• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Plaza De Aumône


Archmage of Avgard
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score

In a combined effort from the Countess Olivia Ombre and the Lady Raina Wodenstaff, La Plaza de Aumône has officially been opened! The plaza acts as a hub of charitable activity and services for all people of Regalia, primarily focused on maintaining the health of the people through medical, alchemical, or hospitable services.

These services are opportunely located within the same building, or plaza, located directly behind the Golden Willow Tavern. One may visit the Aurelius Manus Clinic should a medical emergency arise and they find themselves without coin. In need of alchemical assistance? Visit La Curiosité and be serviced by any of the learned and helpful staff. Finally, free drink, food, or bed can be had at La Émanation de Sérénité. Again, all of these shops and services are available to the public for free due to overwhelming and generous support from the peerage, specifically, House Ombre and House Wodenstaff. The two great houses have funded the Plaza de Aumône entirely on their own and aim to further the Great Way by aiding the many Ailor of Regalia.

So let us join together in helping the helpless, the downtrodden, and the poor at La Plaza de Aumône!


Affiliated businesses, shops, and services.
Aurelius Manus
La Curiosité