Premium Taking Over Massive Craft?

Do you agree in any way?

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    Votes: 19 47.5%
  • No

    Votes: 21 52.5%

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Premiums deserve to be stronger than nonpremiums? No, they don't DESERVE anything, they're donating. Why can't premiums just have role play benefits? Isn't this a role play server? Or am I mistaken? Has massive turned into a mainly pvp server now with small aspects of roleplay? The fact that MOST of the premium buffs help them in pvp shows how the importance of pvp has grown on this server, and most of its because of the premium benefits! In my eyes the benefits encourage premiums to fight more! Why can't the premium benefits be focused on roleplay?
After posts by the admins completely disregarding the opinions of the players I will no longer be posting in this thread. I will say this though: What has been posted above consists of direct insults and statements disregarding the value of players. I cannot believe that some of what's been said has been said, but it's there so it must be true. Congrats, you've insulted the entire server. Good luck to those who remain here, but the Admins have obviously decided they don't care about our opinions so long as they get their donations.
This is a polite way of saying "Fuck you admins."
~Mecharic, over and out.
After posts by the admins completely disregarding the opinions of the players I will no longer be posting in this thread. I will say this though: What has been posted above consists of direct insults and statements disregarding the value of players. I cannot believe that some of what's been said has been said, but it's there so it must be true. Congrats, you've insulted the entire server. Good luck to those who remain here, but the Admins have obviously decided they don't care about our opinions so long as they get their donations.
This is a polite way of saying "**** you admins."
~Mecharic, over and out.

Then until you take everyone on the server and somehow force them all to state their opinion, you shouldn't say how important of a matter this is.
How about you get all of them to support your opinion in order to change the server accordingly.
It has sadly come to my attention that the once well balanced premiums are becoming Over powered. Non-premiums that cannot afford to pay for premium basically cant take part in any war what so ever as everyone is just so OP. Back in the day the diamond vs iron was alright because no one used high enchanted items or just didn't have high skills,but now they are using god armor and they're axes smash iron like crazy. Cayorian used to repeat over and over again was that Premium isn't buying perks they just thank you for donating and reward you with some few minor NON over powered perks. Non-premiums wont be able to create any horse armor, not even iron. How are they now going to have to defend they're factions when over powered Protection IV armored premiums. I've been donating to the server for along time now and i can carry on, but something has got to change some how.

Premiums dont inherintely have high skills or high level armor. You have to work to get that. and non premiums can work to get nearly the same amount of protection as diamond armor with high enchants, AND premiums dont get special skill bonuses. All skills are earned through hard work. Just becasue Premiums had more time in the past to gain skills due to the server always being full doesnt mean a non prem cant get the same level of skills that a high level Premium has.
This thread has gone from a discussion of features to "Screw the admins we are right!!"

This is not the way in which you bring about change for the server :|
This thread has gone from a discussion of features to "Screw the admins we are right!!"

This is not the way in which you bring about change for the server :|

Please explain in which post on this thread has someone insulted an admin because they had an opposing viewpoint.
Which is why the general policy of these threads is to avoid them, but the majority of the MassiveCraft Team feel the need to reply anyway, because they don't want people to feel a situation or decision is bad, even though it was made as a decision to benefit the largest amount, if not largest amount possible, of players.
There's a Singleplayer button you know.

I know I said I was done with it, but this was the primary cause of my frustration. To tell your OWN PLAYERBASE to go into singleplayer because they voiced a differing opinion from you and want it to be heard and acknowledged is just rude, no other way to put it.

Ok, now I'm done.
I know I said I was done with it, but this was the primary cause of my frustration. To tell your OWN PLAYERBASE to go into singleplayer because they voiced a differing opinion from you and want it to be heard and acknowledged is just rude, no other way to put it.

Ok, now I'm done.
I will no longer be posting in this thread.
And just posted! Immposibru!
There's a Singleplayer button you know.

Ulumulu didn't entirely explain the full truth by behind diamond armor for Premiums. So I will summarize them quickly.
  • We want to avoid having the entire server run around in diamond armor. Cyan tin cans everywhere are not apealing to look at.
  • If there was a tier armor higher than diamond, we would have made that one premium only.
  • Premiums deserve to be stronger than non premiums.
Some people tend to forget quickly how the luxury of Sharding and the existance of many MassiveCraft features would not have been possible if we had to rely on players donating for the sake of donating. The last poll taken pointed out that less than 10% of the premiums would donate even if there were no perks, and even so I made the assumption half of them are lying because they don't want to admit to the truth themselves.

I still don't get it. I understand that you'd like to reward donators for their kindness. However, I still believe that the content of the server is more important than what the donators "deserve". And yes, this server woulden't be the same without donators, but hey I'm sure that you won't loose donators just becouse you remove this one little feature. Premiums will still be the strongest after all.

