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Our Land, Our Blood.


Mar 22, 2018
Reaction score





[!] With the Iron-Peace becoming shaky, House Mekrov makes a public proclamation. [!]

Long has it been that House Mekrov has acted as a vocal point for conflict, issues, drama, and perhaps confusion. Many have drawn to the conclusion that many of House Mekrov are perhaps even insane. This has lead to conflict, violent conflict even. Noble Houses that have repeated transgression after transgression, believing themselves to be righteous in their cause. Righteous upon their own moral highgrounds, only to behave when the situation dared not befit their blade. While many forget, I remember when the Lothar Order was openly attacked upon the street. I remember when those who claimed to love the Empire openly disgraced Knights by mocking them and shaming them. House Mekrov has remembered every transgression. Thus, a proclamation- a proclamation of which we rarely have made.

House Mekrov remembers the transgressions of the NORTH. It is the Kriv people who earned their place amongst this Empire during the Skagger Wars, fighting the Velheim blade to blade. In modern time, it is House Sorenvik and House Hjorstund of the North. Count Viggo Sorenvik's repeated attacks against me, in open daylight within the City, has not been forgotten- his aim was sharp, and rarely did he miss. Lady-Protector Revna Hjorstund's assistance in my open attack, /alongside/ Vampires and other Afflicted in unity during the time of the Hallowed Inquisiton has not been forgotten.

House Mekrov remembers the transgressions of the SOUTH. House Mekrov remembers the actions of those who leaked Foreign Ministry documents to the false Altalar State, the Allorn, resulting in Tyrellande becoming a false Altalar State, and disrupting future warplans by spreading further misinformation among the population. House du Poncaire for haboring a notorious Vampire, the Herald of Pride, within their ranks. Most of all, the Bloc De Progressif stands as the most dangerous Noble organization against all that is Purity and of this Empire.

House Mekrov proclaims that any righteous Purist Noble House, and any righteous Krainivayan Noble House has our public display of support. Although it must be earned, we stand against the coming storm of darkness that has infested this Empire. All matter of gluttony and lies that seek to only bring down the Empire in order to uplift others for their own personal gloating. Most of all, the Kriv Heartland is to be defended by us. This is our land, our people, our blood. Change is but disgust, for we live within the Emperor's glory alone. Any Noble House that dares lay claim to Krainivaya land that is not of our blood shall be met with opposition. We lack no economy neither skill that would keep us from conflict. For, our blades are as sharp as our loyalty to the Empire.

Most of all, we will fight and die for the Empire. It is the Emperor of whom has blessed our House with strife, an unfortunate fate that has resulted in nearly the extinction of our bloodline. But now, our time has come again to show that House Mekrov is not just a House of which others frown upon for politics. While others of this City dare show weakness by lack of conviction within their own beliefs, House Mekrov has dared never bend. WE WILL NEVER YIELD to 'clowning', or petty insults that derive only from personal insecurity that we stand with our beliefs while never yielding to your own.



IMPERIAL GAMES HYPE!!! This is basically House Mekrov's introduction, and kind of where we stand when the Imperial Games start. EVERYONE SHOULD GET INVOLVED!!! WOOO!!! LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!

Fabienne du Poncaire cheekily used House Mekrov's public proclamation as a coaster that same morning during breakfast.

From the desk of Countess Viviwynne Gwentyr.

What is the purpose of a noble? What role do we serve in the Empire? It is quite simple. We are here to serve the Emperor, to manage his lands on his behalf, and to represent the people who have been placed under our dominion.

What kind of representatives are House Mekrov? The Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov and Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov took weapons into the All-Beacon temple, in violation of the sacred laws that bind that place and then they used those weapons, in anger, to harm and spill the blood of other Unionists. They claim they were under great emotional distress and I believe them, but that does not excuse their actions. It is clear that in their line of duty, the Lord-Protector and Lady-Protector Mekrov have let their anger and violence spiral out of control and now they feel justified to use it against anyone who wrongs them.

I have heard their testimonies, and while the two admit they made mistakes, they still play the victim and claim their actions were justified. The family claims to be Dictats, yet I wonder… what would the Dictats, well known for wanting to force Unionism onto people, and install repressive laws, feel an appropriate punishment for their actions would be? I can tell you, for I am old enough to remember what life was like back in the day when the Dictats ruled. It would be far more than both House Mekrov and I think they deserve.

