Premium Taking Over Massive Craft?

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Oct 15, 2012
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It has sadly come to my attention that the once well balanced premiums are becoming Over powered. Non-premiums that cannot afford to pay for premium basically cant take part in any war what so ever as everyone is just so OP. Back in the day the diamond vs iron was alright because no one used high enchanted items or just didn't have high skills,but now they are using god armor and they're axes smash iron like crazy. Cayorian used to repeat over and over again was that Premium isn't buying perks they just thank you for donating and reward you with some few minor NON over powered perks. Non-premiums wont be able to create any horse armor, not even iron. How are they now going to have to defend they're factions when over powered Protection IV armored premiums. I've been donating to the server for along time now and i can carry on, but something has got to change some how.
You can easily compete with most premium players if you have high enough skill levels, I for example have absolutely atrocious fighting skills and so without a doubt you could defeat me even if I had high enchants on. You yourself can obtain high level iron enchants so I don't see the point in complaining. If you want to fight these "godlike" premium players for a start you could maybe, train? Lots of people go around angrily spewing that premiums are over powered and have too high skills. If that's your opinion stop complaining and actually get your skills to surpass theirs. Now some people do use the premium features to better themselves in PvP circumstances, but many have premium for the access. I suggest training your Mcmmo levels rather than complaining, but hey that is my own opinion.

P.S. I am not saying your skills are currently low, just that you could improve them.
No i agree. My skills are very sufficient enough. I'm standing up for the non premiums. People like Skysoh are very high skilled players. But hes not a premium and cannot last in a fight. Iron durability is to weak to survive a fight with a guy with even a 500 axe level. Unbreaking III Protection IV Iron Armor will never last a fight, and normal iron is literally 2 hits and your out. You cant even have a proper arena game due to the fact as its basically a two hit scene.
Well the thing is, iron armor has much less durability than diamond, so it's almost a waste to use so many levels on a piece of easily breakable armor.
Also now take into the context that premiums will now be the only ones to be able to craft horse armor? So now they have Prot IV armor a horse and diamond armor with they're horse, and the non-premium has nothing? Im just saying non-prems are becoming useless.
Premium is a gift for donating. But it starts to sound more and more like paying to win. And that just sounds wrong. Equel non-premium and premium players in pvp seems fair enough. I dont need their drop or watever they may carry aslong as when i am fully maxed skilled out and have the bestest of equipment one can possibly have, that i still can defeat a premium one on one, sword to sword.
I personnaly am a good example for one of the stated problems. My skills are rather low (around 200 each) and I usually get beaten by a skilled non premium in fights. Sure, I do not use all these protection enchants because I find it a waste of time anyways. Most premiums are beatable, given a skill equal or higher then theirs plus a good tactic in fights.

For the horse armor:
Vanilla doesn't offer a reciepe for any horse related item, not armor, not saddle and not for the name tag.
This is why we decided to open this feature for those who make the server survive by donating. Atm, premiums can craft and sell them to others including non premiums. In most factions there is atleast one premium which surely will craft you the horse armor that you want so desperatly.

We have to create attention for premium, enabling something that a lot of people want to be able to is a great way. Or would you rather like us to give premius the permission to fly? (this is obviously a joke, we never would do such a thing).
No i agree. My skills are very sufficient enough. I'm standing up for the non premiums. People like Skysoh are very high skilled players. But hes not a premium and cannot last in a fight. Iron durability is to weak to survive a fight with a guy with even a 500 axe level. Unbreaking III Protection IV Iron Armor will never last a fight, and normal iron is literally 2 hits and your out. You cant even have a proper arena game due to the fact as its basically a two hit scene.
--cries-- finally someone carrying about non premium[DOUBLEPOST=1370874338,1370874191][/DOUBLEPOST]
I personnaly am a good example for one of the stated problems. My skills are rather low (around 200 each) and I usually get beaten by a skilled non premium in fights. Sure, I do not use all these protection enchants because I find it a waste of time anyways. Most premiums are beatable, given a skill equal or higher then theirs plus a good tactic in fights.

For the horse armor:
Vanilla doesn't offer a reciepe for any horse related item, not armor, not saddle and not for the name tag.
This is why we decided to open this feature for those who make the server survive by donating. Atm, premiums can craft and sell them to others including non premiums. In most factions there is atleast one premium which surely will craft you the horse armor that you want so desperatly.

