Archived Outside Of The Regalian Walls.

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
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Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
I recently found the gate/door/thing that leads to the forests outside regalia, where a sign is placed explaining how it will be dangerous outside of the walls, as bandits reside there and guards will not patrol past the area. So we could Enable pvp outside the walls, and possibly make a few bandit camps, heretic worship places, ect? I dunno. It could put a bit of roleplay and pvp together, sorta. I as thinking it'd be like making guilds inside regalia, and we request a building or camp or cave or whatever to be made for the group, maybe with building permissions there.
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Agree except for the pvp, but maybe a new tiny fight area could be made, like the old one in the bar in the old poor district
PVP and RP can never work together, if you could PVP out their no one will be able to RP in the wild. The idea is good and I support it just not it all being PVP.
There is elsewhere to have PvP, I think all of Regalia should be RP friendly. I like the idea and the aspects but all I can imagine is PvPers clad in full God armour running around and killing role players left right and centre.
Could always do something like that one tavern that was in the old poor district: Enable PVP for a small like, boxing ring or sommit.
There is elsewhere to have PvP, I think all of Regalia should be RP friendly. I like the idea and the aspects but all I can imagine is PvPers clad in full God armour running around and killing role players left right and centre.
Then why is there the Murder Ally?
They should just make a few streets pvp active with SIGNS saying they are pvp active zones, but without drops in Regalia. They could do the same outside Regalia, but again, limit it to say... a 'dark forest' or 'town ruin' area that is marked off with a fence or signs. And disable diamond armor/tools in Regalia so that people look somewhat more realistic when fighting.
That said, there is an archery range near spawn with a few pvp zones. Definitely look for them! They're kinda near where the opera house will be/was if that helps.
The idea of the boxing ring is similar to an idea, for a guildish type thing,I had about a week ago...

Regalian Fight Club

seems like that would provide a good shady area to conduct a bit of PVP
I actually support this and believe if outside spawn was limited PVp it would be really cool
Could always do something like that one tavern that was in the old poor district: Enable PVP for a small like, boxing ring or sommit.
Oooh like a Dark Forest..huge, looming, ominous valleylike forest area where all the trees and vegetation are dead..And PvP is enabled ;3 it makes more sense then a random boxing arena. Instead it's a dead/drowned forest and its creepy so makes sense as to why people wouldn't be in there RP wise
Or if people were in there, they'd be creeped out as heck, in danger of death, and want to leave as soon as possible.
Brings it home rather, I think. I'd probably end up RPing there anyway :D
One thing that would be cool would be having quests around the wilderness. A quest that requires you to gather some herbs in the deepwoods, a quest that makes you look for lost children, a quest to cover a little for a guard while he does some "business", a quest to find vampire hideways, many other ideas. .-.
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