record, I am premium.
This isn't me bitching just because I can't get it [which I could if I wanted to]
It's me bitching because everyone should be allowed it.

I honestly hope this was accidental or a mistake of some kind.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I concur. It's stupid that only premiums can do that.

And this is coming from a premium.
Um, it also seems that removal of the signature has caused an error on some threads so that you can't edit or reply to your own post.

Also, I find that signatures, while a small thing, have personality and spirit to them, decorated with things that define it's user. If only premiums had them, it would be a bit saddening for the non-prems to not be able to show of themselves.​
Hm, I always thought I still had my signature...I never noticed. Seems like in my conversations I get it.
Maybe make it so premiums can customize the background forum colour.
I am premium but my name is not mu Ign due to the gmail glitch
I am premium but my name is not mu Ign due to the gmail glitch
Well i have premium and can not change my nick cause the other one i can not delete i.e the profile Artemis_Hanzo
Well for the RP community it can be pretty useful to just be able to click a link in someone's signature and be at their character intro
:I I tried to sign up with yahoo, but that didn't work. So my forum name isn't my ign. This means, even though I am premium, I can't use my signature.
I have premium but my forum account is different from my game so I do not get this benefit anyway. Also I really don't like the idea of this, forum signatures give each person a personality, lets us show important things and remember and display important or funny moments.
it takes away from the roleplay. People could place faction and roleplaty information in their signatures. The changes for now, I dont mind, except for the signature change. It is just a bother finding people their roleplay characters now.
Before people get too upset with the change(Didn't even notice until now) keep in mind this is the new EULA presented by mojang forcing such changes, not because the staff wanted to make signatures pay to play. As stated above, I can see where there may be issues for people, however, with the multitude of benefits about to become universal from premium only, I think the tradeoff is more than balanced.

If it is really that big of an issue, donate. I understand some people may not have spare cash to use on a video-game, but there are several people who sell for regals which are really not that hard to obtain if you set your mind to it.
Ok but some premiums can not change their names due to the yahoo glitch making them have a usless prem forum account and a non prem one.
Ok but some premiums can not change their names due to the yahoo glitch making them have a usless prem forum account and a non prem one.
But the staff have stated a few times that you'll be able to change your forums name to your ign, to recive premium features. Just be a bit patient, they're trying to fix all these new forums bugs, and after they'll start working on name problems.
I'd rather that glitches on the forum be fixed before they start giving things premium only features, I mean yea, it really does sorta suck we lost our signatures. I loved mine. But this really boils down to a main point- Is that a main thing that will actually hold up the server? Because when I think about it, if it's another thing to convince people to keep the server running, then I can deal with it. 1:1
Before people get too upset with the change(Didn't even notice until now) keep in mind this is the new EULA presented by mojang forcing such changes, not because the staff wanted to make signatures pay to play. As stated above, I can see where there may be issues for people, however, with the multitude of benefits about to become universal from premium only, I think the tradeoff is more than balanced.

If it is really that big of an issue, donate. I understand some people may not have spare cash to use on a video-game, but there are several people who sell for regals which are really not that hard to obtain if you set your mind to it.
1. It takes a lot of hours for me to get 1000 regals, but I have to get double that just to buy premium at the minimum price, and probably alone!
2. The only reason I would want premium is for a forum signature that is not worth that much.
3. Even premiums are arguing against this.
4. Some people are going to boycott premium because of this
5. I loved the signature, I spent time on it and got creative. It's my only creative output on a website of words.
6. Now we're going to have a lot of dead dragons. (U)
7. Whats next, the emotes?;(

This has gone too far. :@
I'd rather that glitches on the forum be fixed before they start giving things premium only features, I mean yea, it really does sorta suck we lost our signatures. I loved mine. But this really boils down to a main point- Is that a main thing that will actually hold up the server? Because when I think about it, if it's another thing to convince people to keep the server running, then I can deal with it. 1:1
This is a turn-off for some so it might make the server less cash.
This is a turn-off for some so it might make the server less cash.
Not entirely, the fact they may also want a fancy shmancy little signature can also get their attention to getting it, they would have little to no effect in cash.
Can't edit my previous post. So:
5. I loved the signature, I spent time on it and got creative. It's my only creative output on a website of words. Without it I feel like this is just a boring website. I also feel like Massivecraft is now losing it's touch. It's now just another money grabbing server.
Not entirely, the fact they may also want a fancy shmancy little signature can also get their attention to getting it, they would have little to no effect in cash.
It may turn either way, but for me, I'm boycotting.
Before people get too upset with the change(Didn't even notice until now) keep in mind this is the new EULA presented by mojang forcing such changes, not because the staff wanted to make signatures pay to play. As stated above, I can see where there may be issues for people, however, with the multitude of benefits about to become universal from premium only, I think the tradeoff is more than balanced.

