Archived Pet Feedback

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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Did you make a new custom plugin? Or just installed that plugin? I am exited to test it when i come home.
THe lagg I get from this, 10/10
Honestly, this is a pretty sweet feature. Horses in Regalia is always something I've wanted. Looking forward to what this can do for Regalia too!

Thanks, Cay! Again.
To further elaborate on my opinion, it isn't too bad an idea, and it's a fair enough feature to provide to Premiums.
That said.
You also have the people who have the pets that really aren't lore compliant when you think about it. The slimes, the blazes, the witches, the endermen etc.
From what I hear it also creates some amount of lag. Haven't noticed this myself yet. And the sheer numbers of bodies is just ridiculous.
Like I said, I think it's kind of obnoxious, and a little over the top.
But to be fair, it's still in the early stages, so we'll see how it goes.
To further elaborate on my opinion, it isn't too bad an idea, and it's a fair enough feature to provide to Premiums.
That said.
You also have the people who have the pets that really aren't lore compliant when you think about it. The slimes, the blazes, the witches, the endermen etc.
From what I hear it also creates some amount of lag. Haven't noticed this myself yet. And the sheer numbers of bodies is just ridiculous.
Like I said, I think it's kind of obnoxious, and a little over the top.
But to be fair, it's still in the early stages, so we'll see how it goes.
Lots of things isn't lore compliant. But this is a neccessary feature for people to buy premium. We need the money. And how is /fix lore compliant, or 750 regals or yea many premium features isn't lore compliant.
EDIT: I have read the topic again. I don't see why i should come to a different conclusion @Eledana
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I think this is fantastic, actually :3 I really appreciate that all you lovely staffs are busting your butts to work around the new regulations for server donations/etc~ I'm a bit nervous when it comes to newer premium members, as they normally aren't fully aware of lore-compliancy and whatnot. I don't know if it would even be an option-- @KraftyKlutz has a point about blazes and slimes and things-- but is there a way to single out certain pets for Regalia? ou o

I... Must say... Having these pets and FlyWater will be excellent for travel... <3 Or is it only for Regalia?

Aaanywhoodles-- you did a bang up job, @Cayorion !~
I think it needs to be severely limited in Regalia. I love the idea overall, but since Regalia is the capital of roleplay, lore incompliant pets would be rather disruptive.

My suggestion is to allow the sort of freedom you have with the plugin already in all other worlds, but in Regalia, only allow the following:
  • Bat
  • Ocelot
  • Villager
  • Wolf
  • Horse
Being able to have pets riding other pets should be disabled. And obviously, game/lore staff would crack down on roleplay interruption they see. I think if that's put into place, it'd be perfect.
Now Yung-Li can finally have a mute servant to yell at in the Tavern!
Some of the pets seem to behave a little oddly.

Since they all have identical behavior, you end up with bats that stay on the ground and squids that don't swim.
I would love to see the ability to have your pet stay in one spot added. For example, if I spawn a horse I would like to be able to leave it outside when I go in a building, rather than having it follow me to inappropriate places. This could be done the same way tamed wolves can be told to sit.
I noticed that there's a bit of a problem with the horse pets; I'm not entirely sure if this was intended or not, but I noticed that horses will only follow their owner if they've moved far away, rather than just following them wherever they move like the other pets.

Otherwise, I find this to be an awesome and adorable feature that my friends and I have been enjoying quite a bit.. maybe too much, haha. x3
I plan to purchase premium when my parents awaken... |-)
I think it needs to be severely limited in Regalia. I love the idea overall, but since Regalia is the capital of roleplay, lore incompliant pets would be rather disruptive.

My suggestion is to allow the sort of freedom you have with the plugin already in all other worlds, but in Regalia, only allow the following:
  • Bat
  • Ocelot
  • Villager
  • Wolf
  • Horse
Being able to have pets riding other pets should be disabled. And obviously, game/lore staff would crack down on roleplay interruption they see. I think if that's put into place, it'd be perfect.
Just to prove what she said, here's what I saw within a few seconds of each other outside of the Tavern.

