~ Order Of The Holy Blade ~


Skagger Dad
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Abyss



The loud calls of battle horns are heard echoing throughout the streets of Regalia, beckoning all those that reside in them to find their way to the tavern. Standing upon the center table would be three men in heavy armor, accompanied by seven or eight light armored men standing around it.

"Attention Regalians, the reign of Sanguine disease, and void infestation is over!" The centered armored man calls out at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing far through the sewers.

"From here on, there will be order, and protection from all that is evil, and impure. There will be justice, and right punishment for their demonic crimes!" The man would grip his Khoptar tight, drawing it from its scabbard as he continues

"For we, we are the Holy Blade! We shall smite those impure, and void infested, and protect those strong willed enough to avoid these illnesses!"

The small army of men then promptly made their way out of the tavern, leaving all those that gathered in shock from what they just witnessed, some beginning to applaud, others wondering if these men were for real, and if their lives were really at risk.


IC Information

Deep beneath the busy streets of Regalia, in the heart of under city, there exists a group void-bent on destroying the Sanguine menace that haunts the streets and alleys. This group is known as the Ojnen'eoi cië lla San'ja Ess'alajo'la, or, in common, The Order of the Holy Blade. Lead by a zealous Drowdar and his Yanar half-sister, the Holy Blade operate as a group of Sanguine and Mage hunters. They offer an interesting opposition to Sanguine and errant mages alike, as well as producing a sort of pseudo-policing unit able to be hired under other gangs, all saying they fit under the code of ethics the Holy Blade has. The Holy Blade consist of both men and women, of any race as long as they're well trained with a weapon, and battle experienced.

Since their inital beginings they seem to have carved a name for themselves above ground, moving their opperation there as part of the Regalia Sellswords, though they still fight to keep Sanguine and errant mages from gaining more power.


OOC Information

The Holy Blade is a group of Freisoldner Sellswords and others, specializing in the hunting of Vampires and Mages. Though these warriors are taught to fight well in general, they excel at combating Vampires, Mages, and other unholy creatures corrupted by the Void by utilizing a fighting style similar to that of the Aletta Guard of the Witch Hunters Order. Its relatively easy for any non Shendar and Savailathar race to join the ranks of the blade as long as your character is able to pass an IC, and you as a player with an OOC examination of your general abilities and skills. Don't feel bad or hesitate to sign up if you feel your RP is in need of some work, we will offer help to make sure you become more proficient with your RP skills!




The Headmaster has control over all other members of the order, and decides upon ranks, and positions. The Headmaster also has the abilities of all lower ranking members.


The Xasters act as the Headmasters right hand, advising him on the correct decisions he should make, and when to make them. The Xasters are often involved during public speeches, being the ones that really deal with the public image of the Holy Blade, and their members. Xasters also have supreme reign over the Holy Blade, though any of their orders may be overridden by the Headmaster.

Supreme Bladesmen

The Supreme Bladesman is the Bladesman, or Bladesmen that have been appointed by the higher ranked members of the Holy Blade for their distinguished work, and above average fighting ability. As a Supreme Bladesmen you have control over the lower Bladesmen both in the field, and at the compound. At this rank you may also authorize torture on repeat offenders, and you can approve of operations carried out by the lower ranks.


The Bladesmen are the men and women that lay down their lives to apprehend those creatures that stand against the Holy Blade. As a Bladesmen you can detain and arrest an Unholy. Bladesmen also have the right to take Trainee's out on patrols, and may have a member of the Mage's Brigade accompany them.

Wandering Ears

The 'Wandering Ears', so they're called act as secret informants for the Holy Blade, remaining unmarked, and undisclosed to the public. These people find their ways into enemy bases, and retrieve whatever information needed for an attack. More often than not these Wandering Ears have little to no fighting skill, making them near useless in combat.


As a Trainee of the Holy Blade you have no real power in the Order, and must assist a higher rank on arrests, training, and other things in order to gain a proper rank.


