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Of The Snakes, Rats, And Magpies.


Staff member
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score

Fair creatures of the earth are,
Amontaarii and new bodies to these shores,
Long have the Silver Chalice fought fiercely,
With mettle and mood, our battles we bore.
Long are we judges to deem this aright:
Who holds honour? Who holds spirit's strong might?
Who walks with wisdom, their principles clear?
These are the judgments we gather here.

Thus say we: Though tensions persist,
And odder they are, we praise and remember
The Asha and Serpent's Hollow, most fair.

But we say not all struggle for His Eminence,
Such as Asmita Three Hands, whom we shall make one-handed,
For those who do that, we have seen, we say: For Shame!
Such as Sparrow of the Damh-Marah, and the Damh-Marah together,
Feigned do-gooders, but are no do-gooders.

Men of the green cloak, look upon the oath-sworn:
Those who pledge to the Holy City, we say,
Act more like robbers, day by day.
Lead them as you see fit, or turn a blind eye,
Lest all knighthood be sullied, a mockery to hold high.

And those whom we name not,
Tread on thin ice, else we say: For Shame! For Shame!
And let everyone hear of these spineless deeds
And name.