Archived Passive/aggressive System Suggestion.

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


A ragged wanderer.
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
United States
Hello, Lord Corgi here to suggest a wonderful system I spotted.

Now recently I was playing on another server, and noticed that they have a system implemented that allows some factions to be 'Passive' and others to be 'Aggressive'. The idea is to allow factions, and players that simply wish to build and RP do so. While others who simply wish to conquer and strike down puny humans can do so. Now, there are issues we'll have to buff out. And, I encourage constructive criticism within the comment section.

(Also, I believe this idea was a suggestion before. Can't remember though.)

Let's list some pros & cons of this system.

-More RP-Based factions can thrive.
-Peaceful people who simply wish to build can be protected inside their own lands.
-RP based wars can occur, and maybe even propaganda become a way Passive factions battle?

-Less actual war, which could mean less gear on the market. (Possibly good?)
-Factions could switch to passive whilst tiny, and then aggressive when they become big. (Possibly fixed by costing loads of regals to switch modes?)
-Factions could switch to passive straight after a raid, and not get raided back. (Still, possibly fixable.)
-Players could switch to passive whilst in wilderness, or when randomly getting raided. (Could be fixed by not allowing passive when in wilderness, and costing a small amount of regals to switch.)

If you find anything wrong with this, or want more information. Please, comment on the thread. I'll attempt my best to debate against you, and answer your questions. (Let's keep it civil.)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
What it seems like that people dont seem to understand is someone will always find a to abuse the system. It happens. All we can do is improve on it if implimented and make it better. Instead of just shutting it down immediatly give feedback on what you think your side would like to see from this. Thats constructive critisism. Immediatly shutting it down because of a few flaws isnt constructive. Theres always two sides to an argument.