Preserved Sheet Percival Ravenstad

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ancient gay
May 26, 2015
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Roleplay Guilds
House Croy




Percy Spotify Playlist | [x]
Percy Art Album | [x]


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Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Percival Leufroy Casimir Ravenstad
    • Leutz Name: Parsifal Leufroy Casemiyr
    • Alias(es) / Nicknames: The Winter Knight, Percy, King in Brissiaud/Brichauds, Percival/Parsifal I, Percival/Parsifal II.
  • Age: 56 Years
    • Birthday: Dusk of December 11th, 255 A.C.
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
    • Lineage: Archan
  • Sexuality: Homosexual/Demisexual.

Basic Information (Expansion)
  • To be redone.

Skill Information

Total Points: 50 Points | 10 Hobby |
  • Core Group
    • +15 Sword Combat (+10 from Age Points, +5 from Racial Boost)
    • +10 Shielding Combat (+10 from Age Points)
    • +5 Spear Combat (+5 from Age Points)
    • +5 Light Ranged Combat (+5 from Age Points)
  • Talent Group
    • +5 Strength Training (+5 from Age Points)
  • Hobby Group
    • +10 Hunting Art (+5 from Hobby Points, +5 from Age Points)
    • +5 Gardening Art (+5 from Hobby Points)
    • +10 Husbandry Art (+10 from Age Points)
Body Shape
  • Exceeds Cap of 30 (Archan): 30 Body Stat
  • Muscular Body Shape
  • Average Body Fat
  • Leutz-Vixe (Native-Tongue)
    • Fluent
  • Common (Learned Alongside Leutz as a Child)
    • Fluent
  • d'Ithanie (Mother's Language)
    • Fluent
Lineage Abilities/Other
  • Pure Body I [Archan]
  • Casting Light I [Archan]
  • Holy Manifestation I [Archan]
  • Great Force I [5 Strength Training]


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isual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: A cold, icy blue.
  • Hair Color: Gray & Ginger.
  • Hair Style: [x] Short, close-crop military cut, though just slightly untidy. Currently has beard picture in above spoiler.
  • Skin Color: Light pink with a hint of tan.
  • Clothing: [x] Imperial-Leutz styled outfit. | [x] Royal Leutz Ceremonial Armour
  • Height: 6 foot, 2 inches.

Visual Information (Expansion)
  • To be redone.


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Personality and Abilities
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Percival has become more quiet and wise in his elder years, but still retains a jovial, jolly nature about things he finds amusing or pleasing. He's far more neutral than anything, however, but one could easily tell his level of positivity based on simple facial expressions. If anything, his strict following of the honourable conduct of the Viridian Order has instilled a rather general, polite demeanour to him. One could argue he prefers to exude a rather passive contentedness, as if nothing bothers him.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Fear isn't a common emotion for Percival, he's learned to very much bury it in most situations, in order to better follow the tenets of his Order. That being said, when he truly is fearful, he responds almost with anger. Anger at himself, and anger at the cause of the fear. This often triggers his now-solved issues of aggression and anger problems, and would mean he could lash out irresponsibly and dishonourably, in order to "beat" the fear that has taken hold of him.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Percival doesn't handle stress well, and never has. Leadership roles in his past have taken their toll on him, physically and mentally, and he has pursued a rather low-stress lifestyle as a result. Delegating duties and tending to relaxing hobbies have allowed him to destress, but if and when it should flare up again, a return to his former attitude of cold, distant stoicness would certainly be seen.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Percival holds the Law in a high place, despite not being very adept at understanding how it works. The Viridian codes of honour hold a higher place in his heart, however, and views it as the ultimate source of Law and Authority in his life. In his eyes, breaking the law could even be seen as right and proper should you be breaking it in favour of following the Code of Charlemois or the Code of Ehrenhof.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • In the simplest terms, Percival is a quiet racist. He doesn't view other races in a high regard, but doesn't outwardly cause them trouble or harass them. In many ways, he more passively dismisses them, but also can be accepting should they prove themselves. He has had encounters with other races whom he has grown fond of, so it's certainly possible, if not very likely.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Religion is a touchy subject for Percival. The Code demands him to be a faithful Unionist, and he has interacted with two Emperors and held a romantic relationship with one. Therefore, his connection with his faith is rocky, but simply ignored. He goes through the motions of being a Unionist, but finds it hard to muster the devoutness he once had. In other strains, his homosexuality has caused him to harbour distaste for some of the dogma of Unionism, however, he quietly acknowledges himself as an anomoly in his own faith. Other faiths are often met with an alien view. He doesn't pretend to understand them, nor does he try to care about them.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Percival has always had a very apprehensive view towards things of a magical nature. However, over time, he has simply seen too much to be surprised by it anymore. After seeing a Dragonblood, well, he finds the world is just a little bigger than it used to be. Where he used to ignore its existance, he now simply avoids interaction with too much arcane-level situations or people, wanting to stay out of things he views as foreign and alien to him.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Percy and his connection to the Ravenstad Household is a difficult situation. As a son, he utterly hated his father, and carried guilt for the death of his mother in childbirth. He was the victim of harsh abuse and neglect, but found comraderie and love in the form of his older twin, Anton. As a father, he loves and loved his children, but often found he wasn't very good at parenting. There's too many family members outside of that to carry specific opinions of, but if one were to ask, he likely refer to them as shadowy relatives whom he prefers to avoid. House Ravenstad is known for interior politics, cruelness to one another, and competition among family, and Percival knows this. He both fears them, but respects the legacy the family achieved and its Viridian roots.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Percival used to be very vainglorious, and has attempted over time to remove that Viridian stigma from himself. He doesn't like to outwardly show too much vanity, but has a quiet pride for his achievements as a Knight, a former Ruler, and his skill in combat.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Percival has a constant drive to be an honourable person. However, he has grown somewhat content. Ambition has begun to be lost on him. Though, it's worth saying he wishes to avoid being a bad person, like he once was. He possesses a desire to avoid that, and does keep a mindful watch on improving himself.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • He is very insecure about his track record as a father. He doesn't often like bringing up his children in conversation, and carries much grief for the loss of his son, Xavier. He feels like he failed most of his children: One he was dismissive and harsh towards, one he pushed too hard, one he ignored, and one he views with mild success, but sees too much of himself in.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Percival is scared of becoming what he was. He doesn't wish to regress into the mean-spirited, hateful person he carried himself as for many years. Rulership and the people around him transformed him into something he didn't like, and now looks back on with disgust. He is very afraid of becoming that person again.

