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Played Character Osira

This character is actively played.


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia


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| Full Name | Osira |
| Original Name: Osira, sometimes Osivara |
| Aliases: Ossy, Merlot, Nahua |

| Race | Kathar (Drakon Kathar) |
| Original Race | Maquixtl |

| Age | 35 |
| Gender | Female |
| Occult |
Void Mageborn |
| Affliction |
Dymolov Bloodline |
Core Concept

◆| Osira is an Evolist who seeks to improve herself by any means necessary. Primarily, she wielded Dragon magic but later learned of the strength of Triton in his duality. She is tantilised by the path paved by Ifrit and would follow loosely in his footsteps.


(14 Base Points)
Red = Inactive

| Strength (+0)|

| Constitution (+2)|
| Breather Pack |
| Rebound Pack |

| Intelligence (+0)|

| Wisdom (+1)|
| Technique Parry Pack |

| Dexterity (+0)|

| Magic (+5) |
| Arcane Portent Pack |
| Arcane Warp Pack |
| Arcane Distortion |
| Arcane Healing (Meselya) |
| Arcane Counter (Meselya) |
| Arcane Cleanse (Meselya) |
| Protocol Debate |
| Protocol Rewind |

| Faith (+7)|
| Ritualist Slaughter Pack |
| Ritualist Roots Pack |
| Ritualists Gale Pack |
| Ritualist Expulsion Pack |
| Ritualist Exchange Pack |
| Guided Prayer Pack |
| Feeble Prayer Pack |



| Osira's appearance changes frequently, because she is a shapeshifter.


Plot Hooks
The Devil you Know -
Osira is an Evolist who pays homage to all of the Gods of Evolism. She kindly offers little life lessons- Nuggets of wisdom that provide small measures of evolution to others in conversation. More deeply however and much like other Evolism followers, she would like to prove herself to her Gods by achieving something great and earning their recognition. As an extension of her religious practise, she is unafraid to utilise all means- Even Sinistral powers.

Nature vs Nurture -
Osira was born on Guldar as a Maquixtl but turned to Katharism after recognising the strength that it offers in comparison to God Magic. Thus, she places greater stock in diverse powers, magic, strength, knowledge and wit in order to evolve into something more. This puts her at odds with her former community of Floral Court, though she would like them to understand the good that evolution offers rather than sticking to some ideals of virtue from Estelley.

Regalian Pride -
Osira is a former member of the Regalian Military. She has an appreciation for the nobility and knights as well as the Empire in general, in addition to being comfortable around them and being an expert on their etiquette. She can usually be found laughing beside a member of the peerage and sharing war stories with other veterans. As a result, she is very much Pro-Regalia.

My Mercy Prevails Over My Wrath -
Osira has a kind disposition and likes to invest herself in causes that serve the common good. Despite this, she is very much willing to cross lines in order to ensure success- Such as using Sinistral magic, such as using underhanded methods. This puts her at odds with characters who prefer cleaner methods of managing things.

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@Caelamus Requesting re-review!

  • Swapped out Dragon Worship as you said, but decided to make it more 'im committed to the general cause' rather than specifying dragons due to the Dragon Worship update.
  • Swapped out Command and General Command and Statecraft Command skills for Command, Diplomacy, and Espionage schooling.
  • Removed Talent Point proficiency points
  • Updated the backstory to accommodate the new schools and character direction.
  • Switched his mount from Elladorian Whitebread to Silat Wolf (Cielothar mount)

I think that's all the changes, just let me know if I missed anything but I'm also requesting a clean-up of this thread since there are 33 replies now x_x
@Caelamus Requesting re-review!