Is this the countenance of those who should be rewarded with more lands to rule? Do their actions show the Emperor's love for his subjects?

As we all know, the Lothar Order, in their violence, wiped out a whole host of nobles in Erianupol, and now House Mekrov, Lothar themselves, aim to walk in and claim the deeds. And I say: not yet. Those who do not respect the sanctity of the Arch-temple of the Prophet-gods Theomar and Thedmir; those who bring violence to the Arch-temple of the patron gods of leaders, nobles, and good governance, do not deserve to be given free reign to expand their power until they can be rehabilitated and restored to right standing.

Despite this, it seems they were to go unchallenged in their claim for these lands. That is why on behalf of House Gwentyr, I will request the deed to those lands, and would install local administrators, to be held in trust until such a time that the Count and Countess Mekrov can prove that they have regained control over their anger. At that time, I will gladly return the deeds to House Mekrov so the lands of the Krainivaya can be held by one of their own. In the end, the decision rests with those who currently hold the deeds. I am merely here to ensure they have a choice.

As we walk along the way,
Viviwynne Gwentyr
Countess of Alstyr

Viviwynne says "I'm not letting you walk into your backyard uncontested until you learn to behave."
OOC tags: @AlienDark12 @GRIST_
Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund attaches her signature to Countess Gwentyr's request for deed revocation.

The Viridian Order investigated me and found no wrongdoing. I have no control over the actions of Crookback - a populace of opportunists who saw means to act. I did not just strike down the Lord-Protector on the street. I acted by orders from my then superior to bring a Blasphemer to justice, which the Reliquary backed and, thus, the desires of the Emperor as dictated to and by them. Lord Protector is known for only suffering. Their time in governance was a stain on the office; when asked to act in response to the flooding of demons across Aloria - he did not. Why didn't he? Because he needed permission from someone not in his office to tell him how to be a man people can depend on. He drove the North into the arms of the Fin'ullens by threatening to invade without permission from the Palace. In everything, House Mekrov is not loyal to anything. They have attacked their own comrades, and their retainers were tortured when they were to train them to be better. They tormented their bloodline and then lied to turn the populace against them.

Thus, Lady Protector Hjortsund calls on the rest of the aristocracy to sign in agreement so we may present this to the Palace for their consideration; Krivlands deserve a mentally stable leadership following the desires of the Emperor.

From the desk of Countess Viviwynne Gwentyr.

What is the purpose of a noble? What role do we serve in the Empire? It is quite simple. We are here to serve the Emperor, to manage his lands on his behalf, and to represent the people who have been placed under our dominion.

What kind of representatives are House Mekrov? The Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov and Lady-Protector Estlin Mekrov took weapons into the All-Beacon temple, in violation of the sacred laws that bind that place and then they used those weapons, in anger, to harm and spill the blood of other Unionists. They claim they were under great emotional distress and I believe them, but that does not excuse their actions. It is clear that in their line of duty, the Lord-Protector and Lady-Protector Mekrov have let their anger and violence spiral out of control and now they feel justified to use it against anyone who wrongs them.

I have heard their testimonies, and while the two admit they made mistakes, they still play the victim and claim their actions were justified. The family claims to be Dictats, yet I wonder… what would the Dictats, well known for wanting to force Unionism onto people, and install repressive laws, feel an appropriate punishment for their actions would be? I can tell you, for I am old enough to remember what life was like back in the day when the Dictats ruled. It would be far more than both House Mekrov and I think they deserve.

Is this the countenance of those who should be rewarded with more lands to rule? Do their actions show the Emperor's love for his subjects?

As we all know, the Lothar Order, in their violence, wiped out a whole host of nobles in Erianupol, and now House Mekrov, Lothar themselves, aim to walk in and claim the deeds. And I say: not yet. Those who do not respect the sanctity of the Arch-temple of the Prophet-gods Theomar and Thedmir; those who bring violence to the Arch-temple of the patron gods of leaders, nobles, and good governance, do not deserve to be given free reign to expand their power until they can be rehabilitated and restored to right standing.