If it is really that big of an issue, donate. I understand some people may not have spare cash to use on a video-game, but there are several people who sell for regals which are really not that hard to obtain if you set your mind to it.
It kinda boils down to the signature change just seeming petty. If restrictions get that, well, restricting (compared to our previous freedom in that regard) it is a bit ridiculous. There are other methods which would be less controversial - I haven't mentioned this until now because I like my fancy title, but perhaps restrict forum titles (what is under my name to the left) and let everyone have free signatures
It kinda boils down to the signature change just seeming petty. If restrictions get that, well, restricting (compared to our previous freedom in that regard) it is a bit ridiculous. There are other methods which would be less controversial - I haven't mentioned this until now because I like my fancy title, but perhaps restrict forum titles (what is under my name to the left) and let everyone have free signatures
Good Idea.
Personally I don't think that forum signatures are worth buying premium over. I think everyone should boycott signatures - if they support signatures being for all forum users. The server (should) want people to come to the forums - by taking things away from those people who come to the forums they are effectively lowering the forum user count and making the RP and OOG interactions on the forum deteriorate.

Besides this, I liked seeing everyone's signature. Perhaps make it so that only Premiums can put non-forum links into their signature? And pictures, it would be nice (but not necessary) to have pictures, and it would be a nice side bonus.
It may turn either way, but for me, I'm boycotting.
Boycotting is probably the dumbest idea I have heard. You can throw as many negative ratings as you see fit. But you're whining about not having a forum signature? I'm a premium in game and actually. All the features are worth it. And I'll definitely try to get another month. Boycotting premium will negatively affect the server we all love. The server needs money to run. It costs money to run and upkeep and amazing server. And we should donate. You don't like not having a signature? Work for it. Make regals. Sell things. Etc. You have successfully managed to not be helpful and to completely throw away any sympathy I could have given. This whole idea of boycotting and you not wanting to spend the time to make regals for premium or get your own money is ridiculous. I work really hard. In real life. I have a job and I'm working all summer. Now I don't buy my own premium because I don't have online funds to do so. But that's not the point. There are plenty of things you can do to get premium if this is such a dramatic and disastrous issue for you.
Boycotting is probably the dumbest idea I have heard. You can throw as many negative ratings as you see fit. But you're whining about not having a forum signature? I'm a premium in game and actually. All the features are worth it. And I'll definitely try to get another month. Boycotting premium will negatively affect the server we all love. The server needs money to run. It costs money to run and upkeep and amazing server. And we should donate. You don't like not having a signature? Work for it. Make regals. Sell things. Etc. You have successfully managed to not be helpful and to completely throw away any sympathy I could have given. This whole idea of boycotting and you not wanting to spend the time to make regals for premium or get your own money is ridiculous. I work really hard. In real life. I have a job and I'm working all summer. Now I don't buy my own premium because I don't have online funds to do so. But that's not the point. There are plenty of things you can do to get premium if this is such a dramatic and disastrous issue for you.
Iunno why you quoted me but that's a valid point
Boycotting is probably the dumbest idea I have heard. You can throw as many negative ratings as you see fit. But you're whining about not having a forum signature? I'm a premium in game and actually. All the features are worth it. And I'll definitely try to get another month. Boycotting premium will negatively affect the server we all love. The server needs money to run. It costs money to run and upkeep and amazing server. And we should donate. You don't like not having a signature? Work for it. Make regals. Sell things. Etc. You have successfully managed to not be helpful and to completely throw away any sympathy I could have given. This whole idea of boycotting and you not wanting to spend the time to make regals for premium or get your own money is ridiculous. I work really hard. In real life. I have a job and I'm working all summer. Now I don't buy my own premium because I don't have online funds to do so. But that's not the point. There are plenty of things you can do to get premium if this is such a dramatic and disastrous issue for you.
I know some people find it so easy to obtain regals, but some of us aren't that lucky. I have a faction to run, and I have to spend all the money I get on the faction. I do everything you have suggested, and it all gets drained into the faction. I work really hard too, you think I don't? And besides, even an "amazing" server like this isn't so amazing when they make you pay for forum signatures. Also, the features may be worth it but they're changing.
Boycotting is probably the dumbest idea I have heard. You can throw as many negative ratings as you see fit. But you're whining about not having a forum signature? I'm a premium in game and actually. All the features are worth it. And I'll definitely try to get another month. Boycotting premium will negatively affect the server we all love. The server needs money to run. It costs money to run and upkeep and amazing server. And we should donate. You don't like not having a signature? Work for it. Make regals. Sell things. Etc. You have successfully managed to not be helpful and to completely throw away any sympathy I could have given. This whole idea of boycotting and you not wanting to spend the time to make regals for premium or get your own money is ridiculous. I work really hard. In real life. I have a job and I'm working all summer. Now I don't buy my own premium because I don't have online funds to do so. But that's not the point. There are plenty of things you can do to get premium if this is such a dramatic and disastrous issue for you.
Boycotting is not to make the server worse, it is to make the server better. I'm not trying to be a jerk here, I'm trying to tell the server that paying for some things is just plain wrong.
Also, doesn't it seem strange that the majority of people fighting for this are premiums? Even other premiums are fighting against this!