IC Goals

  • Rid the world of the Sanguine curse
  • Provide aid to those under threat of mages, vampires, and other unholy beings
  • Research and develop easier and cheaper methods of curing vampirism
  • Purge Void Worshipers
  • Re-establish the Witch Hunter Order
  • Provide opposition to Covens and lone Sanguine
  • Enforce the idea of non-magical society
  • Create new ways to counter Vampirism
  • Provide a learning base for new players




Character Name:

Character sheet:(Not required but suggested. Please give a basic run-down of your character in a spoiler if a char sheet is not an option.)

Character skills/ schools of training:

Reason for applying:

On a scale of 1(Barely ever on) to 10(Always on), how active are you?:

Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:

Do you have access to skype?:

Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?:

Is your character willing to follow orders?:

Is your character willing to uphold the Code of Freisoldner?
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IGN: MrNinja666

Character Name: Sultan

Character Race: 1/2 Qadir 1/2 Ailor

Character Skills: Nicoloan - Thievery - Awsome AHD and ADD skills (sarcastic off, I have them both so I can say it)

Character Age (Anything below 14 will be rejected): 14

Approved Char App (Not required):
Not yet, was doing it then realised the layout had been changed.

How Active Are You?: Very, though it may take up to three days to get my computer back, as I'm currently on holiday (British)

Roleplay Ability 1-10 (In your eyes):

Skype ( Required): I'll make a new one and pm you the name

References: wip

Ic Letter to the Headmaster: Hey, I've noticed you're recruiting for some Mage-vampire hunting order? Yeah, if it's ok I'd like to join, hopefully work towards ending vampires. Yeah, I'm not as old as others, but what better time to start when you're young?
Thanks, hopefully you will consider this. -Sultan
IGN: Completely_Evan
Character Name: Ben Sykes
Character Race: Ailor
Character Skills: Lancyon, Cutlass.
Character Age (Anything below 14 will be rejected): 35
Approved Char App (Not required): Currently needs re-approval
How Active Are You?: Everyday.
Roleplay Ability 1-10 (In your eyes): 6-8
Skype ( Required): You already have me added.
References: @Emperor_E @Gartono @CRASHIR etc.
Ic Letter to the Headmaster:
I am Ben Sykes, Knight of Lancyon. I request permission to serve you, in your goal to cleanse those of filth. I could go further with this, but I am not much for words.

Your's truly,
Ben Sykes,
Lancyon Knight,
Helerian Naval Soldier,
Helerian Guard.
IGN: Emperor_E
Character Name: Sakhile Nafasi
Character Race: Songaskian Qadir.
Character Skills: Light Magic.
Character Age (Anything below 14 will be rejected): 57
Approved Char App (Not required): Nope
How Active Are You?: Very.
Roleplay Ability 1-10 (In your eyes): 7-8
Skype ( Required): I already have you on skype.
References: @Completely_Evan @CRASHIR and @Gartono
Ic Letter to the Headmaster: I did IC interaction my good man.
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IGN: LuminousLamp
Character Name: Scarlet L'araignee / Yoshihiko
Character Race: Isldar-Cielothar
Character Skills: - 2 Years Longsword Training, 4 Years Starlight magic
Character Age (Anything below 14 will be rejected): 18
Approved Char App (Not required): https://forums.massivecraft.com/thr...second-attempt-at-approval.53688/#post-657381
How Active Are You?: I'm on for abour 4 hours a night depending on the amount of rp
Roleplay Ability 1-10 (In your eyes): 7-8
Skype ( Required): I'm in the order chat with you, just add me, LuminousLamp
References: @Faunfire, @Completely_Evan ...
Ic Letter to the Headmaster:
I am the daughter (in consideration, not blood relation) of Ben Sykes, and have been recently told of your order, I would like to request permission to join your ranks, I wish to aid in your cause with all my might, as little as it may appear.
IGN: GrimDeValhalla

Character Name: Jurin Fi' Rathel

Character Race: Advanthar

Character Skills: Jurin is a master at the use of his Quarter staff

Character Age (Anything below 14 will be rejected): 24

Approved Char App (Not required): Thinking about it

How Active Are You?: Again there's another world but massive?