Despite this, it seems they were to go unchallenged in their claim for these lands. That is why on behalf of House Gwentyr, I will request the deed to those lands, and would install local administrators, to be held in trust until such a time that the Count and Countess Mekrov can prove that they have regained control over their anger. At that time, I will gladly return the deeds to House Mekrov so the lands of the Krainivaya can be held by one of their own. In the end, the decision rests with those who currently hold the deeds. I am merely here to ensure they have a choice.

As we walk along the way,
Viviwynne Gwentyr
Countess of Alstyr

Viviwynne says "I'm not letting you walk into your backyard uncontested until you learn to behave."
OOC tags: @AlienDark12 @GRIST_


[!] A response is given to whatever address was previously sent. [!]


To Countess Viviwynne Gwentyr, @NebulaePrimo

Ah, House Gwentyr. A petty House of little to no repute; whose significance, defined by their lack of, has only been predetermined by piggy backing off the claims of others in order to further their own station. What have you said, within this letter, of which more greater threats to House Mekrov such as the Lady-Protector Hjortsund has said? Or, even more so, significant opponents such as the Ithanian blockade of gluttonous Noble Houses to the south? In-fact, everything you said has no original thought at all, no original backing other than a mere mocking attempt. The current lands of which House Mekrov seeks to assimilate with honor and integrity is currently in the hands of /the Krsnik Union/, a chapter to the Lothar Order and you denounce it. Especially a Breizh, who historically bend over backwards for the Aelrrigan Order, our historical foe. How can one be so foolish to lay claim to a land of whose owner they DENOUNCE?

If we are to discuss conviction, or beliefs for the matter; may I bring up the Concordat of which your House paid loyalty too? Or, how quickly you abandoned it when Count von Moritz declared a denunciation to bring it down. Once more, another example of how one who seeks to appease all only appeases none. The days of old, when one commanded armies of feudal nature, are over. The Iron-Peace, no matter how shaky, was dedicated too by the Emperor himself.

I challenge either you, or a selected Champion from your bloodline to a duel. If you will not answer my challenge and select a Champion, then I will do the same. Prove to me, in the most honorable ways of Knighthood and of Nobility, that House Gwentyr is worth the ink of which one has spent drafting a response.

Count Riftan Mekrov
Lord-Protector, Purger-Knight of the Lothar Order
Head of House Mekrov
Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund attaches her signature to Countess Gwentyr's request for deed revocation.

The Viridian Order investigated me and found no wrongdoing. I have no control over the actions of Crookback - a populace of opportunists who saw means to act. I did not just strike down the Lord-Protector on the street. I acted by orders from my then superior to bring a Blasphemer to justice, which the Reliquary backed and, thus, the desires of the Emperor as dictated to and by them. Lord Protector is known for only suffering. Their time in governance was a stain on the office; when asked to act in response to the flooding of demons across Aloria - he did not. Why didn't he? Because he needed permission from someone not in his office to tell him how to be a man people can depend on. He drove the North into the arms of the Fin'ullens by threatening to invade without permission from the Palace. In everything, House Mekrov is not loyal to anything. They have attacked their own comrades, and their retainers were tortured when they were to train them to be better. They tormented their bloodline and then lied to turn the populace against them.

Thus, Lady Protector Hjortsund calls on the rest of the aristocracy to sign in agreement so we may present this to the Palace for their consideration; Krivlands deserve a mentally stable leadership following the desires of the Emperor.



[!] The following letter comes with an additionally attached letter, a copy of something made long ago. [!]
-= The attached letter in question. =-
To the respected, and honorable House Hjortsund, @Iyyiushi

An odd excuse that one utilizes the matter of 'orders' to justify their actions, when in-fact it is the likes of yourself who repeatedly ignore the Lothar Order's plight that they themselves follow orders. The orders of which are not only sanctioned by the Emperor, given that the Lothar Order is a recognized Knight-Order of the Regalian Empire, but also acknowledged by the Mother and God-Empress Ness herself to be within the Everwatcher's Great Way. You are hypocritical, utilizing the same rhetoric of those of who you hate so much. What an irony that the Lothar Order has recently introduced the Randbane Chapter, loyal Eilirik that have joined our greater cause. It must irritate you, nay, it must infuriate you that your rhetoric that the Lothar Order is beyond all evil and suffering is now rebuked by those of your very own religion.