I see no problem with giving everyone the permission to wear diamond armor, really I don't. Let people be able to role-play as whatever they like to as long as it fits to massivecraft. I mean, to be a warrior these days premium is a requirement.

Regardless of what I just mentioned, I'll respect any decision the staff make make. You are doing a great jobb after all. If you find my words annoying I shall end this conversation immediately.
How does your premium decision benefit the largest amount of players on the server?[DOUBLEPOST=1370905205,1370905057][/DOUBLEPOST]By you I was referring to Mon's statement
Which is why the general policy of these threads is to avoid them, but the majority of the MassiveCraft Team feel the need to reply anyway, because they don't want people to feel a situation or decision is bad, even though it was made as a decision to benefit the largest amount, if not largest amount possible, of players.

So is that all you care about? Benefiting the largest amount of players, the ones that can afford to give you money, rather than being open to suggestions that will benefit everyone?
I fail to see how the server losing purchasing power, thus not allowing us to buy more rack servers, or cayorion not being able to feed himself while working for MassiveCraft benefits, Anyone.

The server is Cayorion's lifelyhood, he quit his study to work on it full time.
Mecharic, of course that the staff wants to keep getting donations for the good of the server, but they are trying to remain balanced. I remember not to long ago, you were decrying the removal of nodrops from premium, and I could see your point. Now what is the real difference between nodrops and diamond armor? In my view, Nodrops : Gatherers :: Diamond armor : PvP fans. (I forget that you won't reply, so don't feel pressed to.)

There will always be a gap between premium and non-premium players, it's a simple fact. However, I believe that the staff is doing their best to make sure that it remains as balanced as possible. As Ulumulu has pointed out, they have limits to what the staff is willing to add, such as flying. If you are trying to discredit the staff's position by calling them money-mongering, I suggest you review all of the policies that the staff has in place for conduct on their end.
Please explain in which post on this thread has someone insulted an admin because they had an opposing viewpoint.

Please review every post again, perhaps you've been missing something, I mean you are doing it yourself

So is that all you care about? Benefiting the largest amount of players, the ones that can afford to give you money, rather than being open to suggestions that will benefit everyone?

After posts by the admins completely disregarding the opinions of the players I will no longer be posting in this thread. I will say this though: What has been posted above consists of direct insults and statements disregarding the value of players. I cannot believe that some of what's been said has been said, but it's there so it must be true. Congrats, you've insulted the entire server. Good luck to those who remain here, but the Admins have obviously decided they don't care about our opinions so long as they get their donations.
This is a polite way of saying "**** you admins." (<- Le hidden msg)
~Mecharic, over and out.

The hate is obviously apparent making this less of a constructive discussion and more of flaming. The nature of this would seem to be apparent to anyone reading the thread.

Perhaps everyone should relax for a second and consider the arguments of both sides... Or just continue flaming. And ya I can have secret messages too :O.
Mecharic, of course that the staff wants to keep getting donations for the good of the server, but they are trying to remain balanced. I remember not to long ago, you were decrying the removal of nodrops from premium, and I could see your point. Now what is the real difference between nodrops and diamond armor? In my view, Nodrops : Gatherers :: Diamond armor : PvP fans. (I forget that you won't reply, so don't feel pressed to.)

There will always be a gap between premium and non-premium players, it's a simple fact. However, I believe that the staff is doing their best to make sure that it remains as balanced as possible. As Ulumulu has pointed out, they have limits to what the staff is willing to add, such as flying. If you are trying to discredit the staff's position by calling them money-mongering, I suggest you review all of the policies that the staff has in place for conduct on their end.

I'm not trying to discredit them, it's just exceptionally insulting for me to have staff actually tell people to play in singleplayer. I had a very large post ready after that post but instead tried to pull out of this conflict overall. Not that it worked at all.

(I will reply to people who quote or tag me)
I'm not trying to discredit them, it's just exceptionally insulting for me to have staff actually tell people to play in singleplayer. I had a very large post ready after that post but instead tried to pull out of this conflict overall. Not that it worked at all.

(I will reply to people who quote or tag me)
I thought you left. :3
I fail to see how the server losing purchasing power, thus not allowing us to buy more rack servers, or cayorion not being able to feed himself while working for MassiveCraft benefits, Anyone.

I'm sorry? When did I say this? The only thing I said is that it doesn't seem right to benefit only those who can afford to donate at the expense of all the new players, especially since they are the very people who may end up donating in the future, if they like the server.

The server is Cayorion's lifelyhood, he quit his study to work on it full time.

So he is treating this like a job, trying to make money off of Mojang's work to benefit himself? I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
I'm sorry? When did I say this? The only thing I said is that it doesn't seem right to benefit only those who can afford to donate at the expense of all the new players, especially since they are the very people who may end up donating in the future, if they like the server.