We have to create attention for premium, enabling something that a lot of people want to be able to is a great way. Or would you rather like us to give premius the permission to fly? (this is obviously a joke, we never would do such a thing).
Well take away ALL their other perks and make non perm able to wear diamond then oh COULD let premiums fly
Oh and of course this is a joke ...ha. Ha. Ha...
I myself will be selling horse armor at a very reasonable price. I have seen premiums light gates for non premiums and if they ask they may even craft the armor for you. The server has to have donating players in order to pay the bills.
Premiums arent OP... You could buy prem with silver if you dont have the money or the creditcard... Also at which Server do you get so many features for so less money? I think prem should stay what it is... This Server needs the Donations like every other Game you play (well every game has to do with money). :) Iam sorry for all non prems but there are ways you can buy Prem...
I agree with all of your opinions but Irons Durability is to low for players to make an effort to fight. Iron Prot IV UN III armor will never last a fight against a high skilled ax prem. Maybe increasing the durability of iron to the same as diamond, but having iron weaker then diamond would help the scenario. Also im not saying that non prems need higher skills. Look at Skysoh. (Sorry you're the only non prem i can think of off the top of my head :)) His Axes is 750 and so are mine. Who will win? Me of course because ill break his armor first. Simple and that is what im trying to get to. DURABILITY :)
I agree with all of your opinions but Irons Durability is to low for players to make an effort to fight. Iron Prot IV UN III armor will never last a fight against a high skilled ax prem. Maybe increasing the durability of iron to the same as diamond, but having iron weaker then diamond would help the scenario. Also im not saying that non prems need higher skills. Look at Skysoh. (Sorry you're the only non prem i can think of off the top of my head :)) His Axes is 750 and so are mine. Who will win? Me of course because ill break his armor first. Simple and that is what im trying to get to. DURABILITY :)

Well, the increasing of durability would to my knowledge require a client-side mod. But otherwise, I feel the same way, since if you're a non-premium it is hard to take part in a battle with anyone that has high axes. So, I don't think iron's durability should change, but maybe... maybe... maybe........ I don't know, I can't think of anything besides giving non-premium the ability to wear diamond armor.
I have had this problem before. I have always thought "Wait, everyone's better than me. Is it premium? Must be." However, a non-premium with 500 swords could easily rip through a noob with premium. My advice is to train up, the people who beat you have been here for 9 months (or further) more. Also, if you can't win a fight, don't get in one. It's admirable you stick up for us, but we've accepted it now, we're used to non-premium.
:( People complaining about Premiums too much ... Honestly, I understand how you think premium is op but we donate we use IRL money to pay, we weren't given it for free. If you are complaining at how your not a premium and they're better than you - there's no point.
If you are complaining because you dislike the premium aspect of the server (on rare occasions) that's a different story.[DOUBLEPOST=1370877796,1370877740][/DOUBLEPOST]Additionally, all these things are biased opinions as they all come from non-premiums.
I, as a premium who runs a faction of fairly low level combat folks, find the very delusion that premium ISN'T overpowered to be foolish and stupid at the same time. That is not a double negative, that's more like a multiplication of idiocy. (note, not calling people stupid, just the idea). I have lost count of the number of times my nonprems have been wiped out in battle by a SINGLE premium with high skillsets. It is simply NOT possible to level up to the point where defeating a premium in full godarmor with godweapons AND very high mcstats is possible. My faction and I have NEVER started a war - we've been raided by people who don't have anything to lose if they simply run away when it looks like they're losing health.

Now, I understand the need for donations but this is ridiculous. A single premium member with high skills can wipe out a faction of 80 non prems due to the simple fact that the premium can keep more supplies. The server is swiftly, in my opinion, becoming a pay-to-win server. While I cannot speak for everyone I can speak for myself - if this server gets to the point that premiums truly are the only people capable of participating in wars (and in recent times I haven't seen many, if any, non prems doing so) I will be sad and disappointed in the server and community overall.

To people who want to say that all it takes is high skillsets in a non-premium member, I call bullshit. The vast majority of new members are non-premium members with low skill sets, and they don't want to join a server only to find that they need to sit in a darkroom for 9 months in order to compete with some kid who's got money. If I had been forced to sit in a darkroom for 9 months when I first started massivecraft I would've left within a week. Honestly, it seems ridiculous that people can say such things and actually believe them.