Furthermore, as you can see from the attached letter, I in-fact /did/ respond to the Demonic Assaults of Regalia by declaring war on them. It was the Imperial Court however who argued that the opening of the Vaarda Gates was no threat to the Empire, and more so a matter of which are not even classified as evil. Thus, by your claims Lady-Protector, you go against the Imperial Court and in extention the Crown and the Imperial Apparatus that we so diligently work to uphold everyday. For all those who read, the statements of 'attacking one's own comrades', 'abuse of their Cursed Retained', and more are all accusations so easily made by those in Crookback, or self-proclaimed pseudo intellectual 'gaslighters' that only make the most wild claims to try and fool the commoner into thinking that they hold some semblance of truth. A bad, horrible look for a Noblewoman to make.

Once more, my point stands- House Mekrov stands by their convinctions, and no matter what is said against us, we will always stand our ground. I henceforth extend the same offer I have extended to House Gwentyr; an honorable duel, or a selected Champion of our choosing to represent our Houses. Let us settle this the honorable way, the way of Knighthood.

Count Riftan Mekrov
Lord-Protector, Purger-Knight of the Lothar Order
Head of House Mekrov


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[!] A response is given to whatever address was previously sent. [!]


To Countess Viviwynne Gwentyr, @NebulaePrimo

Ah, House Gwentyr. A petty House of little to no repute; whose significance, defined by their lack of, has only been predetermined by piggy backing off the claims of others in order to further their own station. What have you said, within this letter, of which more greater threats to House Mekrov such as the Lady-Protector Hjortsund has said? Or, even more so, significant opponents such as the Ithanian blockade of gluttonous Noble Houses to the south? In-fact, everything you said has no original thought at all, no original backing other than a mere mocking attempt. The current lands of which House Mekrov seeks to assimilate with honor and integrity is currently in the hands of /the Krsnik Union/, a chapter to the Lothar Order and you denounce it. Especially a Breizh, who historically bend over backwards for the Aelrrigan Order, our historical foe. How can one be so foolish to lay claim to a land of whose owner they DENOUNCE?

If we are to discuss conviction, or beliefs for the matter; may I bring up the Concordat of which your House paid loyalty too? Or, how quickly you abandoned it when Count von Moritz declared a denunciation to bring it down. Once more, another example of how one who seeks to appease all only appeases none. The days of old, when one commanded armies of feudal nature, are over. The Iron-Peace, no matter how shaky, was dedicated too by the Emperor himself.

I challenge either you, or a selected Champion from your bloodline to a duel. If you will not answer my challenge and select a Champion, then I will do the same. Prove to me, in the most honorable ways of Knighthood and of Nobility, that House Gwentyr is worth the ink of which one has spent drafting a response.

Count Riftan Mekrov
Lord-Protector, Purger-Knight of the Lothar Order
Head of House Mekrov

To the Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov,

Despite claiming my letter contained no original thought, I cannot help but notice that your response did not pass that test. Neither did you attempt to argue against any of the claims I made about your person. I suppose that makes sense, as we both know what I said is true, and knights aren't allowed to lie.

You've asked me to prove my house is worth the ink I used to write my letter. Well, we should both know that our worth is not found in the opinions of men, but in the gaze of the Everwatcher. But if it's an honor duel you want, I see no reason to deny you that. I must say, it's rather uncommon for a young and healthy knight like yourself to challenge an elderly woman to a duel and then imply that if another member of my house goes in my place, that I've failed to meet your challenge.

So then, I accept your terms. I will handle this one myself. And since unlike you, I follow the law, I pledge not to use any occult powers during the duel despite the fact that I am a mage. I know how much you Lothar dislike that. I'll check my timetables and reach out to you soon.

Leona bless you,

Countess Viviwynne Gwentyr
To the Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov,

Despite claiming my letter contained no original thought, I cannot help but notice that your response did not pass that test. Neither did you attempt to argue against any of the claims I made about your person. I suppose that makes sense, as we both know what I said is true, and knights aren't allowed to lie.