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)

  • Quirks
    • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, or OCD, is, in definition, a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, recurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.
      • What this means for Percy is that he is prone to repeating actions over and over, and having an urge to act on these compulsions and obsessions.
      • His case of OCD embodies itself mostly in terms of cleanliness, symmetry, and organization. He tends to obsess over having things symmetrical or in a perfect order. Percy also repeats his compulsions, such as: Excessive cleaning, and also ordering and arranging things in a particular, precise way.
  • To be redone.



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Relationships (Optional)
Cedromar Kade [Ex-Husband/Lover, Close Friend, Complicated.]
Ulric Typhonus [Close Friend, Associate.]
Tristan Kade [Friend, Ex-Rival.]
William Howlester [Complicated, Associate.]
Vulmar Faulkner [Nephew, Loved Dearly.]
Ania Santorski [Old Friend, Cherished.]
Domenico Calvacante [Primae, Authority/Guiding Figure.]
Ulysses [Dog, Wingman, Buddy.]
Nathan Deceres [Rival]



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Life Story
255 AC | Birth
  • December 11th, 255 AC - Percy Ravenstad is born to Charles and Sybil Ravenstad at Castle Machellon in the Hinterlands, just 30 minutes after his identical twin, Anton. After birthing her 2nd son, Sybil passes from unforeseen complications.
  • Percy is slated to become a Viridian Knight immediately, as was his father's willing for the newborn to never outshine his heir, Anton.
255 AC - 265 AC | Childhood (1 - 10)
  • He maintained a rather typical childhood, and spent much time with his older brother. He was mostly tended to by the servants and maids in the castle walls.
  • Percy grew to find how much his father didn't really care for him, and found that same animosity with his brother as well.
  • Tutoring began early on, especially with languages, to which Percy excelled at. He was, however, excessively terrible with mathematics and the sciences at an early age, and showed an uncanny interest in military and history.
  • The gap between him and his father/brother worsened, and received much abuse from his brother during these early years. However, Percy repressed such horrid memories. His anger and disdain to his immediate family molded anger issues and a passion to fight and be better.
  • Percy was shipped off to the Viridian Castle at 10 years old.
266 AC - 276 AC | Teen/Adult (11-21)
  • Percy trained for a while with good success at the Viridian Castle.
  • During his training, Percy associated closely with the Hohe Ehre, getting very stern with it and closing himself off socially while at the castle.
  • Becomes known as "The Winter Knight" as a result of his brooding nature by his other Viridians.
  • Graduated to become a full-fledged Knight with high marks, and was very successful in the Grand Tournaments followed.
  • Anton becomes the Revain of the Hinterlands, upon his father passing.
  • After his graduation, Percy married a local Brissiaud noblewoman at his brother's orders.
277 AC - 302 AC | Adult Years (22-46)
  • Percy fathered three children over the next few years with his wife, who died after the birth of his third child, Cecile.
  • Is named a Paladin after continued service and dedication of the Hohe Ehre.
  • Not much to say over the next decade or so. Percival's time was mostly occupied with his missions, bettering himself at the Longsword more than anything else. Along the way, he picks up some other hobbies and skills, namely in Horticulture from the Machellon Gardener, and Tailoring from the many family businessmen and women skilled in the talent.
303 AC - 306 | Recent Years (47-50)
  • Travels to Regalia in 303 AC to assist his brother in the coming war in Ithania, which never actually takes place.
  • Helps Thomas Kade in their part of liberating the city from Andrieu Anahera, the Usurper.
