Archived Pacifist Alteration

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
Reaction score
Can it be made so that the item you hold in your hand upon death not be dropped, from a nice evening of pvp I notice that I can't use my good blades without my god armour or I loose them.... It's very depressing to have a nice number of kills to a blade and then loose it and never see it again :(

I'm not saying this should be a premium only feature either, why should the non prems not be allowed this, this is something everyone should enjoy!? I think it would just encourage people to build a reputable weapon, a blade feared throughout the lands of aloria.

I'm not suggesting the entire hot bar cause that would make pvp pointless. cause no one would ever let there inventory fill, but it makes sense to hold something tight in one hand and not let go, I personally think this could play to many people's benefit and make more people want to pvp, It can get frustrating when a non prem refuses to fight cause they will loose all there things... And with this I think they will be more willing
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I really can't say I agree or disagree to this. Although, if this was implemented, everyone would begin disarming people a lot more in fights, just to get all of a person's stuff, and then kill them. It wouldn't stop you from losing whatever you choose to hold on to.
I think pacifist should be more hardcore, such as lasting around 5 minutes to stop people from kiting for 30 seconds to get pacifist.
Me gusta. But I dont know if the admins would agree to this.
I really can't say I agree or disagree to this. Although, if this was implemented, everyone would begin disarming people a lot more in fights, just to get all of a person's stuff, and then kill them. It wouldn't stop you from losing whatever you choose to hold on to.
People disarm already dude... You just get your iron grip and your good to go!
I personally like this idea - I hate losing my favorite named sword (poor Ryugamine) and never seeing it again. FTR, there are at least 3 Ryugamine Blades out there lol
I agree with grixer's comment and I have been thinking of making a suggestion for pacifist false to last for about 5 mins.
One thing I gotta say: Join the club bud, with all the other non-premiums that can't bring anything valuable to arenas simply because they would lose it too quickly
You know what, throw in not being able to open your back pack too.[DOUBLEPOST=1371350188,1371349104][/DOUBLEPOST]
I know people disarm. I'm just saying you would see a rise in it during fights before people go in for the kill.

There is already quite a large rise in it now a days.
I really can't say I agree or disagree to this. Although, if this was implemented, everyone would begin disarming people a lot more in fights, just to get all of a person's stuff, and then kill them. It wouldn't stop you from losing whatever you choose to hold on to.
If someone has a good weapon I always try to disarm them before I try to kill them.[DOUBLEPOST=1371357965,1371357164][/DOUBLEPOST]I would love this to be implemented. It wouldn't only encourage the creation of weapons feared throughout the land, it would encourage the use of them. I have god swords, but I don't like using them in hard fights because of the fear of losing them.
I personally don't like this idea, as it gives non-premiums even less reason to go into combat with premiums. One of the great joys of combat for me was to bring down an opponent with a mighty weapon and take it for my own use or as loot. This widens the gap between premium and non-premium even more, which is something that I don't like. Non-premiums already rarely use god-armor due to the risk of losing it, will this make it so they barely use god weapons as well?
The whole point of a "God weapon" is to have it be better than the other person's weapon. If everyone has a god weapon, this won't be the case. As the system stands now, the benefits of bringing a god weapon are balanced out by the risk of losing it, and I don't think that's a bad thing.
You know what, throw in not being able to open your back pack too.
That's already nixed.
I personally don't like this idea, as it gives non-premiums even less reason to go into combat with premiums. One of the great joys of combat for me was to bring down an opponent with a mighty weapon and take it for my own use or as loot. This widens the gap between premium and non-premium even more, which is something that I don't like. Non-premiums already rarely use god-armor due to the risk of losing it, will this make it so they barely use god weapons as well?
He said that it should be an implementation for everyone, which I agree with. It doesn't even have to be a god weapon. I have quite a few named normal weapons that I cherish like children and would /never/ take into battle. Which is sad, because then they never gain a reputation. Granted, I'm a terrible fighter, and a weapon doesn't get a rep in the hands of a terrible fighter, but still, I want just a few kills with Sunslammer, y'know?
The whole point of a "God weapon" is to have it be better than the other person's weapon. If everyone has a god weapon, this won't be the case. As the system stands now, the benefits of bringing a god weapon are balanced out by the risk of losing it, and I don't think that's a bad thing.