Roleplay Ability 1-10 (In your eyes): ill just say 7 idk

Skype ( Required): You have it stalker

References: Everyone we know

Ic Letter to the Headmaster: Talked Ic
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IGN: Heaven_of_ash

Character Name: Sariandi Trisfaren

Character Race: Ailor/Altalar

Character Skills: Sariandi is very flexible and talented with a short sword.

Character Age (Anything below 14 will be rejected): 34

Approved Char App (Not required): I'm currently working on a character application.

How Active Are You?: During weekdays I'm on for an hour or so, During the weekend I'm on almost all day.

Roleplay Ability 1-10 (In your eyes):6 - 7

Skype ( Required): You already have it

References: @The_DarkKnight_ @Cirenety @skullpanda90

Ic Letter to the Headmaster:
Dear Headmaster,

My name is Sariandi Ardryll Trisfaren, if possible I would very much like to serve you and aid with the eradication of the corrupted and the vile beings that roam about us. I am very committed to improving my combat style and using it to benefit myself and others, I very much wish to use my current skills to help you with achieving your goal.

Sariandi Trisfaren
IGN: gartono

Character Name: Majil Nafasi

Character Race: Songaskia

Character Skills: Light Magic

Character Age (Anything below 14 will be rejected): 57

Approved Char App (Not required): Not yet

How Active Are You?: Pretty active.

Roleplay Ability 1-10 (In your eyes): I have beautiful eyes, so a 9.

Skype ( Required): Yas.

References: @Completely_Evan, @CRASHIR, @Jouster

Ic Letter to the Headmaster: IC interaction.
IGN: MysticTrashCan
Character Name: Séamus Tuathall
Character Race: Ailor
Character Skills: Warrior Turall (Hopefully expert when approved.)
Character Age (Anything below 14 will be rejected): 29
Approved Char App (Not required): Not yet
How Active Are You?: Always (Ihavenolifeorfriends)
Roleplay Ability 1-10 (In your eyes): 1.5
Skype ( Required): Don't worry about it
References: Everyone
Ic Letter to the Headmaster:

Dear Boss Guy,

I didn't see a letter by my door, t's okay, I forgive you for forgetting. Expert swordsman, most charming ladies man? I like the looks of your little crew, and thought you could use a hand, kinda cut down the misfits, ye know? No payment necessary, I've decided to offer my skills for free. If you need a meeting, pen me back, I'd gladly show you a demonstration of my skills. Don't be a stranger!
Séamus [The letter is written rather sloppily, almost as if an intoxicated person wrote it. There would also be a strange stamp on it.]
Dear Headmaster,

I've recently taken interest in your cause. I'd like to help you cut down a few bloodsuckers and void-worshipers, should you let me join. Don't be afraid to write me back. I've got all the necessary skills. Swordsmanship, conversing, anything you need. -Signed, S. Tuathall

~Order of the Holy Blade~

Deep beneath the busy streets of Regalia, in the heart of under-city, there exists a group void-bent on destroying the Sanguine menace that haunts the streets and alleys. This group is known as the Ojnen'eoi cië lla San'ja Ess'alajo'la, or, in common, The Order of the Holy Blade. Lead by a zealous Drowdar and his Yanar half-sister, the Holy Blade operate as a group of Vampire and Mage hunters. They offer an interesting opposition to Vampires and errant mages alike, as well as producing a sort of pseudo-policing unit able to be hired under other gangs, all saying they fit under the code of ethics the Holy Blade has.



The Holy Blade is a group of Vampire and Mage hunters that roam the sewers, looking to clean them up a bit. Though these warriors and select mages are taught to fight well in general, they excel at combating Vampires, Mages, and other unholy creatures corrupted by the Void by utilizing a fighting style similar to that of the Aletta Guard of the Witch Hunters Order. Its relatively easy for any non Shendar and Savailathar race to join, as well as Celestial and other Exist Mages, alchemists, and physical fighters. As long as your character is able to pass an IC, and you as a player with an OOC, examination of your general abilites and skills. Don't feel bad or hesitate to sign up if you feel your RP is in need of some work, we will offer help to make sure you become more proficient with your RP skills!