2014-06-27_08.33.21.png 2014-06-27_08.35.36.png
I love the pets, but like others had said, some of the need to be toned down. I am already loving my servant named Dale. He is hard working and loyal, of not a bit air headed. But I also love how now my tamer character can actually have a wolf with him so I can't his say "yeah they are there".

I wonder how these pets can affect PVP aswell. Being three blocks high could be great. And I think I saw the villagers able to attack. I will test these thigs out tonight so don't quote me on them.
I think it needs to be severely limited in Regalia. I love the idea overall, but since Regalia is the capital of roleplay, lore incompliant pets would be rather disruptive.

My suggestion is to allow the sort of freedom you have with the plugin already in all other worlds, but in Regalia, only allow the following:
  • Bat
  • Ocelot
  • Villager
  • Wolf
  • Horse
Being able to have pets riding other pets should be disabled. And obviously, game/lore staff would crack down on roleplay interruption they see. I think if that's put into place, it'd be perfect.
Maybe sheeps and pigs too. Think of Kama'l's Bathogg pet! @Kandane
I personally think it would be kinda neat if we could make them do emotes. For instance, say, you're talking to your pet, or someone's petting it, then I think it would be cool if you could, say, have the pet purr if it was a cat.
Amazing! This is worth getting premium just for this feature alone and I have heard quite a few people say as much.

Dr. Fong now has a Golem called "Blaster".

I would really love to be able to emote as my pet.
I agree that this is a cool plugin and i love having a bat flying around behind me but in pvp...
I want to be honest here and say that it not should be possible to ride pets in pvp (horses could be an exception.)
We fought Raptum a few hours ago and many of us discovered that:
  • It almost not is possible to get hit by arrows while riding on huge pets like large slimes
  • It almost not is possible to hit players normally because of the speed that the pets provide
  • You are faster than a person using speed 2 trait/potions which make speed traits unnecessary
  • Stunstrike doesn't really affect you which makes it unnecessary
(There might be more things but this is what i remember)
I wished my pet could talk to me.... -sobs miserably in one corner loner mode-
Frederick is correct, there are problems with in relation to PvP. The main fix in my opinion would simply be to make pets killable and this would fix most of the issues in PvP.
I think it needs to be severely limited in Regalia. I love the idea overall, but since Regalia is the capital of roleplay, lore incompliant pets would be rather disruptive.

My suggestion is to allow the sort of freedom you have with the plugin already in all other worlds, but in Regalia, only allow the following:
  • Bat
  • Ocelot
  • Villager
  • Wolf
  • Horse
Being able to have pets riding other pets should be disabled. And obviously, game/lore staff would crack down on roleplay interruption they see. I think if that's put into place, it'd be perfect.
...Can I have my silverfish as a lizard? xD
Frederick is correct, there are problems with in relation to PvP. The main fix in my opinion would simply be to make pets killable and this would fix most of the issues in PvP.

I agree with this. If pets were killable than they would have the same advantage as riding a regular horse in pvp. Perhaps they get made killable with a cool down time so that you cannot just respawn one as soon as it dies.

  • It almost not is possible to get hit by arrows while riding on huge pets like large slimes
  • It almost not is possible to hit players normally because of the speed that the pets provide
  • You are faster than a person using speed 2 trait/potions which make speed traits unnecessary
  • Stunstrike doesn't really affect you which makes it unnecessary