  • Becomes the Revain of the Hinterlands upon his brother falling infirm and ill. All titles and assets swap to his line.
  • Percy marries Cedric Kade after months of being secret lovers, much to the chagrin of his kin, and is elevated to Grand Revain of the Hinterlands by Imperial Prerogative.
  • Disowned his daughter, Cecile, after a string of terrible acts and behaviors on the woman's part.
  • Suffers a chain of political defeats, though thankfully not much to the Ravenstad name's harm.
  • Leaves the city after a time to address matters in the Hinterlands, then returned around October of that same year.
  • Freya Lo occupies the Holy City, Percy works with close confidants to try and restore Alexander I's rightful place.
  • Cedric becomes Crown Prince following Alexander I's abdication, Percy is made Imperial-Consort and his marriage annulled, much to his own grief and disdain.
  • After some political work, Percy was able to re-marry Cedric, though with consequences. He was made to adopt the Kade-Alltmesiter name, though was able to keep his High Lordship, as well was made King of Brichauds as his official royal title for the marriage.
  • Following a later fallout with the Emperor, Percy lost grip of his titles and honours, some being destroyed and others usurped. Sent into a spiraling depression, the former King fled to the Hinterlandish countryside.
  • In the summer of 305 AC, while out riding, Percy was supposedly murdered.
  • Late in winter of the same year, 9 days after his birthday, a fort was sacked on the Rie front. It was revealed this was a hotspot magical center for the enemy government, which also houses important POWs. Among them, was Percy, who oddly enough wasn't as dead as though. This raised many concerns about the nature of his "death", but it was clear Percy was actually alive.
  • Percy abandoned his claims on the Dukedom of the Hinterlands, as well as the surname Ravenstad, electing to distance himself from his family. He chose the name "Karalais", in lieu of this.
  • Percy was re-inducted into the Ravenstads and became the new General of the House Guard.
  • Percy goes through a life-changing epiphany that completely alters his perception of life and himself. Over the past month, the Ravenstad has begun changing himself, and has done a complete turn around in many aspects of his personality, a lot in part to his new dedication to the Hohe Ehre of the Viridians.
  • Percy starts finding a lot of reconnection with Cedric, and mending old wounds from his path. The whole process invigorates the man to keep pushing harder to be a better person.
  • Percy is made Palast Duke of Ettrenach while assisting Vulmar's reign. Eventually retires to Viridian Order work once again.
  • Percy is reinstated as Ducal Protector of the Hinterlands, remains isolationist. Reforms the government to be very honour based with high preference given to the Viridian Order's rights in the area.
  • Percival is promoted to the rank of Elder of the Viridian Order in October of 306 AC.
Recent Years (50-Present)
  • Hands over titles to Erwald, focusing on his Elder work, and generally wishing to retire from politics.
  • Percival eventually became at odds with those on the Elder Council, and had disagreements numbering far too many with the Primae on the Order's direction. He soon stepped down as Elder, and retired from the Viridian Order.
  • Percy also retired from public life, getting into reindeer herding, and owned a reindeer farm in the Tarkkin lands. He lived in a cabin there for some time.
  • Percival would spend some time visiting the city from time to time. Being retired from most things, he has lots of free time, and normally does not know what to do with himself.

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Claiming this application for review. Expect it within a few hours.
@Shayin made a small edit to the app, but I think it broke the "under review" tag. Apologies for that.
I'll be hitting this up tonite. I sort of fell asleep too early yesterday.
Hey there! Few things!

