Preserved Sheet Percival Ravenstad

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@Mooffins Cavalry Combat no longer exists, but I will assume that the proficiency is for Husbandry Art as that functionally does the same and provides you the necessary horse and whatnot. I'll make you as approved, but you are free to ask for a new review if you'd rather reinvest the points elsewhere.

The Physical Stat math also changes, but since there is a cap in place it isn't much of an issue for me, change it on your own time.

Hey Wump. I updated (I think) to the new systems in place, unsure if I did it right since I'm a boomer. I'm not all too concerned about what abilities he has and doesn't, I have no plans to likely ever CRP with Percival considering he's retired in most cases. You may need to double check me to make sure I did it right, mostly just updating this to ensure it's done right.