Maybe staff could add to the raiding/war page about specific pets that are and are not allowed in PVP. Perhaps just horses should be allowed because then any player (premium or not) would be able to have the same advantage.
Frederick is correct, there are problems with in relation to PvP. The main fix in my opinion would simply be to make pets killable and this would fix most of the issues in PvP.
And to prevent the one from instantly spawning a new pet, give it a cooldown. Or just disable it completely out of Regalia. These are just suggestions, but not my personal opinion as I would not care a lot about what is going on with this plugin in the wilderness, so don't hate plox :P
What if non-prems had access to say horses, cats, and dogs, but prems had the more, how you say, exotic ones? Since the simple ones merely add to rp, and prems are less likely to abuse having an enderdragon in Regalia. This would make sense.
I like this quite a bit. It could enhance roleplay all the more and, psh, quite fun to have a pet pig with you in any circumstance.
What if non-prems had access to say horses, cats, and dogs, but prems had the more, how you say, exotic ones? Since the simple ones merely add to rp, and prems are less likely to abuse having an enderdragon in Regalia. This would make sense.
Well premiums have abused it, in the first few hours. And NO then there would be mobs all over the place. A reason only premiums have it could be because hey shouldn't be all over the place. It would also eliminate the amount of potential premium buyers.
Everyone has a new toy and they are playing with it. Things will calm down in time. For now, consider getting premium so you can join in the fun!

I would love to see various humanoid npc pets added. Imagine being able to have a guard, vampire, pirate, tigran, etc., etc. by your side. They would be less distracting than some of the other pets and would really make the server seem busy with all the extra bodies. Not sure it would be good for lag, but hey, a man can dream.

Fun tip: A witch pet makes a great "Collared Mage Slave" if you ever need one.
Lots of things isn't lore compliant. But this is a neccessary feature for people to buy premium. We need the money. And how is /fix lore compliant, or 750 regals or yea many premium features isn't lore compliant.
EDIT: I have read the topic again. I don't see why i should come to a different conclusion @Eledana

I think you're using those examples incorrectly and it made little sense to me.

That's also the closest rating that I could use without downright disagreeing. What I'm pointing toward is how you're suggesting /fix and '750 regals or yea many premium features' aren't lore compliant. The only thing I want to poke at here is why you're assuming premium features are meant to be lore compliant. I think you've confused the concept a tad -- premium features are not meant to be lore compliant. Many PVP players would also enjoy premium, which means premium features are not limited to roleplayers, therefore not roleplay nor lore. If you donate to a server, the donating isn't set in any certain catagory, unless the server is a full-on roleplay server, which MassiveCraft isn't.

I'd also have to prod on how you say this is a neccessary feature. Perhaps now, but in the sense you word it, no, it isn't. People have always bought premium, whether to simply donate or to enjoy the features -- this is however a lovely feature that will surely encourage it, granted. My point is that premium features aren't meant to be(though there are easily exceptions before you word me on that, but your examples need clarifying) lore compliant, as they're not intended to be.

Premium features are for any and all donators, PVP or roleplay, or any other for that matter.
I think you're using those examples incorrectly and it made little sense to me.

That's also the closest rating that I could use without downright disagreeing. What I'm pointing toward is how you're suggesting /fix and '750 regals or yea many premium features' aren't lore compliant. The only thing I want to poke at here is why you're assuming premium features are meant to be lore compliant. I think you've confused the concept a tad -- premium features are not meant to be lore compliant. Many PVP players would also enjoy premium, which means premium features are not limited to roleplayers, therefore not roleplay nor lore. If you donate to a server, the donating isn't set in any certain catagory, unless the server is a full-on roleplay server, which MassiveCraft isn't.

I'd also have to prod on how you say this is a neccessary feature. Perhaps now, but in the sense you word it, no, it isn't. People have always bought premium, whether to simply donate or to enjoy the features -- this is however a lovely feature that will surely encourage it, granted. My point is that premium features aren't meant to be(though there are easily exceptions before you word me on that, but your examples need clarifying) lore compliant, as they're not intended to be.

Premium features are for any and all donators, PVP or roleplay, or any other for that matter.
The only Reading i mentorens lore compliance is because @KraftyKlutz mentioned it. I were just trying to say something similar to what you sai.