Style: Mainline usually dress in the Imperial Style, but the other sub-families support traditional clothing more so than the Regalian-bred dressings.
Holds: Tribe land was originally in the outskirts of Daendroc. These Lok settlements span a minimal portion of the southern Daendroc coast before settling in Regalia.
Sigil: Usually, the Lok symbol is depicted as a bathogg's head facing forward, accompanied by a red background with the motto tracing around the round sigil in a bronze font.
The Orken clan of Lok has existed since 238 A.C in the midsts of the Orc-Elven conflict. The clan was crafted from the ashes of a previous clan of Orc's called the Ryn Clan. The Ryn Clan was made up of a majority of the Red Thorall tribe but was surprisingly overtaken by a group of Green Baq tribe members when dishonor was seen amongst their leader, and allegiances to strong allies were dismantled by an incompetent Tol. Thus, the Ryn clan was taken over by the Guthrain family, renaming of the tribe in the mid-200's was called for, and since has began the reign of the Lok clan. Many have held the high position of Tol within the clan, continuing the reign within Daendroc and furthering the effort against the Altalar, and the Avanthar. Many great victories and grand losses have been dealt with the clan along with their path, and with the never-changing will to persist has led them to still stand today, unlike many other clans.
In 267 A.C the clan-wars were sprouting chaos, still stemming from the Red Thorall almost three decades later, and with no sight of a reasonable end to this raiding and slaughtering. Though many did defend the clan, many Orcs did fall during this time, and many of the Lok clan refer to these times as the 'Looming Darkness of Thorall'. The Tol at the time, Raduthan Lok-Guthrain was an older Orc, aged forty-five when he took the seat and was considered one of the most tactical, and intelligent Tol that had been promoted in the Lok. Though, when it came down to years later with little food, and moral thinning, Tol Raduthan made an unpredictable decision to resolve this problem by moving into the confines of Regalia, and with little warriors to defy him the clan marched onto ships and made off toward the Crown City. It would be noted of Clan Lok's dishonorable action, and seemingly made out to be fleeing from a fight which barely held relevance. Orc's within the clan all share their own opinions, but loyalty is ingrained within the Lok, and even those who considered it cowardly could see the plausible reasons behind his methods. Raduthan died mysteriously due to his 'old age' in 283 A.C, but some suspect that his own son, a Valuur Orc- Flek brought his father to his demise with poison.
Recent Tol's have all died at young ages due to their inclination toward the effort against elves,, but with little to no triumph. The former Tol, Raelk has passed, which has called for a new leader to rise. After the fighting had ended, the person who would be held responsible for leading the horde of Orc's would be Kalmar Lok-Guthrain, the son of a dishonored Orc which was a surprise amongst the clan due to his father's treason, running away from the battle against a band of Avanthar who outnumbered them. Kalmar has risen in the promise of a more stable Tol it seems, though many question his authority, and his strength to promote a fearless cause without mercy to those who pose a threat to the clan. As of now, the recent change in leadership has kept many Orc quiet within the borders of Regalia but eagerly awaiting his word on what is to happen in the future.
In 267 A.C the clan-wars were sprouting chaos, still stemming from the Red Thorall almost three decades later, and with no sight of a reasonable end to this raiding and slaughtering. Though many did defend the clan, many Orcs did fall during this time, and many of the Lok clan refer to these times as the 'Looming Darkness of Thorall'. The Tol at the time, Raduthan Lok-Guthrain was an older Orc, aged forty-five when he took the seat and was considered one of the most tactical, and intelligent Tol that had been promoted in the Lok. Though, when it came down to years later with little food, and moral thinning, Tol Raduthan made an unpredictable decision to resolve this problem by moving into the confines of Regalia, and with little warriors to defy him the clan marched onto ships and made off toward the Crown City. It would be noted of Clan Lok's dishonorable action, and seemingly made out to be fleeing from a fight which barely held relevance. Orc's within the clan all share their own opinions, but loyalty is ingrained within the Lok, and even those who considered it cowardly could see the plausible reasons behind his methods. Raduthan died mysteriously due to his 'old age' in 283 A.C, but some suspect that his own son, a Valuur Orc- Flek brought his father to his demise with poison.
Recent Tol's have all died at young ages due to their inclination toward the effort against elves,, but with little to no triumph. The former Tol, Raelk has passed, which has called for a new leader to rise. After the fighting had ended, the person who would be held responsible for leading the horde of Orc's would be Kalmar Lok-Guthrain, the son of a dishonored Orc which was a surprise amongst the clan due to his father's treason, running away from the battle against a band of Avanthar who outnumbered them. Kalmar has risen in the promise of a more stable Tol it seems, though many question his authority, and his strength to promote a fearless cause without mercy to those who pose a threat to the clan. As of now, the recent change in leadership has kept many Orc quiet within the borders of Regalia but eagerly awaiting his word on what is to happen in the future.
The Lok clan holds tradition close at heart, being in territory unlike their Orken roots is hard for the majority of the clan, which is why customs have been upheld to a glorified standard. Orc's within the Lok clan are taught these traditions through simple sight and action taught from their guardians. These traditions are simple, yet come in a wide variety and distinct amongst few other clans, but well-thought nonetheless.
- The Lok clan often takes a singular tusk of fallen any Orc and delivers it to either the clan they pledged themselves to.
- The Lok clan hold the Bathogg as a sacred animal and do not kill them as they see it as a token of bad luck.
- The Lok clan is often traced in handmade tattoo's that showcase pride, and praise for the deities Vakgar, and Yazgar.
- The Lok clan often engrave their tusks with important drawings that stand alongside the idea of honor and often show great feats in very small print.
There are four different sub-clans with four separate specialties and have their own proficiencies that they run, much like how a noble house runs a business, each sect of the family runs a different hobby per se. All this separate knowledge is used to form the clan, and in-itself shows the diversity of the Orcs and their hierarchy.
These different divisions are as followed,
- Lok-Guthrain ¬ Metallurgy.Forge the clan's weapons. Mainline, considered an honor amongst the clan to join.
- Lok-Rugak ¬ Nature and Care. Usually, sort out Bathogg animals, and care for wildlife.
- Lok-Gor'dan ¬ Tradition/History. They are familiar with folklore and history of Orcs as well as the clan to keep tradition within the Lok.
- Lok-Untreal ¬ Trains the young-Orken of the clan keeps them strong and emphasize their strengths from youth.
You can put an already active character into the clan, or make one. Acceptance will be light for not-mainline members but should upkeep a notable presence. Common sense is key and should be followed when roleplaying. Accents should not be used, and Yub-Yub-Bub-Rub Orc's are not allowed, sorry.
IGN: (Your in-game name.)
Character Name: (Your character's name.)
Character Age: (Your character's age.)
Clan Division: (Mainline, or which sub-clan? If mainline, go in-depth on their relation with the Tol.)
History of Character within the Lok: (New? Old? List their history here, and if your Orc would be a notable name around the many campfires.)
Promise to not be a Yub-Bub Orc?: (Y/N)
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