My last word, as it were, is that the premiums need to lose something or the non-premiums need to gain something. Anything short of that will damage the community overall and cost the server many new players who find out they simply cannot survive unless they either spend their entire lives in a darkroom or become premium. It won't end well, and it won't help the server in the long run.
I, as a premium who runs a faction of fairly low level combat folks, find the very delusion that premium ISN'T overpowered to be foolish and stupid at the same time. That is not a double negative, that's more like a multiplication of idiocy. (note, not calling people stupid, just the idea). I have lost count of the number of times my nonprems have been wiped out in battle by a SINGLE premium with high skillsets. It is simply NOT possible to level up to the point where defeating a premium in full godarmor with godweapons AND very high mcstats is possible. My faction and I have NEVER started a war - we've been raided by people who don't have anything to lose if they simply run away when it looks like they're losing health.

Now, I understand the need for donations but this is ridiculous. A single premium member with high skills can wipe out a faction of 80 non prems due to the simple fact that the premium can keep more supplies. The server is swiftly, in my opinion, becoming a pay-to-win server. While I cannot speak for everyone I can speak for myself - if this server gets to the point that premiums truly are the only people capable of participating in wars (and in recent times I haven't seen many, if any, non prems doing so) I will be sad and disappointed in the server and community overall.

To people who want to say that all it takes is high skillsets in a non-premium member, I call bullshit. The vast majority of new members are non-premium members with low skill sets, and they don't want to join a server only to find that they need to sit in a darkroom for 9 months in order to compete with some kid who's got money. If I had been forced to sit in a darkroom for 9 months when I first started massivecraft I would've left within a week. Honestly, it seems ridiculous that people can say such things and actually believe them.

My last word, as it were, is that the premiums need to lose something or the non-premiums need to gain something. Anything short of that will damage the community overall and cost the server many new players who find out they simply cannot survive unless they either spend their entire lives in a darkroom or become premium. It won't end well, and it won't help the server in the long run.

Beautifully Said, And im a PREMIUM member -_- Im just saying that non prems are getting useless.
THIS again.

I'm a NON premium and I think that it's fair. If you stop whining about it and start training your stats, then you can get good at PvP. And if you buy high enchant weapons with all the silver you can get from dark rooms, then you have something to use against invading premiums. Now, stop moaning about this and go train your stats.
I have a suggestion that might help. Make a world that iron armor can only be worn in battle. Give non premiums a choice of where to build there base. Then premiums can go there and fight in iron armor. Just a suggestion.
THIS again.

I'm a NON premium and I think that it's fair. If you stop whining about it and start training your stats, then you can get good at PvP. And if you buy high enchant weapons with all the silver you can get from dark rooms, then you have something to use against invading premiums. Now, stop moaning about this and go train your stats.
Im a premium and my stats are really good, im not complaining on my behalf im complaining on my non prem friends. Take this situation into consideration.
Player 1 is a prem. Player 2 a non prem. Player 1 attacks Player 2. Player 1 has 500 axes. Player 2 has 1000 axes and both have Prot IV unbreaking III armor prem diamond non iron.. Player 2 kills player 1 at his base (Player 2 is defending) Player 2s armor is close to breaking. Player 1 just comes back with slightly damaged armor and breaks Player 2s armor. And then let the raping begin. :) Not all of the god apples can save your armor.
Well, player 2 SHOULD be prepared with backup armor, or he could just make more. I'm just saying, if non prems would trains, they might fight better. (Now, I know my stats are sucky, but I almost never fight.)
We should have a faction that is for only "pure'" non premium by the 'pure I mean never been a premium before or we could have a plugin that helps us to check how many times had that person donated
I have a suggestion that might help. Make a world that iron armor can only be worn in battle. Give non premiums a choice of where to build there base. Then premiums can go there and fight in iron armor. Just a suggestion.
Actually, the plan, as I understand it, is to have a world where only leather armor can be worn (to protect from the cold), except by people of the new race native to this land.
Well, player 2 SHOULD be prepared with backup armor, or he could just make more. I'm just saying, if non prems would trains, they might fight better. (Now, I know my stats are sucky, but I almost never fight.)

This makes me curious as to how many Prot4Un3 sets of Iron one man can pump out in a day, assuming he actually does other things with his time as well...
Strategy is the key.

Yeah, you will never overpower a premium that has maxed out their skills / weapons. That is when strategy must take the wheel.

My first month on Massivecraft, I guess I pissed a few people off and happybob123 came to raid me. He was a very powerful person at the time. I eventually killed him, not in combat, but by trapping him and using potions. With the right methods, anyone can be taken down.
THIS again.

I'm a NON premium and I think that it's fair. If you stop whining about it and start training your stats, then you can get good at PvP. And if you buy high enchant weapons with all the silver you can get from dark rooms, then you have something to use against invading premiums. Now, stop moaning about this and go train your stats.

