Preserved Sheet Percival Ravenstad

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11/19/2016 - Updates

  • Adjusted the Life Story to be compliant fully with all that has happened.
  • Changed Rodolphe and Cecile to be legitimate children, born between Percy and Adelheid Ravenstad née Brandebourg.
  • Added in extra art and media.
  • Began preparations for a full rewrite covering personality, body, etc. just to keep the page fresh, stay tuned for when I release that.
While it needs no special permission, I've added the Skill Information into his application for reference. He was removed from the Viridian Order a while back, and I am under the impression he'd be demoted to Warrior level. He also held a private tutor from the School of Turall for roughly 7 to 8 months before he quit that training, keeping him a fighter level for it. I just need to tag the last reviewer to ensure that information is properly documented, and I've correctly placed his skills where they should realistically be now. @LumosJared
this looks fine, just be wary of blending different combat styles and how they can weaken eachother in the longrun. approved.
Percy's been aged up a year to 41. because it's his actual IC birthday today! Just a small update.

I've changed the previous strength, "Passionate", to "Machiavellian". This is to showcase how he, as a character, has gained an advantage by slowly shedding his reliance and dedication to honour away. It is still roughly the same strength as Passionate, however is a much more prominent trait in his life now due to the past events.

Tagging @LumosJared to check and make sure this is fine and re-approve, as he was the last reviewer.
Updated to include "Strongman" body build, which to my knowledge requires a staff look at this again. Pls and thanks.
Took a quick look at this and a couple small tweaks are needed:
  • With the addition of the defined body build, the exact weight no longer needs to be listed. Since you're updating to the body build system, might as well scrub the weight off as well.
  • I did look over the weaknesses and you aren't currently using any of the sort of the slow/bulky/clunky weaknesses that are implied by the Strongman build, but it looks like you've got Turall training listed as a skill. Provided the Strongman build, you will not be agile enough to use any Turall fighting skills. You've got to downgrade size to Muscular or remove the ability to use Turall. I would probably go the way of removing Turall since it doesn't really add anything to his skill since his preferred weapon is a longsword and he is more skilled with that anyway.
Make the two small tweaks and then tag me @TheOverseer__
  • With the addition of the defined body build, the exact weight no longer needs to be listed. Since you're updating to the body build system, might as well scrub the weight off as well.
  • I did look over the weaknesses and you aren't currently using any of the sort of the slow/bulky/clunky weaknesses that are implied by the Strongman build, but it looks like you've got Turall training listed as a skill. Provided the Strongman build, you will not be agile enough to use any Turall fighting skills. You've got to downgrade size to Muscular or remove the ability to use Turall. I would probably go the way of removing Turall since it doesn't really add anything to his skill since his preferred weapon is a longsword and he is more skilled with that anyway.


  • Removed the weight.
  • Removed the Turall stuff entirely. It was supposed to have been something he tried to learn but never really got the hang of at all, but nevertheless it's a pointless thing to have regardless so I just did away completely.
  • As a side note. I couldn't tell if you wanted me to add one of the implied weaknesses, or that you just looked it over and it was fine. Could you clarify if I need to add a weakness?
Nah, don't have to actually write down the implied weakness, just as long as you understand baked into the increased strength from strongman body build is an equatable decrease in agaility.

That being said with the removal of Turall skills and the numbered weight, this is approved!
Updated to everything. I think. Old reviewer isn't a Lore Staff anymore, so I don't know who to tag.

  • Percival is updated to be currently alive, as he was revealed to have been in prison in Fort Tong, not dead.
  • Updated Personality Section to the current template (Outdated much?)
  • Talents and Weaknesses still the same from the old format, just took away a redundant Talent and Weakness.
  • All information should be correct now. Apologies.
Also. I'm curious about pursuing Percy to be a Grandmaster instead of Paladin, but am unsure how to attempt to do so. Any advice on that would be appreciated. @Wumpatron
Also. I'm curious about pursuing Percy to be a Grandmaster instead of Paladin, but am unsure how to attempt to do so. Any advice on that would be appreciated. @Wumpatron
That would require a consultation with rank three lore staff. Given that Percy has just returned it would be too early to gauge how the permission would function with him. However, if you choose to pursue that I wish you the best.
While you have me looking at the sheet, this what I have for the review

For the second personalities and abilities paragraph, are there any fears or weaknesses that Percy sees in himself? I understand that his egotism can become a weakness in certain circumstances, but want to know if there are any deep emotional weaknesses beyond his own notion of his importance.

Make that change and tag myself once completed @Muffins_

Name back to Ravenstad,
Life story update.
Age up by 1 year.
Doesn't need re-review.

Percy's entire personality has changed as a result of in character character progression regarding his outlook on life and dedication to the Hohe Ehre. Personality needs a full re-review.
Finally had the chance to look over everything once again, approved
Aged up to 50 (Literally +1 year lmao), as well as updated to fit the new Skill Info. Likewise the Life Story has been adjusted. @Wumpatron
I think I did this right. I need to tag a new lore staff I suppose to review the proficiency update. So I will tag @Bagley_
Updated Proficieny Points to New System
Updated Life Story
Fixed up boo-boos
This needs a new reviewer. Character updated to current systems, life story updated. In order to avoid conflict with new Permissions, Percival left the Viridian some few years ago and retired from public life. They exist as backstory as they were in game roleplay events, but will be mentioned very little to avoid conflict.
I see nothing really out of place in terms of a character. You may want to clean up the Personality and Abilities section as they still reference him being a Viridian Knight and within the Order. While they still make sense thematically, you may want to adjust those to reflect a new perspective for the character but that is entirely up to you.
