Archived Pet Feedback

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I agree that this is a cool plugin and i love having a bat flying around behind me but in pvp...
I want to be honest here and say that it not should be possible to ride pets in pvp (horses could be an exception.)
We fought Raptum a few hours ago and many of us discovered that:
  • It almost not is possible to get hit by arrows while riding on huge pets like large slimes
  • It almost not is possible to hit players normally because of the speed that the pets provide
  • You are faster than a person using speed 2 trait/potions which make speed traits unnecessary
  • Stunstrike doesn't really affect you which makes it unnecessary
(There might be more things but this is what i remember)

I agree with this. If pets were killable than they would have the same advantage as riding a regular horse in pvp. Perhaps they get made killable with a cool down time so that you cannot just respawn one as soon as it dies.

Maybe staff could add to the raiding/war page about specific pets that are and are not allowed in PVP. Perhaps just horses should be allowed because then any player (premium or not) would be able to have the same advantage.

Frederick is correct, there are problems with in relation to PvP. The main fix in my opinion would simply be to make pets killable and this would fix most of the issues in PvP.

Spectec said in announcement chat yesterday, that using pets to gain a PVP advantage is a permanently banable offence. Basicly, play it safe, don't use pets in PVP.
For those wanting to emote or talk as the pet, you can probably change your nick momentarily, it wouldn't be that big a deal for a brief conversation
The only Reading i mentorens lore compliance is because @KraftyKlutz mentioned it. I were just trying to say something similar to what you sai.

No, what I wrote was opposed to what you did, making it far different than what you suggested, I'm afraid.
You're confusing topics here. Premium features are /not intended/ to be lore compliant. This premium feature even includes a range of different pets, making some that are lore compliant and others not. In this case, the non lore compliant pets shouldn't be used near the tavern, a roleplay hotspot, to avoid disrupting. They were probably referring to that.
Pets seem kinda neat, especially naming them and stuff. I do agree however on disabling certain pets in the tavern. I saw one guy named himself magikarp riding on an upside down golem.
Hey, to be completely honest I completely dislike pets(for pvp).... I also notice a bunch of Massive Members dislike them too

WHY we dislike em'
  • Because they are too quick for combat situations, people run
  • they are very buggy when running on them
  • NO PVP USE (or should have)
My suggestion
  • Use em as movable storage
  • Premiums get a large chest
  • Non-Premiums get to use em' too but instead of having a large chest storage they have a hopper, 9 spaces
I beleive skyrim has this with the npcs you can marry