Short Guide- How to make a good and original RP name
For a mage:
1. Think of a 2-4 letter word that can go before "Elf", "Orc" or "Dwarf" to make the name of a monster from any fantasy series e.g. "Blaze" or "High"
2. Spell/misspell a real life substance/form of energy e.g. "Wood" or "Fire"
3. Combine them and take a name ending with "o" or "a" from another fantasy-themed piece of media e.g. "Amaria" or "Aduro"
Results from examples: "Amaria Blazewood" and "Aduro Highfire"
What not to do: "Calcemo Lightplastic"
For a warrior:
1. Think of a name of a warrior from a norse tale e.g. "Erik" or "Odin"
2. Take part/all of the name of a type of weapon you might find in a fantasy MMO e.g. "Ebon

" or "Steel"
3. Name part of a weapon or an organ e.g. "Heart" or "Blade"
Results from examples: "Erik Ebonheart" and "Odin Steelblade"
What not to do: "Tom Woodenlung"
For an elf, elemental or anything to that effect:
1. Type random letters on your keyboard e.g. "Avoljihalidu" or "Lakchakj"
2. Add more vowels, spaces and apostrophes
Results from examples: "Avolju Hali'idu" and "Lakacha Ka'jii"
What not to do: "A'l'u'r'u Fiuiosueaniaeukiou"
For anything human:
1. Take your friend's first name e.g. "James" or "Simon"
2. Name a prefix to a slightly-changed existing word in the real world e.g. "Itali" or "Shell"
3. Add any end to an old-fashioned surname to the end e.g. "Us" or "And"
Results from examples: "James Italius" or "Simon Shelland"
What not to do: "Dominic Gherkinnings"
Hope that helps anyone trying to come up with a name. If the method doesn't work, try it about ten times before giving up and crying out of pure frustration.