Archived Another Silverwind Implementation System

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score

Alright, I've been seeing too much fighting on the forums between two groups, and there's few things we're willing to compromise on. I'm going to try and fix that right now, by listing my own system for Silverwind.

So I'm basing this off off the text Marty had in the OP of the thread above. So if you want information on parts of this proposal, look there for some background.

Ok, we're still here and the pitchforks aren't sharpened yet? good. So here's how I envision the system functioning:
  • RPers will control the build environment. This is the basis of the whole system. Silverwind is a RP/PvP map, but the bases are built according to the RP builders. Meaning shanty towns, forts, etc. This is supposed to be anarchy, not some cutesy little town in survival. As for the price, Marty said the prices would be high, so I don't see 1000+ regals per month to be too big of a deal. After all, who said people were going to keep their bases ;)
  • The first week (or two) of release will be non/PvP and dedicated to building and/or RP. This is to set the mood for the next phase. after renting, RPers and their building buddies will need to build up their shanty towns or bombed up buildings. Essentially this is the "build phase" of the system. After the time is up, we get to the next part.
  • Sometime near the end of the week, RPers will hire "mercenaries." And here is where the PvPers come in. There will be a thread on the forums, where RP shanty towns can post a "help wanted" sign for mercenaries to take over rival shanty towns. All a PvPer (or a faction) has to do is comment on the thread saying they will work for the RPer shanty town.
  • Once the build phase is over, PvP will be enabled in Silverwind. The main spawn will still be a safezone, but the wilds (including the claimed shanty towns) turn into Dodge city. For a week (or so) PvPers can have at it on the map, fighting to defend and take cities at their whim.
    • The Rules of War: These basically function like any other war in the sense that the attacker fights a defender until they are pushed back or the enemy surrenders. However, instead of max tribute, the defenders will surrender the shanty town to the attackers, which will be kept by the attackers for the foreseeable future.
  • After a week of fighting, PvP will be disabled and land will be re-appropriated. So hopefully by then end a few mercenary groups would've claimed a few shanty towns for their RP employers. The shanty town that took over the other towns essentially controls those new land claims for another duration of time. RP can commence with this change in power.
  • The top shanty town will gain notoriety, and their mercs will get their reward. The whole idea of this system is to be extremely competitive, will both RPers and PvPers getting things as a reward. After the war phase concludes, The shanty town with the most claims will be the leader and the so called "Pirate King of Silverwind." This shanty town will then receive a reward of sorts, such as some lore items. However, PvPers also get some new loot as well, possibly some stronger armor sets, like maybe a Prot V set of armor.
    • Of course, each person will only get one lore/armor item per war. This gives people incentive, as they will want to keep on top in order to collect all the lore items. Plus higher enchanted gear would be very coveted by PvPers.
  • The system goes through the cycles again.
So there it is, the brief description of how the silverwind system can be done. All it takes is setting up areashop regions, and then toggling pvp on and off. That's the largest part of staff work form what I can tell. The only thing else that I see staff needed to do is keeping tabs on who has what territories, and then awarding the kings their lore item at the end of a war.

Now a few things I want to answer that I didn't above:
  • I don't have 1000r to keep this town running every month. Well, it's not like 1000r is set in stone. For all we know it could just be a measly 1r a month. The idea is that RPers have to pay to be relevant on this map, else they will just die out and be eaten by the next big fish.
  • How will this fit in with the lore? Simple: It's anarchy. We don't have to say "the pirate FireFan96 from Drachevault fought off Tigrans and Orcs alike." Instead, we can say "The mercenary forces of "shanty town A" fought ruthlessly, raiding base after base until they all surrendered to them." So the simple answer is, we don't specifically mention anyone's faction or IGN, and simply refer to them as mercenaries (unless any PvPers have character app, in that case they could be mentioned.)
  • What if a shanty town takes over every territory on the map? Well, it seems that the RPers who lost need to band up and start hiring more mercenaries to take some lands back. The spawn area will always be a safezone, and mercenaries don't have to be loyal to the same RP group every war. The war politics are driven 100% by the players, so it's up to them who end up the king.
Welp, this is what I have. If anyone has any feedback for me, please say so below. I truly think this system would be a way to find common ground between both game modes. RPers want to have legacies and plots created. PvPers want to PvP. This allows both groups to do that, while encouraging people to get into the action.
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Maybe whoever wins all of Silverwind gets made a king and put in the lore, as well as getting a personalized lore item, like after one side would win a faction war. Do they still do that by the way?
Maybe not throwing their name on the wiki, but there is a reward for the largest shanty town RP owner to be dubbed "The Pirate King of Silverwind." At least until some other guy comes in and takes it the next day. Due to the chaos of Silverwind, and by extension this system, it would be hard to maintain the title for a long duration.

Though everyone who was in the winning town would get a lore item, so that's already a thing with this. Not sure on the personalization of it, but it could be looked into.
Alright, so looking through the comments, it seems the largest problem with this proposal is how to capture rival shanty towns.

One idea is to propose using a capture the flag system to take an enemy flag and store it for the week until the PvP is turned off again.

Another one is just surrender, and acknowledging the other town won.