You've asked me to prove my house is worth the ink I used to write my letter. Well, we should both know that our worth is not found in the opinions of men, but in the gaze of the Everwatcher. But if it's an honor duel you want, I see no reason to deny you that. I must say, it's rather uncommon for a young and healthy knight like yourself to challenge an elderly woman to a duel and then imply that if another member of my house goes in my place, that I've failed to meet your challenge.

So then, I accept your terms. I will handle this one myself. And since unlike you, I follow the law, I pledge not to use any occult powers during the duel despite the fact that I am a mage. I know how much you Lothar dislike that. I'll check my timetables and reach out to you soon.

Leona bless you,

Countess Viviwynne Gwentyr

To Countess Viviwynne Gwentyr,

As Knights are obliged to speak the truth when necessary, I feel I do need to apologize that I actually got you mixed up with someone else. Because of this, I will likely choose a Champion from my House in order to challenge you. Since I would actually feel it would not only be questionable but also not within a Knight's stature to duel an elderly woman [as you have so mentioned]. This was my mistake, and I do offer my sincere condolences upon the matter.

Including this, it shows your insecurity upon the political game that you would try and discuss matters of 'you would have shamed me' if you commited to such action. In-fact, the truth of the matter {as we are speaking truths} is that I would have respected it. Given the realization that I made a mistake on my end- I simply have never met you before. I thought you were Lord Lieven Gwentyr, actually. Do send him my regards that I would duel him if you elect him as champion, however.

Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov.
Another notice was added in response to the whole drama by Lynmard Lomstedt

Once again I have to write something like this to remind people what they are actually writing and what they stand for....

Firstly, Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov, I strongly recommend that you read the message board more carefully, as it currently appears that you are either deliberately ignoring whole passages or trying to "turn things around" in a very poorly planned political plot. I therefore suggest that you first talk to your political advisor or hire one if you do not already have one.

The purpose of Countess Gwentyr's response was to remind people of recent events and to show that you may not be entirely fit to rule over additional territories, no matter what claim you make to them. Yet you counter this with a duel, although the Countess accepts this for reasons I do not know, this in no way proves that you are better suited to rule said territory. One could say it even proves the opposite. It shows once again a rather violent and one could almost say ruthless nature, something I had already feared when I read your initial claim, which was more a declaration of war against half of the archipelago than anything else. But again, this is not the first case, as you yourself mentioned in your proclamation. As bad as the leaking of the documents was, it was you who drafted them, even though various staff members advised you not to push any state into our beloved empire under threat of force or murder. I should know this, because I was there and spoke out on this issue myself. Furthermore, you claim that your culture's history is in blood with the then Skagers, and extend this as a casus belli to cultures and noble houses native to Velheim, such as the Sorenviks and Hjortsund, both of whom have in fact been involved with this realm longer than you might think. The Sorenviks in particular have been a good example of integrating the Velheimers into the Empire, showing us how to treat them correctly and honorably. Lady Protector Hjortsund, on the other hand, continues to work to enforce and protect what is holy in our realm, which is obviously at odds with much of what you do, as you don't even seem to care about your own rules and traditions in Unionism.

Something that becomes quite problematic considering that you claim to have had a meeting or conversation with the God Empress Ness, which the Reliquary Order, the largest library and archive of religious happenings, has no record of. Of course, it may be that because of your general hostility to other religions, you did not want to share such records with us. Until then, both of these motives make you look very bad, especially after you responded to a real letter from Countess-Everian Gwentyr with, and I quote, "Ah, House Gwentyr. A petty House of little to no repute;" which is pretty much a direct insult to everything the pious Countess stood for in all her years of service to the Everwatcher. You took that to heart not too long ago when she was present to comment and advise on your case regarding the bloodshed on the grounds of the Archtemple. How quickly things change when you think you are out of the sling. Just to show what a farce the whole thing was from the start. So until you have atoned for your sins, it is best to keep in mind that there will be no blessing from either of the prophet-gods. For who would do that after trampling not only their greatest temple, but also their priesthood? And before you try to argue that as a follower of Draconism I cannot argue for Unionism. Please remember that not only do I have a duty to know as much as I can about any religion, but unlike some people, I also have the ability to use my common sense.