The problem with saying that is the simple fact that I, let alone a brand new member, would and do hate that you need to spend months in a darkroom just to be considered "good" at massivecraft. Personally I feel this conflict goes beyond just premium and right into the heart of Mcmmo making it impossible for people who don't have time to burn or prefer to build/mine to equal people who are willing and able to waste months of their lives in a darkroom. Most players who join the server are probably teenagers or younger (I know at least half my faction is under 14) and don't have the attention span to use a darkroom contently for hours on end (for that matter, neither do I) so they won't level up as quickly as a devout warmonger. This is expected but made far more unfair by the massive perks premiums get and the fact that premium members are often the ones who take the warrior rout.

I would also like to note that high level enchanted iron armor is not something most people can simply replace like replacing an ordinary shovel or pick. It takes hours in a darkroom to gather the XP for each piece of the armor, then a few minutes in the mines for the armor itself, and then more time to build and equip it, and all the while a premium could come, kill you, and take everything you've just made. I don't even use enchanted DIAMOND armor because of the raw power of the axes MCMMO skillset. Not worth the effort it takes to replace the armor after every battle.[DOUBLEPOST=1370882195,1370882094][/DOUBLEPOST]
Strategy is the key.

Yeah, you will never overpower a premium that has maxed out their skills / weapons. That is when strategy must take the wheel.

My first month on Massivecraft, I guess I pissed a few people off and happybob123 came to raid me. He was a very powerful person at the time. I eventually killed him, not in combat, but by trapping him and using potions. With the right methods, anyone can be taken down.

THIS is what I plan to do with my base in the near future. Make it into a fortress. Of course, then you get called all sorts of nasty names by the raiders, like Cowards, Weaklings, and more... choice forms of those words. For example, Deathfist. They have the strategy plan down pat and all it's done is make them more enemies.
Now, I understand the need for donations but this is ridiculous. A single premium member with high skills can wipe out a faction of 80 non prems due to the simple fact that the premium can keep more supplies. The server is swiftly, in my opinion, becoming a pay-to-win server. While I cannot speak for everyone I can speak for myself - if this server gets to the point that premiums truly are the only people capable of participating in wars (and in recent times I haven't seen many, if any, non prems doing so) I will be sad and disappointed in the server and community overall.

That fact is not true nor untrue. A single high skilled non premium in god-iron-armor can wipe out 80 premiums if their skill set is low and not wearing armor at the time (surprise attacks are defended without armor). That being said, your argument there is null.

What are you "paying" for:
  • The ability to wear diamond armor
Now, that being said doesn't help you at all. As of then (to generate your situation) you have to spend silver or time to acquire the diamonds and the all the enchantment books.
One Protection 3 book goes usually for about 20-25 Silver as to my knowledge and with the 30 Starter silver that doesn't get you far.
In reality, you would have to spend about 5 - 10 hours to get such an armor set (based on your skills and money). As a regular day to day player with where about 3 hours of gameplay a day this can be hard. Gnarrf as a reference worked three days (of about 2-4 hours each) straight at one full set of prot 3 unbr. 4 armor.
It is not premium which makes a player powerful, it is the time a player can dedicate for the game. I myself could never spend 4 hours a day for this, since I got a job and this is a hobby that I do not take that serious.
The fact that there are players who can spend all their time (including work-hours sometimes) gathering enchantment books, acquire silver and raid does not make them over-powered, it simply makes them very powerful because they had the time to.
We should have a faction that is for only "pure'" non premium by the 'pure I mean never been a premium before or we could have a plugin that helps us to check how many times had that person donated
How would this change anything? Give me the output of your sugestion aswell, otherwise I can barely comment on it.
Im a premium and my stats are really good, im not complaining on my behalf im complaining on my non prem friends. Take this situation into consideration.
Player 1 is a prem. Player 2 a non prem. Player 1 attacks Player 2. Player 1 has 500 axes. Player 2 has 1000 axes and both have Prot IV unbreaking III armor prem diamond non iron.. Player 2 kills player 1 at his base (Player 2 is defending) Player 2s armor is close to breaking. Player 1 just comes back with slightly damaged armor and breaks Player 2s armor. And then let the raping begin. :) Not all of the god apples can save your armor.

In all seriousness, if someone has 1000 axes you wreck someones armor...not just a bit. Even a god armor piece get's heavily wrecked with this skill-set and a good axe.
THIS again.

I'm a NON premium and I think that it's fair. If you stop whining about it and start training your stats, then you can get good at PvP. And if you buy high enchant weapons with all the silver you can get from dark rooms, then you have something to use against invading premiums. Now, stop moaning about this and go train your stats.

