Archived Npc Civilians

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Regalia. Capital of the human empire. Largest empire in Alorian history. Humans come from all over to live here, the holy city. But why is it so dang empty?! There are very far people anywhere except the tavern. People cluster together there, but there is no one anywhere else. How do we fix this? Well, what if we have several NPC civilians just wandering around the city. Some could stand, some could wander, some could pace back and forth. Anything. ANYTHING, to make the city less empty. Regalia right now looks like a barren wasteland. No life. At least, no human life. Yeah, NPCs cause lag, but there doesn't need to be tons. Just enough to add some life. Some could even have quests. Simple fetch quests. But seriously. Regalia is the most barren capital city ever. Ever been to your nation's capital? Pretty packed huh? (Except for Vatican City, but I doubt any of you live there. A population of 800.) Imagine Regalia as at least a fraction of that. Amazing, huh?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I think everyone agrees that NPC animals are the best.
Madame Red's Clothing Shop, I think? It's under the stairs in front of the tavern... If I'm think of the same tailor shop.
What about adding background sounds to the city? Various sounds of people going about, chattering, wheelbarrows being drawn, etc.