  • Maybe make a more specific goal for Percy to persue. He has an excellent long term goal set out, to provide motivation for whatever he does, but he does not have a short term goal to get at. Maybe he wants to rank up in the Viridian Order. Maybe he wants to join the Violet Order. Maybe he wants to gain a landed title.
  • I doubt that Percy's coat is actually trimmed with real gold. You may want to specify that you're talking about a light yellow hue.
  • Three out of the four weaknesses are redundant with one another. It is implicit that in describing Percy as dark, you also describe him as forceful and aggressive. The same goes for the latter two traits. Remove two of those and focus on expanding on other things that detracts from a positive image. Maybe Percy is a glory hog. Maybe he can be anxious.
  • I advise you to rename some of the personality traits. Hearty is a vague-ish word. If you want him to be outgoing, say extrovert. This word is key as it draws a very vivid image of where he rests socially.
  • The way you describe Percy as casual and as jocular is essentially the same. Remove jocular and add something else positive about his personality. Maybe he is merciful to all of his opponents. Maybe he would give the shirt off his back to a poor man. Maybe he would help anyone and everyone in need.
  • Chivalrous is an incredibly broad term that encompasses many things. Just, merciful, compassionate, honorable, and others go under this. Get rid of this and, in removing one of the traits from above, add two more that specifically show why Percy is chivalrous.
  • It is great that you incorporated homosexuality into Percy's likes, however nothing from the life story supports this motivation or even gives any information about it. You need to make it make sense why the character likes men, and why his interests are so particular that he likes men but will marry a woman.
  • You refer to Percy disliking stuck up aristocracy, yet do not incorporate it into his personality. You might want to consider it for the traits to be changed.
  • If a personality-oriented strength is Percy's determination, why is it not listed in his personality section as well?
  • Same for carelessness.
Other than these things, your application looks pretty damn good. Make these changes and tag me when you're done.
@Shayin I usually freelance my apps, as in do not use Marty's suggested format. Apologies that this one seems a bit odd with personality, my first time creating an app in this way. Edits will be done soon. Going to simply remake the entire personality, as it is essentially botched.
@Shayin I have seemed to have hit them all! A few of these I noticed, after changing up a lot of his personality traits, could be fixed with just a sentence or two here or there. Let me know if this did not suffice. Also, I know there has yet to be a special permission added for the knights yet. After approval, what should I do? Not play Percy until it is added to the special perm. registry, or rp like he already has the perm? Thank you in advance.
@Shayin I misread the lore, and Percy is supposed to be a Sargeant 1. I fixed it accordingly.
Hey there! It seems you missed something from my first review.
  • You refer to Percy disliking stuck up aristocracy, yet do not incorporate it into his personality. You might want to consider it for the traits to be changed.
  • If a personality-oriented strength is Percy's determination, why is it not listed in his personality section as well?
Please incorporate this in.

Besides this, you have done everything I've asked. I think you shouldn't start as a Sergeant 1. Try something lower so that you have something to work up to and achieve. Other than these two things, this application has my approval. Tag me when you are finished!
@Shayin Was a bit confused on how to approach that, but I think I got it now! Swapped out a trait or two, and added in various sentances and such to back up his strengths and weaknesses. Should be it.
Hey there!
The think about being honorable is that it is a two sided traits a you describe it. It is a positive feature of his personality, yet it hampers him during combat. For your personality weaknesses, I would suggest switching that with something else.

Now that I'm thinking on it however, being dark covers the same thing as being a realist, or at least very close. They both cover his moral mindset to a greater degree. Overall I'd find another negative trait to replace dark, and make Percy's realism into making him a brash character. Being brash is easily a personality flaw, so you'll be good there.

As for his personality strengths, I don't see him being a people person in the main personality category. You should add it in, or switch it for something like "Honorable".

You're really close to getting this approved.
@Shayin Should be done.
  • Replaced "Dark" with "Intolerant".
  • I really like his realist persona, and I would like to not change that. His middle-of-the road and calculating trait makes him who he is. I also see no problem with it, other than that is was similar to dark, which is now changed.
  • Not sure why his personality-weakness needs changing, as his anger-issues are very well explained. I did swap his combat weakness, however, to "Two-Handed Weapons".
  • Switched his personality strength to "Honorable".
@Shayin Should be done.
  • Replaced "Dark" with "Intolerant".
  • I really like his realist persona, and I would like to not change that. His middle-of-the road and calculating trait makes him who he is. I also see no problem with it, other than that is was similar to dark, which is now changed.
  • Not sure why his personality-weakness needs changing, as his anger-issues are very well explained. I did swap his combat weakness, however, to "Two-Handed Weapons".
  • Switched his personality strength to "Honorable".
What was the combat weakness previously? You already discussed how his left hand was relevant to combat in the physical weakness. While it could be a combat weakness, you should differentiate between the two. A physical weakness can be a combat weakness, but a combat weakness might not necessarily be a physical weakness.