They may complaint, it's their good right. Be a little less hostile in your posts please.
Ya know, a bow with Knock I and Infinite I could probably wreck a premium, regardless of their axe skill, especially if your defending seeing as you'de probably be up on a wall .-.
I'd like to firstly make this statement. Now I'm quoting the main page of the website here "Welcome to MassiveCraft, the medieval fantasy roleplaying minecraft server." Now I know that people on this server like to PvP and raid and whatnot, personally I've never raided or engaged in PvP once on Massivecraft. The main focus of the server should be around roleplay which is why I find people complaining over how weak they are or how they don't want to train their skills to become "good" on Massivecraft quite annoying. You do not have to be good at fighting to be inherently good at Massivecraft, whether or not you want to is a different matter. You want to fight? You are a non-premium? Then go train, I don't care if you think it's hard you want to become a fighter. If you had wanted to become a writer then that is different, then I'd say "You don't need premium for that!".

My main point is that you should not feel that fighting brings success in Massivecraft, money and the economy play just as influential role. Not to mention roleplaying itself, in that way I could portray my character as a warrior without worrying about stats to prove it.
That fact is not true nor untrue. A single high skilled non premium in god-iron-armor can wipe out 80 premiums if their skill set is low and not wearing armor at the time (surprise attacks are defended without armor). That being said, your argument there is null.

What are you "paying" for:
  • The ability to wear diamond armor
Now, that being said doesn't help you at all. As of then (to generate your situation) you have to spend silver or time to acquire the diamonds and the all the enchantment books.
One Protection 3 book goes usually for about 20-25 Silver as to my knowledge and with the 30 Starter silver that doesn't get you far.
In reality, you would have to spend about 5 - 10 hours to get such an armor set (based on your skills and money). As a regular day to day player with where about 3 hours of gameplay a day this can be hard. Gnarrf as a reference worked three days (of about 2-4 hours each) straight at one full set of prot 3 unbr. 4 armor.
It is not premium which makes a player powerful, it is the time a player can dedicate for the game. I myself could never spend 4 hours a day for this, since I got a job and this is a hobby that I do not take that serious.
The fact that there are players who can spend all their time (including work-hours sometimes) gathering enchantment books, acquire silver and raid does not make them over-powered, it simply makes them very powerful because they had the time to.

I would like to note that everything you stated is true... but by that same train of thought someone who has the time to put that much into the game would also be likely to consider paying premium a small thing. So the very people who become most powerful because they have, for lack of a better term, nothing better to do (assumedly) are also the ones most likely to increase their power by paying premium and getting better armor, not losing it if they die, faster recoveries from losses and MCMMO powers, and then finally having far more space to store raid goods and even a WB to build new armor/weapons if they lose what they have. When you combine the battle-readiness of a devout warrior with the "gifts" of premium you get a warrior that even a hundred moderately skilled players would be hard pressed to defeat - and then that player will just come back again, and again, and again, because they have nothing else to do (apparently).

You logic is correct, you facts are correct... but even you cannot deny that my logic is also correct. Someone with more dedication is more likely to become premium and thus become a walking tank that self-repairs and revives.

May I ask what people suggest those who prefer to build and mine and roleplay should do in an environment where only pure, "I-have-no-life" dedication to an online game can get you anywhere?
For example, Deathfist. They have the strategy plan down pat and all it's done is make them more enemies.

I think that has more to do with stuckinbermuda's mouth... for example saying that Alamut has a lag machine to cover up their hacked clients |-(

I really don't have a problem with their defenses, although it does nothing to get us off their land, it keeps us from getting in to their base.
I'd like to firstly make this statement. Now I'm quoting the main page of the website here "Welcome to MassiveCraft, the medieval fantasy roleplaying minecraft server." Now I know that people on this server like to PvP and raid and whatnot, personally I've never raided or engaged in PvP once on Massivecraft. The main focus of the server should be around roleplay which is why I find people complaining over how weak they are or how they don't want to train their skills to become "good" on Massivecraft quite annoying. You do not have to be good at fighting to be inherently good at Massivecraft, whether or not you want to is a different matter. You want to fight? You are a non-premium? Then go train, I don't care if you think it's hard you want to become a fighter. If you had wanted to become a writer then that is different, then I'd say "You don't need premium for that!".

My main point is that you should not feel that fighting brings success in Massivecraft, money and the economy play just as influential role. Not to mention roleplaying itself, in that way I could portray my character as a warrior without worrying about stats to prove it.

