Are you a Goofy Goober?

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One fedora, zero regrets.
Sep 27, 2014
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Québec, Québec, Canada
Roleplay Guilds
Goobers' Guild
**This is a WIP Group**

Well, the old thread seems to have been deleted along with the rest of the Regalian notice board, and all I had saved was the original version, so I'll be gradually remaking this and maybe changing some things around.


*Odd multi-colored notes would be pinned on walls all over Regalia, from the tavern to random houses to even some estates*

Ye Olde Goofy Goobers is looking for new members and employers!

Ye Olde Goofy Goobers is a group of musicians ((and Lyre mages)) looking to find new members! We are a fun-loving group of fellows who enjoy playing music, socializing, and whatever else! We looooove parties and other social gatherings, so if you ever need some performers to "spice up your life", revive your party, or even for something more "aesthetic" (yes, we do serious venues), then make sure to contact your nearest Goofy Goobers representative! We have all kinds of musicians and are always recruiting more, so whatever services you need, we can deliver. If you have any kind of questions, don't be afraid to ask! Have a fabulous day <3

*OOC: This is a group of bards, skalds, and other kinds of musicians. Lyre mages are more than welcome, and we will accept just about anyone, whether they are there to socialize, look for work, or hone their skills (or wish to be taught certain skills in Lyre magic or music). This is a WIP but will be developing into a full group. Just give me some time.

Ye Olde Goofy Goobers:

Long ago, in Ithanie, a man named Herocles Goobers was born. He was the son of the most powerful warrior in his village, and therefore was destined to be a warrior like him. His Mother, Lily Goobers, was a musician. She was the one who taught him peace. She also taught him to play every instrument in the world. Herocles set about on a warpath upon his family of warriors. He changed them all with the power of music, and showed them all how wonderful music was. He went to Regalia, teaching young people of any class to play music, regardless of race or gender. Alas, he has died, but his students live on in his memory. There was an epic fight of music for days. All the students wanted to be the new leader, and it was mass chaos. Everyone wanted solos but out of memory for the crazy music teacher they created an Orchestra.

Written by: @GoldiTheKamikaze

Current ranks: (To be made)

Current members:
Francis Liolen, Head of the Guild - @NeilAucoin IGN: NeilAucoin

Ra'Varaan, Musicians Manager - @GoldiTheKamikaze IGN: ActuallyAmerican

Temujin Enktuya, Kuuchirist - @RightChat IGN: RightChat

Saeunn (?), Violinist - @Cataclystrophe IGN: Cataclystrophe


Use (?): This group offers to send musicians and other performers to pretty much anywhere for pretty much anything. Noble events, social gatherings, parties, balls, etc. Contact one of the higher ups of this group by starting a forums convo with them or messaging them in game (or spam both if they don't respond) if you wish to ask for our services. We promise to bring quality roleplay to whatever event we attend, and will do whatever we can to enhance your RP experience should you hire us (free OOC but we would be paid IC). Contact @NeilAucoin (me) for any questions or if you wish to hire some of us.

Recruitment: We're going to be somewhat "meh" on recruiting for a bit, but feel free to apply in a reply to this thread. For now here's the format:

How active are you?:

Why are you applying? (OOC):

What character are you applying as or would like to play? (Link your character app or give a brief description):

How good are you at RP? (Be as honest as possible, 1-10, and please state some of your RP strengths/weaknesses):

Write some kind of IC letter to the Goobers (put it in a spoiler please):

How shall I contact you? (Skype is preferred, but if you're active IG or forums will do):

Yeah that's all we've got for now. If you have questions or something, post a reply or start a convo with me. We will be adding onto and changing this as we go and hopefully making it into a fully functional RP group that can improve other people's RP experience.
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