The point of switching his personality weakness is that you don't mention his anger issues in the main personality section. it should be mention in both sections, where initially it is explained how it contributes to his character, and later it is explained in depth how he is hampered by that trait.
What was the combat weakness previously? You already discussed how his left hand was relevant to combat in the physical weakness. While it could be a combat weakness, you should differentiate between the two. A physical weakness can be a combat weakness, but a combat weakness might not necessarily be a physical weakness.
It was honor. You specified to change it.

The point of switching his personality weakness is that you don't mention his anger issues in the main personality section. it should be mention in both sections, where initially it is explained how it contributes to his character, and later it is explained in depth how he is hampered by that trait.
I do not outright say it, because that would be repetitive. It is inferred and touched on throughout the app he posses this. I can edit it in as a trait, but I was trying to avoid mentioning things too many times.
My bad, in that case. Approved!
Need this moved back to Staff Review. Complete overhaul of character.
I hereby claim this character for review!

I would go into his relationships more in his life goals, if that makes any sense. Watching him and Cedric talk, I think Percy may have a slight purpose in talking with others about his code, and what it means. Add that as a minor goal, to give you something to roleplay with when you're in the tavern with a bunch of "strangers".

Add 1-2 sentences to all personality traits. I want to do 1 of the following for each trait, depending on which you feel would benefit you. 1. Describe a specific example that identifies how the trait effects Percy. 2. The thought process Percy would have as he comes to decisions, given the trait in question.

Add two weakness of any sort.

Percy Ravenstad's Progression is... : Under Review!
  • Minor lore update: Cecile has been shifted to being Percy's daughter. As a result, ages and dates were also adjusted accordingly.
Hey hey hey! Random little dee-doo thing here.
  • Woo! An update/note. This life story is very Frankenstein-y, and has just had new lore plopped in randomly to make this patchwork mess of a background. I am going to fully rewrite it, so proper documentation of lore, both personal and Ravenstad, can be had. Keep an eye out!
    • I oops'd and wrote wayyy to much for his life story rewrite. I need time to completely adjust the sizing and figure out stuff.
    • Either way, I am considering uploading his full, unedited life story to a fanfiction page, but I am undecided. Let me know here. Note that it will take time to finish, and will be quite long. Though it will contain lots of fun lore, and may be a good thing to do in my spare time.
Hey hey hey! Random little dee-doo thing here.
  • Woo! An update/note. This life story is very Frankenstein-y, and has just had new lore plopped in randomly to make this patchwork mess of a background. I am going to fully rewrite it, so proper documentation of lore, both personal and Ravenstad, can be had. Keep an eye out!
    • I oops'd and wrote wayyy to much for his life story rewrite. I need time to completely adjust the sizing and figure out stuff.
    • Either way, I am considering uploading his full, unedited life story to a fanfiction page, but I am undecided. Let me know here. Note that it will take time to finish, and will be quite long. Though it will contain lots of fun lore, and may be a good thing to do in my spare time.
whoa there. you should make one because that's what im doing with my character, so ya
  • Totally going to update that life story. I promise.
  • Also. Deleted relationships because I want to overhaul it. SORRY.
  • Probably going to reformat this to fit the new sheet. Soon. Maybe. At some point. I promise.
  • Totally DID update that relationship section!
  • Could this be marked as "Approved Sheet"? It continues to get rid of the prefix every time I edit the thread.
  • Updated Info to cover the Duchy of Hinterlandia.
  • Tweaked all discrepencies I could find.
  • #RoadTo1000Views??
Updated the application to the new format. Forgoing the expansion life story for the moment, as it is in need of a rewrite. Tagging last reviewer to make sure this is up to scratch with formatting and such. @Jared4242
Been forgetting to do this, but I tossed together a playlist on Spotify of very Percy-like songs. They tend to reflect his personality, attitude, events, etc. Check it out if you want to, it's under the "Media" section, near the top!

This will be getting large updates soon. I'll notify the previous reviewer once those are completed.