So he is treating this like a job, trying to make money off of Mojang's work to benefit himself? I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
For the last god's damn If that was illegal every single server that accepts money or any company that sells servers to host minecraft would be ILLEGAL, alright? that means EVERY server EVER made for more than a few friends would be ILLEGAL.
Perhaps everyone should relax for a second and consider the arguments of both sides...

Very well. First though, sorry admins for the secret message. It was stupid and rude on my part and has no defense that I can think of.

Lord_ArchAngel - I'm not very good at shutting up when I should :X
For the last god's damn If that was illegal every single server that accepts money or any company that sells servers to host minecraft would be ILLEGAL, alright? that means EVERY server EVER made for more than a few friends would be ILLEGAL.

Yes also by his logic people selling video games at their stores are breaking the law because they are profiting off of someone else's game.
I'm sorry? When did I say this? The only thing I said is that it doesn't seem right to benefit only those who can afford to donate at the expense of all the new players, especially since they are the very people who may end up donating in the future, if they like the server.

So he is treating this like a job, trying to make money off of Mojang's work to benefit himself? I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
Cayorian isn't getting money off MassiveCraft for his personal life. Its all for massivecraft. Of course he makes his own money for himself.
Keep in mind premium means you are Donating not Buying it.
Last I checked, donating was not against the law.
Grailen Other servers introduce new features for people who donate. Massivecraft denies players from accessing vanilla features unless they pay for them. Also, the reason other servers depend on donations is so they can support the server itself, not so the owner can receive money for their personal life from someone else's game.

justin5191 Video game stores do not profit directly off of the games they sell. That money goes to the game developers, who pay the store for giving them a place to sell their game.


The server is Cayorion's lifelyhood, he quit his study to work on it full time.
Grailen Other servers introduce new features for people who donate. Massivecraft denies players from accessing vanilla features unless they pay for them. Also, the reason other servers depend on donations is so they can support the server itself, not so the owner can receive money for their personal life from someone else's game.

justin5191 Video game stores do not profit directly off of the games they sell. That money goes to the game developers, who pay the store for giving them a place to sell their game.

Now on the first one
so they can support the server itself, not so the owner can receive money for their personal life from someone else's game.
I so agree with you how dare cayorion use Notches work and code plugins! how dare he give a shit about this server and it's quality!
Grailen Other servers introduce new features for people who donate. Massivecraft denies players from accessing vanilla features unless they pay for them. Also, the reason other servers depend on donations is so they can support the server itself, not so the owner can receive money for their personal life from someone else's game.

justin5191 Video game stores do not profit directly off of the games they sell. That money goes to the game developers, who pay the store for giving them a place to sell their game.


How do I even respond to this....

Of course video game stores profit directly off the games they sell.
Grailen Other servers introduce new features for people who donate. Massivecraft denies players from accessing vanilla features unless they pay for them. Also, the reason other servers depend on donations is so they can support the server itself, not so the owner can receive money for their personal life from someone else's game.
This is a very weak argument.
First off, I highly doubt every server out there puts their money back into it. Most servers are just "Pay us 100 bucks and get admin lol". Also, saying that money doesn't go back into Massivecraft is false. You think paying to have over 3 servers hosted is free? It's not. Cayorion using money for his needs is hardly a problem when he turns around and devotes his time to making the server a better place for everyone.
This is a very weak argument.
First off, I highly doubt every server out there puts their money back into it. Most servers are just "Pay us 100 bucks and get admin lol". Also, saying that money doesn't go back into Massivecraft is false. You think paying to have 3 servers hosted is free? It's not. Cayorion using money for his needs is hardly a problem when he turns around and devotes his time to making the server a better place for everyone.

I don't know grid why should cayorion get to buy food? I think we should let him starve so that I can fly on the server whenever I want.

((Also it is more than 3 servers :P))
justin5191 Video game stores do not profit directly off of the games they sell. That money goes to the game developers, who pay the store for giving them a place to sell their game.
And what does Mojang /lose/ from people making money off their multiplayer option? They don't have to front the money of making the servers in the first place, and all the players who use the game have already bought it. They have their money.
Can an admin just tell me why they can't get rid of at least ONE of the premium's TWENTY benefits?
Allowing non-premiums to wear diamond would not stop me from donating.
I meant the diamond armor benefit, and yes I have read the other poste, and honestly don't think diamond armor would be missed by the premiums that much
I meant the diamond armor benefit, and yes I have read the other poste, and honestly don't think diamond armor would be missed by the premiums that much

I hope you are kidding because if you look at the post right above yours you would see that this is not the case for everyone. In addition you could look at any of the other posts where people basically say the same thing.
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