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Peirgarten Perfumes And Incenses!


To the fine Citizens of Regalia,

The time of summer is upon us and that means a time of new happenings.
The Peirgarten Perfumes and Incense company hopes to bring the fine peerage a new line of scents that you may all buy.
Wrap yourself in the aroma of myrrh and blossoms, or get a cologne to remind your lover of the crackling leather in your home.
Stop by the Peirgarten Estate to make a purchase or write a letter to Amelina Peirgarten requesting your purchase and the order can be delivered to the person's home for an extra fee.
Perfumes are 20 Regals
Incense is 30 Regals, special incenses costing 100 Regals
To have an order delivered will add an extra 10 Regals to the order.
(This is all IC money, not real Regals.)

Naserna: Black fig and patchouli, bourbon vanilla, honeyed amber oud.
Cardoheda: Orange marshmallow cream, bitter lemon, black pepper, orange carnation, and gin.
Ansenbourgh: Sugar-swept honey and rose.
Fohrborg: Myrrh and golden amber, cardamom and honey, bourbon vanilla and cacao.
Vigeviano: Orange peel, rosemary oil, peppermint, and cloves.
Regalia: Earthy patchouli, sage, russet sandalwood, grimy leather, fig leaf, and lemongrass.
Donano: Opopponax, costus, black pepper, black sandalwood.
Hinterboiss: Smoky-sour labdanum, black patchouli, wet tobacco.
Vlissinghelm: Warm brown fur, cardamom-infused bourbon vanilla, and a touch of cedarwood.
Beetzenwald: Sweet black coffee and a touch of ambrette seed.

(These are named after lands and lands owned by Nobility. Blue indicates a cologne and magenta is a perfume.)

Alu's Fruit
(the selling of this item is not known ICly to everyone, it is sold under the counter and must be purchased in person)

OOC Notes:
  • You can reply on this thread of your purchase of a perfume or incense, come into the shop at CrownRoad2, or /msg seoulmate to set something up!
  • The money is all IC.

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