I will now state this reply: My faction, Hisoka, has lost 300 silver and many wars. Our Roleplay is that of a growing community and town, not a warmongering empire. We have never declared war on anyone (except for TheFree) and have never raided anyone (except for TheFree). We do not seek war, nor violence. The entire purpose of my faction is to show new members to most basic ropes of Massivecraft and attempt to provide as wide as possible assortment of skills and roleplay capacities. However, we are raided by those who think otherwise. And then we are called weak, unskilled, and bad at massivecraft. The simple fact of the matter is that in order to be considered "good" by the massivecraft community you often need to have a fair amount of skill at pvp, which a 'writer' wouldn't have. Premium enhances that feeling because it gives only PVP and Survival suited enhancements. If it allowed someone to, say, create their own pictures to hang on the wall or perhaps to use magic or heal then I'd understand it helping the servers roleplay. But it doesn't, it focuses on the pvp aspect of the server and because of this the server as a whole has turned more into a pvp server then a roleplay server. Just some spare change from Mecharic :)
You logic is correct, you facts are correct... but even you cannot deny that my logic is also correct. Someone with more dedication is more likely to become premium and thus become a walking tank that self-repairs and revives.

Your logic is correct, I admit it. But the overall point of my statement was that it is not the premium which makes one powerful, it is the time he can dedicate to playing the game.

I agree in all of the points you stated besides that very important one I conter argued above.

May I ask what people suggest those who prefer to build and mine and role play should do in an environment where only pure, "I-have-no-life" dedication to an online game can get you anywhere?
Well, I have a life and I got pretty far without wasting my time in a darkroom. The key is organisation:
  • get yourself some friends who are skilled in pvping and like to do it for the matter of pvp
  • get some minions (player) for your faction that serve you for supplying and gathering resources. Don't take minions as something negative please, there are people who like to do this the most.
  • get a reputation that involves your friends and never ending resources. This helps a lot!
  • With the given resources and protection that you have now, you can live along, build fast and Rp as much as you want without getting interrupted.
It is a fact that massivecraft is a server with a huge player base with people who are really powerful. If you are weak at the start you must somehow gather friends to help you in some ways (most common is to join a big faction for the start).
I will now state this reply: My faction, Hisoka, has lost 300 silver and many wars. Our Roleplay is that of a growing community and town, not a warmongering empire. We have never declared war on anyone (except for TheFree) and have never raided anyone (except for TheFree). We do not seek war, nor violence. The entire purpose of my faction is to show new members to most basic ropes of Massivecraft and attempt to provide as wide as possible assortment of skills and roleplay capacities. However, we are raided by those who think otherwise. And then we are called weak, unskilled, and bad at massivecraft. The simple fact of the matter is that in order to be considered "good" by the massivecraft community you often need to have a fair amount of skill at pvp, which a 'writer' wouldn't have. Premium enhances that feeling because it gives only PVP and Survival suited enhancements. If it allowed someone to, say, create their own pictures to hang on the wall or perhaps to use magic or heal then I'd understand it helping the servers roleplay. But it doesn't, it focuses on the pvp aspect of the server and because of this the server as a whole has turned more into a pvp server then a roleplay server. Just some spare change from Mecharic :)

Got to agree there-I'm a member of Hisoka and the whole faction have been nothing but helpful, but when I play minecraft, I prefer to stay out of conflict, cos my PC lags to pieces-I prefer to build stuff and create. But I can't do that anymore without the constant threat of death over me. Also, I think Mecharic hit the nail on the head, Premiums shouldn't have so much Survival and fighting stuff. Maybe they could have access to certain blocks, or advanced abilities, like jumping higher or running faster, but all they seem to be able to do right now is lay down death in their wakes. But I'm also not saying they should lose all their survival stuff, that's not fair either. Diamond armour is that hard to get it should be for everyone.

The point is, reinforcing what Ben said, Massivecraft is not about solely fighting, it's about enjoying yourself, but that becomes difficult when you know you can't get all of this stuff that Premiums can. It's not just the not having it, it's knowing that you can't have it.
Citizens of Europe: "It's not fair we've lost the battle; Julius Caesar is too Over Powered!"'s a roleplay pvp server. Not every player is going to be Alexander the Great. That being said, don't you think it's already being too kind that the "Gods" oversee who can and cannot declare a war on someone else? How many more steps are going to be taken to protect the serfs?--What are low-skilled and poorly-equipped citizens doing trying to defend against War-Gods anyway? I like that there is an imbalance, it fits really well within the roleplay.