  • Reduced Shielding and Sword Skill to accommodate these abilities (and switched Light Mend 2 to Light Mend 1):
| Sorcery Abilities |
| Light Mend 1 (from Racial Passive) |
| Magic Bolt 1 (+3 from Points) |
| Flux Shift 6 (+3 from Points) |
| Flux Shift 7 (+3 from Points) |
| Skills |
| Rogue Gift 4 (+3 from Points) |

  • Changed Gender from Male to Female.
  • Changed Physical Stat calculation to total 29 instead of 41 but surprise surprise, still capped at 15.
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@Anseran I'm bringing this back into review for the following reasons;
If Osira is helping the Draga Ifirti people IC or aligning with them in a way that isn't hostile, they would be made into an exile Cielothar. Because they already have been doing these actions, updates would need to be made to reflect the IC decisions.
@Caelamus Requesting re-review!

- Traded out Diplomacy School for Arcanology (Artifact Knowledge)
- Updated Religious information to allow Osira to conduct the Rokhaal creation ritual.​
@Caelamus Big re-review requested! Changed a lot of the character's proficiencies because I want to streamline them down into a Sorcerer class that wasn't a bag of sword/shield/bow/magic/magic healing proficiencies going forward.

- Additions made to Life Story
- Religion changed to Draga Ifrit Devout
- Mutations added
- Page Aesthetics changed
- Linguistics fixed to reflect update
Core Proficiency (+5 from Points)|
◆| Sword Combat (+5 from Points)|
I will approve this on the stipulations that the character no longer has any combat proficiency and their physical cap limit is imposed to 5. They become physically fragile and incapable of engaging in melee combat as well as lifting objects.
I will approve this on the stipulations that the character no longer has any combat proficiency and their physical cap limit is imposed to 5. They become physically fragile and incapable of engaging in melee combat as well as lifting objects.

- Osira's new physical stat limitation has been set to 5 to reflect fragility and with the lack of sword skills due to exposure to Sorcery her physical stat itself has dropped to 1.
- Recycled the 5 Sword Skill points into Perception
- Added Astral Being 2 as the final 3 points which I neglected to add last night. Considered adding Light Mend 2 but I realised that would be more towards a healer than a sorcerer support.

If there's anything else I missed, just let me know.
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@Caelamus Requesting re-review! Plenty changed.
Remove True Path 1 and replace it with an aesthetic spell only. You have a lot of mechanics that can be used to evade and the removal of true path makes both you and the character consider how to use them a bit more.
@Caelamus Requesting re-review. Osira has been returned to her Circle in character by Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth and is aligning her beliefs with canon Dragon Worship so religious concept has been updated as well as hair colour. Added relationships too.
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@Caelamus Requesting re-review. Osira has been returned to her Circle in character by Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth and is aligning her beliefs with canon Dragon Worship so religious concept has been updated as well as hair colour. Added relationships too.
With how things are still presently written, Osira would still be considered Exeiiya as they are not following Estel's teachings, they are following the Dragon's which runs contrary to Cielothar faith.
With how things are still presently written, Osira would still be considered Exeiiya as they are not following Estel's teachings, they are following the Dragon's which runs contrary to Cielothar faith.

I've made a ticket to confirm this. Cielothar who follow Dragon Worship are not made Exeiiya. That phenomenon only occurs when they willingly worship the Void, willingly become Void mutated, or become a Sanguine other than Alais.
I've made a ticket to confirm this. Cielothar who follow Dragon Worship are not made Exeiiya. That phenomenon only occurs when they willingly worship the Void, willingly become Void mutated, or become a Sanguine other than Alais.
Primarily that Exeiiya as a whole are in a strange place currently within lore. I'm aware of the discussion. Despite not having the Exeiiya kit, they still technically fall beneath that category as they still stray away from Estel's teachings and the Cielothar culture and it's way of life. Some considerations for that should be taken into account when portraying the character and the conflict that resides in a dragon worshiping Cielothar. Osira is doing basically the same thing as an Exeiiya would just a different color of paint. Instead of red it's purple.

Religion is a very important aspect to Cielothar culture and differences of faith matter much more, that might not always be the case for the actively played Cielothar, but it is for the ones that exist within canon lore. They are like the Amish and are very cult-like. The upper levels of their society tend to reflect that.

I'll approve the application regardless, but those are some things to bare in mind with portrayal in mind.

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