In light of your continued aggressive and almost warmongering statements, I would like to remind you that unlike some uncivilized hinterland villages, the Empire and its various lands, especially the Archipelago, are not ruled by an iron fist or who has the largest military. Rather, the Iron Peace was made to prevent opportunists like these from destroying our beautiful Empire from within and sabotaging any preparations against real enemies like the Allorn or the Sendrassian Empire. So I urge you to refrain from such militaristic and expansionist statements, otherwise you will be considered as such by the rest of the aristocracy. You may now say that it takes strength to rule your specific territories or against any enemy you happen to have. To this I reply "No, you don't need it" because since the military reform by Imperial Prince Frederick Kade on May 28, 310AC and the associated introduction of the Imperial Legions, there is no longer any need for an arms race or "being ready" for the next big bad. Everything is and will be governed by the only authority trustworthy enough. The State. And it is closely watched by the Crown. Sure, as a knight, you can make your mark as a soldier for the Empire. But that's about it. A soldier for the empire. A soldier is not synonymous with the ability to rule. For a long time, it was the wise, intelligent and enlightened who were able to hold their people together and listen to their concerns. I will even give you an example: Emperor Alexander Kade I, may he find his way back to us, never raised the sword himself, but entrusted this to his capable generals and soldiers. So it was also for a long time outside great wars, who used special powers with which Archchancellors or Emperors had been entrusted by the Everwatcher to exercise them properly. In our own archipelago there is no great war at the moment, therefore you behave more like a soldier than a ruler. So behave like the intellectual ruler and pious unionist you claim to be, make proper amends, and for the life of all that is holy, stop pretending that everyone wants to plunder your country and murder you in your sleep because you rule over a piece of land.

There is no war in the Regalian Archipelago.

Lynmard Lomstedt
Baron of House Gwentyr
Faitharm of the Reliquary Order


I forgot to mention it in the original draft, but wanted to add it to avoid easy answers. We all know that the Lothar Order has a lot of freedom when it comes to telling the truth, which could sabotage your mission or policy regarding the occult. It is also pretty obvious that criticizing and monetarily keeping the claimed lands away from you could be seen as limiting your ability to accomplish such a mission. So please don't just say "How dare you accuse me of lying" or "Knights can't lie", because the only way to prove me wrong would be to present independent and irrefutable evidence that either doesn't exist, that you don't want to share, that could reveal a vast conspiracy against occultism, that you in turn don't want to share with me because I'm a dragon mage and archon, or conceal the whole truth for one of the reasons mentioned above.

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Another notice was added in response to the whole drama by Lynmard Lomstedt

Once again I have to write something like this to remind people what they are actually writing and what they stand for....

Firstly, Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov, I strongly recommend that you read the message board more carefully, as it currently appears that you are either deliberately ignoring whole passages or trying to "turn things around" in a very poorly planned political plot. I therefore suggest that you first talk to your political advisor or hire one if you do not already have one.

The purpose of Countess Gwentyr's response was to remind people of recent events and to show that you may not be entirely fit to rule over additional territories, no matter what claim you make to them. Yet you counter this with a duel, although the Countess accepts this for reasons I do not know, this in no way proves that you are better suited to rule said territory. One could say it even proves the opposite. It shows once again a rather violent and one could almost say ruthless nature, something I had already feared when I read your initial claim, which was more a declaration of war against half of the archipelago than anything else. But again, this is not the first case, as you yourself mentioned in your proclamation. As bad as the leaking of the documents was, it was you who drafted them, even though various staff members advised you not to push any state into our beloved empire under threat of force or murder. I should know this, because I was there and spoke out on this issue myself. Furthermore, you claim that your culture's history is in blood with the then Skagers, and extend this as a casus belli to cultures and noble houses native to Velheim, such as the Sorenviks and Hjortsund, both of whom have in fact been involved with this realm longer than you might think. The Sorenviks in particular have been a good example of integrating the Velheimers into the Empire, showing us how to treat them correctly and honorably. Lady Protector Hjortsund, on the other hand, continues to work to enforce and protect what is holy in our realm, which is obviously at odds with much of what you do, as you don't even seem to care about your own rules and traditions in Unionism.