A part of this I want to address is the matter of shanty towns that do not have players on to defend their town for the PvP week. While I understand that massive should be fun and available whenever you feel like it, Silverwind doesn't allow for it. There will be high demand for shanty regions, and low supply, making this very competitive.
To combat this, I propose the following: A shanty town may remain neutral for one PvP week, where they don't have to log on and not have to worry about losing their town. However, they must defend the next PvP cycle, or they will lose their ownership, leaving the town up for claims for either another town or a new player to claim.

The way I see it, we need to make a system that works to take over another base, both when players are online, and when they are offline. We should prioritize making this fun for people who play online and are actively raiding, as they are the one committing the time.

So let's start trying to find a system for the rules of war.
Alright, so looking through the comments, it seems the largest problem with this proposal is how to capture rival shanty towns.

One idea is to propose using a capture the flag system to take an enemy flag and store it for the week until the PvP is turned off again.

Another one is just surrender, and acknowledging the other town won.

A part of this I want to address is the matter of shanty towns that do not have players on to defend their town for the PvP week. While I understand that massive should be fun and available whenever you feel like it, Silverwind doesn't allow for it. There will be high demand for shanty regions, and low supply, making this very competitive.
To combat this, I propose the following: A shanty town may remain neutral for one PvP week, where they don't have to log on and not have to worry about losing their town. However, they must defend the next PvP cycle, or they will lose their ownership, leaving the town up for claims for either another town or a new player to claim.

The way I see it, we need to make a system that works to take over another base, both when players are online, and when they are offline. We should prioritize making this fun for people who play online and are actively raiding, as they are the one committing the time.

So let's start trying to find a system for the rules of war.

On a pirate themed server I used to play on we had a system called a 'Kade' which was a shortened word for blockade. It involved a sea battle (movecraft was installed) -if the attacker won the sea battle it would go onto the land battle. For the attackers to win you had to climb a tower and claim the object and return it to one of your ships off shore (capture the flag). For the defenders to win they had to kill all the attackers and protect the tower.

The system was fun, I don't know if this will be constructive at all but it worked. The player base was nowhere near as big as this one and it typically had a staff member watching over it to make sure everything ran smoothly.
Actually this has given me a idea, what if instead of shanty towns players can purchase indivual island plots and build a shanty town/naval fort combo on said island.

That was essentially the server. It'd be difficult to attack an island fort without ships though. And there's no massivecraft equivalent for movecraft.
...Just saying that this system might actually make me interested in PVP. I like this idea.

I'd also like to suggest some other map areas using this system might be interesting as well. For example, I'd love to see a anarchy/Gang PVP thing going on in Ssil or that supposed Anarchy-ruled Vampire land in Ellador.
what if instead of shanty towns players can purchase indivual island plots and build a shanty town/naval fort combo on said island
the Silverwind map is already built, so might as well us what we have instead of spending time making new maps. Though it might interesting to see how the coastline regions build their towns...

I'd also like to suggest some other map areas using this system might be interesting as well. For example, I'd love to see a anarchy/Gang PVP thing going on in Ssil or that supposed Anarchy-ruled Vampire land in Ellador.
For now we'll need to see if this system can work at all. If it proves successful and fun, then I suppose staff will look into other things. But for now we don't know if this idea will work yet.
They don't want to pvp, they want easy kills

I'm pretty sure they want to pvp.You don't see pvpers bragging in general when they kill roleplayers.No they only brag about killing other pvpers.

How do you plan on getting what little pvpers exist to both agree to fight in a unoptimised arena, for the benefit of role-players whom they already consider completely toxic and beneath them?

Actually it wouldn't just benefit role-players it would give them more pvp and the fact that you think all pvpers think rpers are toxic and beneath them is utter bullsh*t.Yes maybe some do consider rpers below them but I'm sure any pvpers would be happy with an excuse to pvp.
I love all these proposals and vote to implement them as soon as possible please staff..
I can see a few problems with the proposal but I think they can be solved.
Here I present the problems I see plus some suggestions

Problem: There is no established method to quantify the result of a war.

Suggestion: Implement a scoreboard of certain type (capture the flag, killcount, npc kill... etc)

Problem: Players can just hide behind their walls, they don't need to surrender.
Suggestion: The outcome of the war depends on defending something that is accessible to the enemy.

Problem: Players might conquer terrain during night. Defending territory for a long period is tiring.

Suggestion: Make war/peace periods shorter. Decisive battles should only happen when most players are online.

Problem: During a one week war all roleplayers leave and during peace PvPers leave.
1) Encouraging defending something (a flag, an npc?, a position) via archery might be attractive to low pvp skill players.
2) Make wars/peace periods shorter. They might even occur at random and surprise players with their pants down.

Problem: Loosing a territory for which one paid is a big expense.
1) Territory price is fixed by the market in an auction. The risk of loosing a territory is taken into account by players when making a bid.
2) Not all wars need to lead to territory loss. Wars for territory can happen with little frequency and wars for lore very often.

Problem: One faction/group may conquer all territory. All players join the wining faction and things become boring.

Suggestion: The number of factions/groups remains fixed. A faction/group cannot conquer territory but can uproot other factions and gain glory and power (in roleplaying terms).
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Marked as pending review. We may refer to this thread when we decide to put a focus on Silverwind.