Leaders: The section containing the leaders of the Order are broken up into two groups, the Headmaster, the leader and one of, if not the, most skilled hunters of the Order and the second group, the Xaster who are the Headmaster's advisers, often skilled hunters and influential people, they have generally been with the Order the longest.

  • Durlyn Do'Ana - Drow, Fighter​

  • Elora Parora - Drow Seedling, Fighter​

Hunters: Hunter are broken up into four categories, this being one supreme hunter, four distinct skill classes, and trainees in combat. These segments are based on their ability to fight or accomplish their missions, with Class A being the highest and Class C being the lowest followed up with the Trainees who are generally youngsters taken in by the group who wish to learn to fight. The highest achievement is the Daybringer, the most skilled and potent hunter in the group, aside from the Headmaster who is often on par or better than the Daybringer, commonly a member of the Xaster.


Class A:
  • Elora Parora - Drow Seed, Fighter @CRASHIR

Class B:
Class C:




Character Name:

Character Race:

Character Skills:

Character Age (Anything below 14 will be rejected):

Approved Char App (Not required):

How Active Are You?:

Roleplay Ability 1-10 (In your eyes):

Skype ( Required):


Ic Letter to the Headmaster:
..Oh, rest in peace all my vampire characters. AND my mage characters. All of my characters are sanguines and mages for the most part.

  • IGN: CharlieML
  • Character Name: Cecilia Kiesel
  • Character sheet: Not Applicable as of yet
Age: 34
Race: Ailor
Height: 5'1 ft
Weight: 105 lbs/47.7 kg
Want to know anything else? Just ask

  • Character skills/ schools of training: No schools or much to skills regarding fighting however is quick to think logically without the use of having to use violence. She is quite sneaky and well at keeping herself out of sight. Other more skills is she can juggle and dance which is great for entertaining a crowd. (Possibly more too when/if I get an app done)
  • Requested task force: Wandering Ear
  • Reason for applying: (OOC: Evan told me to) IC: Cecilia has felt very much out of place and has found the increasing dangers of a place she calls home a worry and wishes to lend her hand to helping to crack these down and not only feel safer but also as if she belongs.
Dear Headmaster,

I write to you in hopes of joining you and lending my hand to helping to make the dark and infested areas of the sewers relieved of those evils which dwell within them. Please allow me to help in anyway I can. I sacrifice myself to your cause.

Cecilia Kiesel

  • On a scale of 1(Barely ever on) to 10(Always on), how active are you?: 10
  • Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?: Nopes
  • Do you have access to skype?: Yes, Charlizard-m96 (Evan has it)
  • Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?: Mostly, yes
  • Is your character willing to follow orders?: Certainly, she would literally do anything for the other members. Even clean their feet.
  • References: @Completely_Evan @Zombiel3ait @SuperKamiWarlock @Artemis_Hanzo
  • Approved Charaters also for reference: Lunatheli Artiemus
Character Name:
Nyllazza Jhessu
Character sheet:(Not required but suggested. Please give a basic run-down of your character in a spoiler if a char sheet is not an option.)
Do I look like I'm able to do one? -_- maybe later on.
Character skills/ schools of training:
Alchemy, School of alchemy
Requested task force:
Whatever you think I'm worthy for.
Reason for applying:
Because you're a bully and pushed me to.
On a scale of 1(Barely ever on) to 10(Always on), how active are you?:
I'll rate myself based on true honesty... a 51/2 and if your not happy with it you can teach me it yourself X3
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted? If so, why?:
Not yet :3
Do you have access to skype?:
I'm talking to you right now.
Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?:
If I'm not, I'll pester you to tell me anyway and I'm uncommon to be seen thanks to much school work being done. I mean it's almost the end of school, we gots projects and shet.
Is your character willing to follow orders?:
Probably, or else I won't be applying.
Anymore info based on my character shall be discussed in skype if you so will.
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