What if you were a miner and you held diamonds, so as not to looses them, it doesn't necessarily always have to be a god weapon, besides, not all player have god armour to go with there god weapons. It would enhance the roleplay behind an enchanted weapon even for those that do not have diamond armour so they will use it.
Hmmm... I still don't necessarily agree with this. While it may not just be used for god weapons, this plugin could make it so people would keep god weapons for ridiculous amounts of time. I don't think it would really enhance the roleplay behind god weapons, because it doesn't make much sense in roleplay for a seriously wounded person in battle to drop everything he has except his weapon. If you want to spread fame about a certain weapon, try bringing it into battle and surviving. That takes a lot of effort and makes the feat much more amazing.
Can it be made so that the item you hold in your hand upon death not be dropped,

I think this should only be with objects such as books and quills, as if someone attacks while writing you can't do much to stop them. Just the other day a raider took a draft of a private letter from me, possibly putting me at risk, making this quite an annoyance. This should be implemented for, say, books and various other insignificant objects e.g. enchanted books and renamed objects.
(Side note: Maybe some renamed objects could be given a tag that they're never dropped and unusable (if they're like potions or enderpearls), so you never lose them or use them up by mistake.)
(Another side note: People writing shouldn't be kicked for AFK. I've lost a few books due to this.)
Just a note about this... I have in my BP 5 or so enchanted diamond swords. None of them are pushover enchants and each has a specific purpose (PvP, hunting mobs for XP, hunting mobs for loot, ext). I haven't used any of my pvp enchanted swords since I lost Ryugamine when I died, which makes them useless. What I see this plugin doing is making it possible to use a godweapon without the fear of losing it in the first battle. Perhaps only named items that are being held are kept? EX: I haz sword named Ryu Seiki, if I'm holding it I won't lose it when I die. But if I'm holding my nameless godsword it will be lost.
Just a note about this... I have in my BP 5 or so enchanted diamond swords. None of them are pushover enchants and each has a specific purpose (PvP, hunting mobs for XP, hunting mobs for loot, ext). I haven't used any of my pvp enchanted swords since I lost Ryugamine when I died, which makes them useless. What I see this plugin doing is making it possible to use a godweapon without the fear of losing it in the first battle. Perhaps only named items that are being held are kept? EX: I haz sword named Ryu Seiki, if I'm holding it I won't lose it when I die. But if I'm holding my nameless godsword it will be lost.

Ahh but if it is specific to pvp I'm not sure mods would be to happy about that, I like the idea of near death and your dying moment you choose the most important item to hold before you die, like when I send players to gather wood, if they get attacked they would still be able to save a stack in there hand when they die by a wandering raider, it's more of a consolation than protection.

Even in pvp I would carry more than just a god weapon, a few potions maybe a bow and arrow, it would still mean players are dropping items just the most sacred can be saved.
Being a non-premium, i am what people call, a watcher. I don't participate in fights, i watch them from a distance because i am scared to lose my stuff. if this was implemented, i would definitely get a diamond sword, name it, enchant, and finally, USE IT! but until then, i will just watch, holding a stick tightly in my hands, hoping a vampire strays from the battle.
Being a non-premium, i am what people call, a watcher. I don't participate in fights, i watch them from a distance because i am scared to lose my stuff. if this was implemented, i would definitely get a diamond sword, name it, enchant, and finally, USE IT! but until then, i will just watch, holding a stick tightly in my hands, hoping a vampire strays from the battle.
I like your thinking haha
I've built up almost a full chest of high powered and god bows, but only one of them has ever left the house because i'm too paranoid of losing them.

For some people the risk of losing valuables isn't at all worth the gain of using them.
Well the thing is, risk is an important factor in Minecraft pvp. It's the reason most people don't want to immediately declare war when a problem comes up. It's because war can be risky. Lots of armor and weapons can be lost in war. However, for premiums this isn't such a risk due to the fact they don't lose armor. Premiums don't need to worry about losing armor, unless there's a great axeman on the other team. This suggestion would make it so premiums don't need to worry about losing their weapons either, which would make it so they could fight much longer than nonpremiums with much less material.
Well the thing is, risk is an important factor in Minecraft pvp. It's the reason most people don't want to immediately declare war when a problem comes up. It's because war can be risky. Lots of armor and weapons can be lost in war. However, for premiums this isn't such a risk due to the fact they don't lose armor. Premiums don't need to worry about losing armor, unless there's a great axeman on the other team. This suggestion would make it so premiums don't need to worry about losing their weapons either, which would make it so they could fight much longer than nonpremiums with much less material.

Personally as a prem, i dont think it would be OP or would it take from the premium experiance if non-prems too could keep the items in their armor slots.
If there was a system similar to the Arcane Enchant with the repair system, that when you died you kept your weapon but it's enchants SPLIT. Or something like that. The killer, for example, gets an enchanting book with half of your enchants... This would be a good solution because the non-prem gets to keep something they've worked for, and the premium gets something for the kill. Only difference between this and the Arcane Enchant is that the lower the Pvp skill the more likely it'll fragment. Ideas?[DOUBLEPOST=1371441108,1371441005][/DOUBLEPOST]And only if the non- prem has been tagged in combat. Falling off a building or getting asplooded by a creeper would not get split or anything...
Good gracious, can you imagine the uproar from non-premiums?
Good gracious, can you imagine the uproar from non-premiums?

no, they would all just train axes, make god axes then smash the premiums until their around breaks. Remember, the way this thread is going all people would get their currently held item protected if this was added. Actually it would stop premiums being so confident wearing diamond armor because they know non-premiums will be coming at them with the best weapon they can get their hands on.
no, they would all just train axes, make god axes then smash the premiums until their around breaks. Remember, the way this thread is going all people would get their currently held item protected if this was added. Actually it would stop premiums being so confident wearing diamond armor because they know non-premiums will be coming at them with the best weapon they can get their hands on.