Something that becomes quite problematic considering that you claim to have had a meeting or conversation with the God Empress Ness, which the Reliquary Order, the largest library and archive of religious happenings, has no record of. Of course, it may be that because of your general hostility to other religions, you did not want to share such records with us. Until then, both of these motives make you look very bad, especially after you responded to a real letter from Countess-Everian Gwentyr with, and I quote, "Ah, House Gwentyr. A petty House of little to no repute;" which is pretty much a direct insult to everything the pious Countess stood for in all her years of service to the Everwatcher. You took that to heart not too long ago when she was present to comment and advise on your case regarding the bloodshed on the grounds of the Archtemple. How quickly things change when you think you are out of the sling. Just to show what a farce the whole thing was from the start. So until you have atoned for your sins, it is best to keep in mind that there will be no blessing from either of the prophet-gods. For who would do that after trampling not only their greatest temple, but also their priesthood? And before you try to argue that as a follower of Draconism I cannot argue for Unionism. Please remember that not only do I have a duty to know as much as I can about any religion, but unlike some people, I also have the ability to use my common sense.

In light of your continued aggressive and almost warmongering statements, I would like to remind you that unlike some uncivilized hinterland villages, the Empire and its various lands, especially the Archipelago, are not ruled by an iron fist or who has the largest military. Rather, the Iron Peace was made to prevent opportunists like these from destroying our beautiful Empire from within and sabotaging any preparations against real enemies like the Allorn or the Sendrassian Empire. So I urge you to refrain from such militaristic and expansionist statements, otherwise you will be considered as such by the rest of the aristocracy. You may now say that it takes strength to rule your specific territories or against any enemy you happen to have. To this I reply "No, you don't need it" because since the military reform by Imperial Prince Frederick Kade on May 28, 310AC and the associated introduction of the Imperial Legions, there is no longer any need for an arms race or "being ready" for the next big bad. Everything is and will be governed by the only authority trustworthy enough. The State. And it is closely watched by the Crown. Sure, as a knight, you can make your mark as a soldier for the Empire. But that's about it. A soldier for the empire. A soldier is not synonymous with the ability to rule. For a long time, it was the wise, intelligent and enlightened who were able to hold their people together and listen to their concerns. I will even give you an example: Emperor Alexander Kade I, may he find his way back to us, never raised the sword himself, but entrusted this to his capable generals and soldiers. So it was also for a long time outside great wars, who used special powers with which Archchancellors or Emperors had been entrusted by the Everwatcher to exercise them properly. In our own archipelago there is no great war at the moment, therefore you behave more like a soldier than a ruler. So behave like the intellectual ruler and pious unionist you claim to be, make proper amends, and for the life of all that is holy, stop pretending that everyone wants to plunder your country and murder you in your sleep because you rule over a piece of land.

There is no war in the Regalian Archipelago.

Lynmard Lomstedt
Baron of House Gwentyr
Faitharm of the Reliquary Order


I forgot to mention it in the original draft, but wanted to add it to avoid easy answers. We all know that the Lothar Order has a lot of freedom when it comes to telling the truth, which could sabotage your mission or policy regarding the occult. It is also pretty obvious that criticizing and monetarily keeping the claimed lands away from you could be seen as limiting your ability to accomplish such a mission. So please don't just say "How dare you accuse me of lying" or "Knights can't lie", because the only way to prove me wrong would be to present independent and irrefutable evidence that either doesn't exist, that you don't want to share, that could reveal a vast conspiracy against occultism, that you in turn don't want to share with me because I'm a dragon mage and archon, or conceal the whole truth for one of the reasons mentioned above.




[!] A letter is penned back to House Gwentyr [!]
It bore the sealed sigil of House Mekrov- the parchment was tan, with black ink that was written into the paper with ease and with warrant. As the true Lord-Protector of House Gwentyr came forth, so did the effort of which the letter was penned. Time passed, and it arrived to the doorstep of Lord-Protector Lynmard Lomstedt; another Reliquary, an Order of which Riftan has encountered much conflict with over the pass many weeks.