I do understand the plight for non premium players not being able to wear Diamond Armor. Perhaps they can pay silver monthly for the skill to wear diamond armor.. Or maybe they can find $8 USD a month in their couch cushions and just buy premium. Either way, I disagree that Premium is so powerful that a group of well coordinated non-premiums couldn't defend themselves.
Your logic is correct, I admit it. But the overall point of my statement was that it is not the premium which makes one powerful, it is the time he can dedicate to playing the game.

I agree in all of the points you stated besides that very important one I conter argued above.

Oh, I can agree with that! I've met several godass powerful players who weren't premium, and I will openly acknowledge the truth that it is the time spent that makes one powerful more so then the premium features.

Well, I have a life and I got pretty far without wasting my time in a darkroom. The key is organisation:
  • get yourself some friends who are skilled in pvping and like to do it for the matter of pvp
  • get some minions (player) for your faction that serve you for supplying and gathering resources. Don't take minions as something negative please, there are people who like to do this the most.
  • get a reputation that involves your friends and never ending resources. This helps a lot!
  • With the given resources and protection that you have now, you can live along, build fast and Rp as much as you want without getting interrupted.
It is a fact that massivecraft is a server with a huge player base with people who are really powerful. If you are weak at the start you must somehow gather friends to help you in some ways (most common is to join a big faction for the start).

I'm trying to do just that actually. I'm working on restructuring Hisoka to make it more or less raid-proof without completely sacrificing the ability to roleplay and enjoy the game. I do have the feeling I was meant to be a minion, as I prefer just about anything to fighting my ass off to enjoy a game. Would be nice if it was possible to disable enderpearls (gasp!) because they make the building of walls pretty much useless (without a dome that is). Anyway, thanks for the advice. I really do hope that Premium can become more balanced and less "you paid us, here's you set of awesome pvp perks".[DOUBLEPOST=1370885696,1370885420][/DOUBLEPOST]
Citizens of Europe: "It's not fair we've lost the battle; Julius Caesar is too Over Powered!"'s a roleplay pvp server. Not every player is going to be Alexander the Great. That being said, don't you think it's already being too kind that the "Gods" oversee who can and cannot declare a war on someone else? How many more steps are going to be taken to protect the serfs?--What are low-skilled and poorly-equipped citizens doing trying to defend against War-Gods anyway? I like that there is an imbalance, it fits really well within the roleplay.

I do understand the plight for non premium players not being able to wear Diamond Armor. Perhaps they can pay silver monthly for the skill to wear diamond armor.. Or maybe they can find $8 USD a month in their couch cushions and just buy premium. Either way, I disagree that Premium is so powerful that a group of well coordinated non-premiums couldn't defend themselves.

To the first half of that post I will say this: When Julius Caesar comes every 75 days and demands 300 silver from you there is a point where you aren't able to pay up - then you get raided and attacked until you either disband or go inactive (I've gotten close to both with Hisoka in recent times). My 'low skilled and poorly equipped' serfs don't usually try to defend - indeed, I've surrendered always - but they aren't given much of a choice but to either hide in my castle and hope for the best or to go out and hope for the best. It's not much of a choice really.

You need a paypal account to purchase premium from massivecraft, you need 9$USD a month or 100s a month (which few players can get who aren't already pvp-gods). No one feature of premium makes it overpowered it is the combination of these features alongside the MCMMO skills that makes them overpowered.[DOUBLEPOST=1370886801][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, I realized I've just been pointing out problems and not possible solutions. Let me give out some ideas for those few who care :)

