Archived Pacifist Idea

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Professional Potion Bouncer
Jun 9, 2013
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Roleplay Guilds
Bongo Squad
I've seen this on other PvP servers and I think it would be a great idea to bring to massive. When you are PvP active a little menu kinda like the mcmmo menu could pop up on the side of the screen counting down how long until you become PvP inactive. You would be able to turn it on and off using some command. Just a little idea that could make PvP a bit better.

Update : They could also have the ender pearl cool down on the same menu
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
We have been talking about this but its not as easy as you think as we use the scoreboard API for /nick and nameplate API
but this may or may not come at somepoint
I'd love to see a pacifist feature. It would go so far toward helping all of the community get along a little better if it was implemented properly.

It's fine with me that people enjoy PvP, but it's not my flavour, and I wish it wasn't practically forced upon me in almost every multiplayer game. I wouldn't want to take anything away from others, but I'd like my style of play to be a little more respected than it is, so others aren't taking things away from how I play.
I'd love to see a pacifist feature. This would go so far toward helping all of the community get along a little better if it was implemented properly.

It's fine with me that people enjoy PvP, but it's not my flavour, and I wish it wasn't practically forced upon me in almost every multiplayer game. I wouldn't want to take anything away from others, but I'd like my style of play to be a little more respected than it is, so others aren't taking things away from how I play.
You realize this thread was in no way supporting the re-addition of pacifist right?
I saw a thread concerning a topic I'm interested in and posted my opinion on the topic of a pacifist system itself. So what if it's a little off topic to the Op? We all have opinions to share, nd at least I'm contributing to the conversation.

Maybe it'd be a little more constructive for you to offer a response to my actual post, rather than nitpicking my manner of posting? I would appreciate that :')
I saw a thread concerning a topic I'm interested in and posted my opinion on the topic of a pacifist system itself. So what if it's a little off topic to the Op? We all have opinions to share, nd at least I'm contributing to the conversation.

Maybe it'd be a little more constructive for you to offer a response to my actual post, rather than nitpicking my manner of posting? I would appreciate that :')
Perhaps instead of just glancing over the OP and then replying to what u think its slightly related based on a few key words you could read the entire thread (or at least the OP and the last few posts) and then reply accordingly. And when you DONT do any of that, expect some people to be a bit upset (especially those who get notifications on discussions they are involved in) when they get this notification on a topic... and yet its not entirely on point
I'd love to see a pacifist feature. It would go so far toward helping all of the community get along a little better if it was implemented properly.

It's fine with me that people enjoy PvP, but it's not my flavour, and I wish it wasn't practically forced upon me in almost every multiplayer game. I wouldn't want to take anything away from others, but I'd like my style of play to be a little more respected than it is, so others aren't taking things away from how I play.
You have some sort of vendetta against PvP in every game, don't you?
I'm not going to buy into your provocation, but I'd appreciate if you'd not put words in my mouth nonetheless.

How can you possibly ignore the fact that before everything I say, I firmly advocate choice and options? I'm not, in any way, at all, attempting to say that PvP is a horrible thing that should be removed. It's certainly not my style, but I would never take it away from those who enjoy it.

Is it so hard for you to understand that some people don't like the same things as you? It's a concept I've grasped very well, but if you are taking my simple requests for a chance to opt out as a high treason against any and all PvP activities, you may need some time to meditate on said concept.

As an aside, yes, I have been burned by PvPers before. I've been camped, ganked, harassed and downright bullied out of games because some people apparently can't respect others as human beings. Which is a shame.
But no, I do not blame all PvPers for this, nor do I think every PvPer is that sort of person. As with any group, there are many different kinds of people in it, and I always reserve my assessment of a person until I have had time to get to know them.

I have no vendetta against PvPers themselves as a whole. I do, however, have a problem with people of any group who bully, harass, disrespect or otherwise purposefully hurt others. This extends to any and everything, not just PvP.

As far as I'm concerned, a system that could help minimize the amount of unfair/unwanted/intrusive PvP encounters so that everyone can be a little happier would be a nice thing. Even in such a case, those who want to PvP would still PvP, and that's fine. However right now, even if you don't want to PvP, you don't have the option unless you hole yourself up in the city.. And that's not a lot of fun for the long term.

I have nothing against those who like different playstyles. I would just like more options, period.
I'm not going to buy into your provocation, but I'd appreciate if you'd not put words in my mouth nonetheless.

How can you possibly ignore the fact that before everything I say, I firmly advocate choice and options? I'm not, in any way, at all, attempting to say that PvP is a horrible thing that should be removed. It's certainly not my style, but I would never take it away from those who enjoy it.

Is it so hard for you to understand that some people don't like the same things as you? It's a concept I've grasped very well, but if you are taking my simple requests for a chance to opt out as a high treason against any and all PvP activities, you may need some time to meditate on said concept.

As an aside, yes, I have been burned by PvPers before. I've been camped, ganked, harassed and downright bullied out of games because some people apparently can't respect others as human beings. Which is a shame.
But no, I do not blame all PvPers for this, nor do I think every PvPer is that sort of person. As with any group, there are many different kinds of people in it, and I always reserve my assessment of a person until I have had time to get to know them.

I have no vendetta against PvPers themselves as a whole. I do, however, have a problem with people of any group who bully, harass, disrespect or otherwise purposefully hurt others. This extends to any and everything, not just PvP.

As far as I'm concerned, a system that could help minimize the amount of unfair/unwanted/intrusive PvP encounters so that everyone can be a little happier would be a nice thing. Even in such a case, those who want to PvP would still PvP, and that's fine. However right now, even if you don't want to PvP, you don't have the option unless you hole yourself up in the city.. And that's not a lot of fun for the long term.

I have nothing against those who like different playstyles. I would just like more options, period.
It's quite easy to avoid PvP, just sit inside and wait for them to go away.
I saw a thread concerning a topic I'm interested in and posted my opinion on the topic of a pacifist system itself. So what if it's a little off topic to the Op? We all have opinions to share, nd at least I'm contributing to the conversation.

Maybe it'd be a little more constructive for you to offer a response to my actual post, rather than nitpicking my manner of posting? I would appreciate that :')
You necroed a post that wasn't even remotely related to your idea in order to bring up your idea because it shared one phrase with the op.

And frankly, I remember you from a couple months ago, and you most certainly do have a vendetta against pvpers.