To Lord-Protector Lynmard Lomstedt,

The Centrism of Archon, and so the nature of the House you are within, amuses me. Such a nature of your peoples are not a mystery to me, it is natural to always maintain an intellectual and moral highground that 'anyone' can rise too if they but become apart of your people themselves. Centrism is an infection, a tumor that should be removed by sword or scalpel- for Centrism seeks to appease all, but only ends up appeasing none. It is simple dialectics; there is a thesis, and an antithesis. A pendulum that either goes left, or right. In the end, there is a synthesis- and, the cycle continues. Centrism is an anomaly, and it should be destroyed as a concept entirely. While your well-written essay is indeed impressive; answering to it is rather a headache, however, I will do so out of honor and tact. It is odd that the Archon, who pride themselves with understanding, somehow fail to understand the concept of what the Lothar Order, and so what the Kriv people, believe.

There is no political plot because my political beliefs, and so my plots, have already been announced. It would surprise you to know that I am, past any existential belief that people have made up in their heads, easy to understand. It's as simple as a children's tale. House Mekrov will fulfil the role of Dictat within the Archipelago. We will forever act within the grounds of our own peoples, and our duty as Lothar. We will defend our homeland of Zemlya from foreign Nobility that has no regard for our cultural beliefs neither the people that live within them. We will fight the Occult, and Occult Noble Houses. Might it be noteworthy that /you/ are Occult, Lord-Protector. My response is not a sword [as I am a Darkwald] because you are a Knight of this Empire first.

You mention the history of House Sorenvik, and House Hjortsund. It is not my prerogative neither my duty to care about that. At first; it was believed that there was a mass of new Unionists that have entered the Empire, only for it to be revealed that they were all faking it. Hvitskag rebelled against the Empire, and following that, Members of the False-Elven State arrived to meet with Velheim Diplomats. Tyrellande accepted False-Elven support, becoming a pseduo-member of their apparatus that has no claim over their own homeland. It also something to note that the original document of which the 'Steel Dawn' decree contained was in-fact forfietting rights of citizenship for Afflicted. Unless you are wanting to defend the citizenship of Afflicted within the Empire, this point falls apart. In-fact, you should be investigated for Pro-Afflicted sympathies. However, if you simply failed to remember, that is fair. We all make mistakes.

Warmonger? Violent? Is this supposed to be a surprise? I do not acknowledge any foreign apparatus that is not the Regalian Empire. Warmongering, and violence, comes with the political beliefs that I hold. However, it is funny that you mention 'bloodshed' when in-fact I spilled none. But the Reliquary Order are not obligated to uphold any virtue of honesty or un-bias belief like the Viridian Order hold. I tried telling you this in the All-Beacon Temple, but you simply denied it and continued believing as you saw fit. Because you are bias, filled with political belief and deception meant to tarnish. Which I do not fault you for; the Darkwald do advocate for the annihilation of your foreign religion, and the Occult overall. That is the nature of conflict, and that is the nature of the weak that they would utilize more subtle tools rather than fight us upon the field like true Knights and Warriors should. When it comes to Countess Gwentyr, being a Celate does not grant immunity from criticism. Countess Gwentyr failed to read the writing on the wall when she sought to claim Zemlya {Krainivaya} land, as well as land currently occupied by the Lothar Order, and then immedietly go against everything that the Krainivaya and the Lothar Order believed in. House Gwentyr is a House of no repute. This is the first time I've ever seen House Gwentyr do anything, and it is writing a letter.

Your final paragraph does come from a good heart, however, it would surprise you to know that the Archipelago is actually a dangerous place for some people. Even in Zemlya, we deal with Dymolov Vampires and other threats that have encroached upon our territory. While some lands are peaceful, others are not. You would also be surprised to know that as a Lothar, people are actually out to kill me. People are actually out to try and take Kriv lands- House Gwentyr is actually a great example. Your points, once more, come from a good place- however, they crumble because they lack any actual context as to the ongoings of the City and the ongoings of the areas that I have prerogative over. Also, in matter of the Iron-Peace, we both agree. Which is why I am confused as to what you were trying to do if not an attempt to paint me uninformed or misunderstanding of the Empire's current situation.

Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov
Purger-Knight of the Lothar Order



I don't really know what ur message is talking about but probably just dm me on discord cause saying it on the forums doesn't seem like the place​