  1. Diamond Armor - Give this to everyone. There is nothing roleplay accurate about only premiums being able to use diamond armor and everyone knows it. The feature is literally a pay-to-win feature and shouldn't even be considered under the current standing proclamations by the server administration. And if premiums get pissy at first they will soon accept it when they start killing non prems and getting sets of diamond armor they can then use for themselves.
  2. MCMMO Cooldowns - ahahaha no. Premiums should have to wait like everyone else - indeed, they should have to wait longer since the rich and powerful weren't exactly the most skilled at survival tasks like woodcutting or mining.
  3. RolePlay Based Perks - There should be perks that are based on roleplay rather then pvp.
    1. Names - Premiums could be able to change their IG nametag to suit their RP character. For example, I would be Mr.Paloin instead of Mecharic (only in Local Chat mind you). This would definitely make it easier for Roleplay to Occur if possible to code.
    2. Item-Carry - This is probably way too complex to be possible, but if it is Premiums should be given the ability to have an item in their hotbar and type /holditem to have it go in their hand like if it was on a wall (for example, torches. You type /holditem and it gives off light and looks like you're holding a real wall-torch). An item in /holditem could be either dual (meaning it goes to the hand not used for tools/blocks) or single (meaning it prevents use of another item). Would be AWESOME for roleplay.
    3. Specialty Items - Craft yourself a pipe or a cane, then use the /holditem feature to use it in a realistic manner!
      1. Pipe - 3 stick with a wood block above the end (either will do).
      2. Cane - 3 sticks in a horizontal manner.
      3. Latern - Redstone Light in the middle, lever on the top.
      4. Hats - Realistic hats made by putting 3 blocks of Wool, Wheat, or Leather on the bottom and then 1 block of the same substance in the middle and on top.
      5. Statue - 3 stone blocks on the bottom, 2 stone brick on top. Creates a random statue of a mob/Steve/important players. (this could even be a standalone for decor).
  4. Horses & Armor - I do not see the value in preventing normal players who may very well be richer then their premium counterparts from crafting and equipping horse armor - even if it is a massivecraft plugin.
If I think up more I may add them (I'll probably just get distracted) and I hope others will suggest more RP-based premium perks to replace/add to the perks they have. I want premium to still be worth getting but not to decide the fate of a war or battle. The best way to do so it so put it into the same nature that massivecraft claims to be: Roleplay Based.
Oh, I can agree with that! I've met several godass powerful players who weren't premium, and I will openly acknowledge the truth that it is the time spent that makes one powerful more so then the premium features.

I'm trying to do just that actually. I'm working on restructuring Hisoka to make it more or less raid-proof without completely sacrificing the ability to roleplay and enjoy the game. I do have the feeling I was meant to be a minion, as I prefer just about anything to fighting my ass off to enjoy a game. Would be nice if it was possible to disable enderpearls (gasp!) because they make the building of walls pretty much useless (without a dome that is). Anyway, thanks for the advice. I really do hope that Premium can become more balanced and less "you paid us, here's you set of awesome pvp perks".[DOUBLEPOST=1370885696,1370885420][/DOUBLEPOST]

To the first half of that post I will say this: When Julius Caesar comes every 75 days and demands 300 silver from you there is a point where you aren't able to pay up - then you get raided and attacked until you either disband or go inactive (I've gotten close to both with Hisoka in recent times). My 'low skilled and poorly equipped' serfs don't usually try to defend - indeed, I've surrendered always - but they aren't given much of a choice but to either hide in my castle and hope for the best or to go out and hope for the best. It's not much of a choice really.

You need a paypal account to purchase premium from massivecraft, you need 9$USD a month or 100s a month (which few players can get who aren't already pvp-gods). No one feature of premium makes it overpowered it is the combination of these features alongside the MCMMO skills that makes them overpowered.

When I first started the server I was in a faction with maybe 2 premium members. We did not have enough diamonds to make anything more than a few swords and certainly no one had full diamond armor. In fact you we did not even had iron armor and we wore chain armor mostly. We were raided a few times a week as we were involved in several conflicts, but there was not one time when 1 player could come in and kill us all. If this is happening to you it is most likely a lack of communication between your members.

Traps do help, but organization helps the most. We could be raided by factions like alamut who had combat skills higher than any of our members, full diamond armor for most of their members, diamond weapons often times with powerful enchantments, and potions. When something like this would happen we would not just yell and get killed, anyone that was not trapped in their house would meet in the town hall where we would discuss battle strategy. We would figure out who all was raiding us and who would be in charge of killing who. Those people at their houses depending on who they were would do a few different things. If you were a fighter you would put on your armor and grab a weapon. After that those people would get extra armor and weapons for those people in the town hall.

When the milita was armed and armored we would enact our plan which usually involved far ranged tactics using bows. These kind of plans and executions can help any faction big or small, premium or non-premium. This is not only exciting, but it is also roleplay oriented.
Having powerful factions as friends is the way to go. Reach out to these factions and some may help you in conflict. In fact premium has nothing to do with mcmmo. Many factions that love to fight will help defend if asked. It is useless to ask for premium features to be reduced or done away with. Money is needed to run the server.
I feel I'd like to point out that mention of disabling ender pearls. Premium or not, it certainly would be a good idea. Builds would actually have importance, and it'd force sieges back into actual sieges, instead of invasions. Or perhaps limit it's use to a single race, who can then act as an infiltrator and find a way to open the gates. But that topic could probably use its own thread.
Having powerful factions as friends is the way to go. Reach out to these factions and some may help you in conflict. In fact premium has nothing to do with mcmmo. Many factions that love to fight will help defend if asked. It is useless to ask for premium features to be reduced or done away with. Money is needed to run the server.

How about altered? :P
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