The two main pvp factions on the server have been doing nothing but fighting each-other for a very long time. Only since the change of raid rules have they both actively focused other targets. Going and saying all pvp factions shit pm those who surrender is quite the assumption, and is false. If you see it once, do not assume it always happens, as thinking such is quite ignorant.
It's probably ignorant since it has only happened once and I never knew that side of the story. But once is enough, not just to me but to EVERY SINGLE FACTION THEY ATTACK, and if it happens again, my point about fat cat PvP players shit-pming remains standing.
If you thinks stats are superior to skill you are simply wrong. I have tested this exact theory by raiding high level pvpers with my alt account. Granted my armour broke significantly faster, I was still able to drop and even kill some of them. (Not to mention one of them was later banned for hacking, so I think it went quite well). I have plenty of experience with high stat pvpers sucking and the opposite so resetting stats would do nothing but force pvpers back into grinding. Anyone who sets there mind to learning how to pvp is more than capable of such, but it is those who don't attempt to learn pvp that complain about high level pvpers being unfair.
Stats still have an effect, don't they? It STILL matters. If you cherish being feared and ruining other people's enjoyment of the server (you don't know if they're just roeplay factions you're trying to f*ck up, so think about that), I still stand by the
resetting of mcstats. And sorry, Grid, but no one is as good as you on the battlefield and can tweak their fingers fast enough to land hits on other pixel people. Some people don't have as much time you have to really get themselves to where you've worked yourself to be.
Satisfying as it may sound, there are still others out there who would prefer to do other things than tweak fights all day.
Experience goes half and half, at least in most games. Stats still matter.
You want to keep your high stats, then focus on factions that don't roleplay and do it just to troll and go lol-raid those out of existence. I'm pretty sure they'll give you a lot more fun than the hate you'll get from people trying to grow their factions up to be wonderful roleplay spots like Regalia.
Somehow I feel that resetting the stats following this EULA change, gives everyone new equal footings. Sure it'll send grinders back into their holes, but in my point of view, people now have chances to protect themselves without the clear advantages mcstats have maxed out. That, or
capping the PvP stats.
That's my clear opinion, and I may fail to see this from an experienced PvP'ers eyes, but I'm looking at ways where everyone can be more fair and well out of harm's way to fully enjoy Massivecraft without having to peek over their shoulders.
Surrender terms exist for a reason. If the new people cannot handle raids, they can surrender for a low fine. Again, saying stats make pvpers good is quite inaccurate, and is really a very small way to judge someones pvp skill.
Sorry, but I don't think I judged anyone by their skill. They work hard to perfect it in a fight. I only, in a huge blowout, judged their overly exaggerated stats. And like I said, stats still have an affect, if note entirely noticeable by skilled PvP'ers such as yourself, Gridiron.
But allow me to make a fine point about new players, which you seem to forget is the lifeblood of Massivecraft:
What if they don't have the money for a low fine? What if they don't want to surrender because they're scared and wondering why the hell these jerks are screwing with them on their first day?
They don't know what stats are, and they don't know bilge about PvP here on Massive. They only know what they had in other servers.
These new players only that they now have a faction and can start building it up to become a good faction one day. But that is only birthed by the fear and anger lol-raiders imprint into their minds. This may be out of context, but based on child psychology, they'll believe having good stats is all that matters; that going around killing other people and winning at it is all that matters. Doing it just to also be feared on the server is all that matters.
It makes them feel good, like a sick masturbation.
That may be a harsh picture to draw, but that is what really happens to some people who feel like they're so weak on their first day that they have to protect themselves by getting high on everything. And with that mindset, skill just seems to sink into the background. Some people don't think about the skill. Just the stats.
Skill really does matter, but stats still have an affect on a younger mindset. Now, if these new players were in fact idiots and trolls AND adults (to top that off a number of people were adults and acted like brats), then I don't mind completely what lol-raiders do to them.
But the fact still stands that a majority of our player base here on Massivecraft are kids. The lowest I've seen playing was 8 years old and once upon a time, our faction got lol-raided and he was too dumb to stay inside and cried every time someone killed him. He never understood skill, just stats.
Maybe I don't have a right to judge a person based on their high stats and skill, but I should have one against people who lol-raid just for the sake of lol-ing their buts off when they see they've beaten up a little kid and they're raging at them. PvPers, because they're so good, should actually not just be feared on the server but respected. I say "respected," AFTER they've done something to earn it. Respected as allies? Sure, but only if they meant it. Some PvP factions now, after their little release of having to kill each other, have gone to turn on factions they were allied with. In my point of view, that's inhuman. That's turning against people who thought you were their friends.
Respected in their workload? Definitely. They could make a killing being hired out to murder people (then again that would probably bring about a cycle of revenge killing).
I just want to point out, I know a number of really good PvPers here on the server. They are the best of friends. Great to hang out with, and they are there to stick up with you when you're trying to protect something precious. So PvPers are not all bad, and I don't look down on the ones I consider my friends. Just the ones who do exactly what I've mentioned to new players.
Saying the server is all about pvp now is a complete discredit to the lore staff and all the work they have been doing over the past months. I believe that roleplay is just as worked on and improved, if not more so than pvp. Just because recently pvp has been changing does not mean you have to go and say it is now 100% pvp based. As for saying "Advantage" I am not quite sure what you mean. If you mean in the survival world, I do not understand why you complain. I have been working on pvp and survival for over 2 years now, of course I will have an advantage over someone who prefers to spend their time roleplaying or doing other various things.
It is a survival world. If you cannot handle yourself, make friends with those who can protect you. I see no reason for people who do not train or even attempt to work on pvp to be at an equal level with high level pvpers. Worst case, we have surrender rules. Use those.
Okay, so I can agree with you on this. The Lore Staff have done a damn good job working on the roleplay side of Massivecraft. Stating that PvP has become all that is massivecraft is a complete spit on their faces and an unworthy slap on their beautifully wonderful story-telling behinds.
And I'm here to say, that yes, due to the EULA compliancy that things ARE changing and PvP has become a little more open, BUT...
Now is the time to work on rebalancing the two. It's not all about PvP and it's all not about roleplay. Again, this is an MMORPG. People can and will die, but it just ahs to be in the right way. Lol-raiding puts a kill to that balance, as my earlier points have been made clear.
Whoever said this server was all about PvP can go eat cobblestone. And I'm not saying that because I tend to love roleplay more than PvP, I've spent a good while on Massivecraft to work on both sides, and yes, I have some experience on both sides, but at the end of the day, I'm a roleplayer and I suck at PvP.
In closing, I hope I can be agreed with that that Massivecraft is one of the best MMORPG in minecraft. Some intense constructive work provided on both sides after this whole EULA ordeal, yes, but it will all work out for the better in the end.