Oh i must have missed something, so you are implying that this feature would go to non-premiums as well? right. i see i see. It would add an interesting flair to PvP interaction indeed.
Oh i must have missed something, so you are implying that this feature would go to non-premiums as well? right. i see i see. It would add an interesting flair to PvP interaction indeed.

well if it did not go to non premiums it would make pvp totally unfair and give non-premiums even more of a disadvantage (not that I am complaining about the keep armor feature, it is balanced enough).
well if it did not go to non premiums it would make pvp totally unfair and give non-premiums even more of a disadvantage (not that I am complaining about the keep armor feature, it is balanced enough).
i think this could balance the pvp on the server massively, and would benefit everyone.
Can it be made so that the item you hold in your hand upon death not be dropped, from a nice evening of pvp I notice that I can't use my good blades without my god armour or I loose them.... It's very depressing to have a nice number of kills to a blade and then loose it and never see it again :(

I'm not saying this should be a premium only feature either, why should the non prems not be allowed this, this is something everyone should enjoy!? I think it would just encourage people to build a reputable weapon, a blade feared throughout the lands of aloria.

I'm not suggesting the entire hot bar cause that would make pvp pointless. cause no one would ever let there inventory fill, but it makes sense to hold something tight in one hand and not let go, I personally think this could play to many people's benefit and make more people want to pvp, It can get frustrating when a non prem refuses to fight cause they will loose all there things... And with this I think they will be more willing

if anything, it should be the opposite. You can keep the rest of your inventory, I'll probably just drop it anyway, all I want is the sword. It's the only prize for killing people.

as for blades with reputations, long live Tenebris.
if anything, it should be the opposite. You can keep the rest of your inventory, I'll probably just drop it anyway, all I want is the sword. It's the only prize for killing people.

as for blades with reputations, long live Tenebris.

I don't really understand what you mean there buddy?
Not only do I not like this idea, but I think that some people that think they would like it would actually hate it. Many people complain about the amount of PvP that occurs. This would make raiding only more desirable, as you have even less to lose. I'm not really posting anything more about it though as I don't think this will ever happen anyways.
Not only do I not like this idea, but I think that some people that think they would like it would actually hate it. Many people complain about the amount of PvP that occurs. This would make raiding only more desirable, as you have even less to lose. I'm not really posting anything more about it though as I don't think this will ever happen anyways.

Indeed, I would extremely dislike this. The only satisfaction I get from beating a raider is locking away their precious weapon in a hidden chest, never to see the light of day again. If someone dies while raiding me, they will never have the opportunity to reclaim their weapon, which is the best way to discourage raiding.
Not only do I not like this idea, but I think that some people that think they would like it would actually hate it. Many people complain about the amount of PvP that occurs. This would make raiding only more desirable, as you have even less to lose. I'm not really posting anything more about it though as I don't think this will ever happen anyways.

If this idea is implemented due to the large amount of support from non premium players, and those that don't have excessive mcstats, then you can suck it. I don't have the ridiculous time you have had to get stats that high, this is only hated by the select few that have hugely massive power levels, this will only close the gaping hole between a low stat player and a high stat player, I believe you disapprove cause you know every fight you go into you will win cause your OP, the knowledge that a player can come at you with a non stop sharp VI axe annoys you cause you know there's is a more difficult fight for you. The huge amount of players that are assaulted by undefeatable characters is a bane on the majority, and as much as you don't like it, one day the majority will win.
Woah Jomdorr, let's calm down. Your statement seems to have little to do with what Cowboy said.
Woah Jomdorr, let's calm down. Your statement seems to have little to do with what Cowboy said.
The problem within pvp is not that people hate it, it is that there such a ridiculous gap between a well established player and a newer player. Mcstats is one of the biggest deterrents for new players. Most of em leave cause its too much like hard work. My idea closes the gap and allows a buffer as small as it is of one saved item. This does make pvp more desirable but I highly doubt it would have a negative effect on the majority of players, only those who have high mcstats. This idea benefits everyone except that minor braket, which ironically cowboys fall into
What about people who don't like pvp? I have a feeling this would effect them negatively..... you know, with the fact that everyone can carry around a godsword now....
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