Archived Npc Civilians

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
Regalia. Capital of the human empire. Largest empire in Alorian history. Humans come from all over to live here, the holy city. But why is it so dang empty?! There are very far people anywhere except the tavern. People cluster together there, but there is no one anywhere else. How do we fix this? Well, what if we have several NPC civilians just wandering around the city. Some could stand, some could wander, some could pace back and forth. Anything. ANYTHING, to make the city less empty. Regalia right now looks like a barren wasteland. No life. At least, no human life. Yeah, NPCs cause lag, but there doesn't need to be tons. Just enough to add some life. Some could even have quests. Simple fetch quests. But seriously. Regalia is the most barren capital city ever. Ever been to your nation's capital? Pretty packed huh? (Except for Vatican City, but I doubt any of you live there. A population of 800.) Imagine Regalia as at least a fraction of that. Amazing, huh?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
sounds good, like people in the church and docks and the like
Yes. And some NPC animals that can't be slaughtered would be nice... like that parrot at the docks and that cat along the main street.
I can understand the desire to have NPC people in Regalia, but I feel that the idea sounds better than it actually is. If one could interact with them, then it would be a swell idea. But if they're like Merchant Daisy who does nothing other than say one thing in a quest... That's just unnecessary lag. It's like RPing with a permanently AFK person who looks at you. If extra people are added, I think they should have quests tacked onto them so they don't just cause lag, but provide something interesting... Which is what most NPCs do.
tl;dr: Unnecessary lag.

Pete the Parrot! I forgot about him...
Bo is cute. :3
Regalia has to be open to as many people as possible. And handling real players is more important than NPC's.
What about more flavor text? Not as signs, but you know how you get that gray chat message when you enter Regalia? Would more of that help give the city a bit more of a crowded feel?

What about Bo, the skeletal horse? He's still alive.
"The Skeletal Horse? He's still alive"

You /might/ wanna check the Skeletal Horse's pulse again mate.
I think Bo might be sick. He hasn't eaten in a long while. :C
What about more flavor text? Not as signs, but you know how you get that gray chat message when you enter Regalia? Would more of that help give the city a bit more of a crowded feel?

I think Bo might be sick. He hasn't eaten in a long while. :C
As a long time owner and breeder of Bo's particular sort of horse, I can assure you all that he is in perfect health. He could easily live another 300 years.
I think Bo might be sick. He hasn't eaten in a long while. :C
Isn't Go the skeleton horse? If he is, wouldn't that mean he is dead? A skeleton has no flesh or a heart. No brain. It is not a living creature. Also, yes to the flavour text. Grey text FTW. That plus a few NPCs here and there would be perfect. Not a ton of NPCs. Just one here, one there, a couple over there.
A few pacing Civilians and Guards etc would be nice..specifically Civilians that would pertain to the location- that'd be quite tasteful. And, it would provide witnesses etc etc etc in a case of murder or something..using NPCs
Isn't Go the skeleton horse? If he is, wouldn't that mean he is dead? A skeleton has no flesh or a heart. No brain. It is not a living creature. Also, yes to the flavour text. Grey text FTW. That plus a few NPCs here and there would be perfect. Not a ton of NPCs. Just one here, one there, a couple over there.

He's only skeletal to make it look like a horse that hasn't eaten in a long time and is malnourished. It's not literally skeletal. I doubt Regalia would allow something like that inside the city.

But anyway, back on topic. I can see having a few NPC's around, but not too many or it'd start to cause lag problems.
What about more flavor text? Not as signs, but you know how you get that gray chat message when you enter Regalia? Would more of that help give the city a bit more of a crowded feel?

I think Bo might be sick. He hasn't eaten in a long while. :C
Yes more of that text. A few little tweaks could make the city feel more active.

What about other role play hotspots spread around the city.
Yes more of that text. A few little tweaks could make the city feel more active.

What about other role play hotspots spread around the city.
That is reliant upon users more than staff. People congregate around the tavern because other people are there. But if suddenly everybody started congregating at the cathedral or bath house, new roleplay hotspot.
We have tried having Quest NPCs in Regalia, and the upkeep, as Regalia has changed took too much staff time.
That could be full if people opted to visit it.

That's the big question that needs to be addressed if people want more roleplay hotspots: what is it about the tavern that attracts us, and what do the other places lack that deters us?
That could be full if people opted to visit it.

That's the big question that needs to be addressed if people want more roleplay hotspots: what is it about the tavern that attracts us, and what do the other places lack that deters us?
The alcohol. That attracts everyone.
I've got two issues with this.

1. Th e amount of server memory adding more np's would take up

2. No on pays any attention to the current npc's anyway so what would the point be?

On the other hand i would like to see more roleplay signs, as well as that text that appears in certain areas.
That's the big question that needs to be addressed if people want more roleplay hotspots: what is it about the tavern that attracts us, and what do the other places lack that deters us?
The tavern has become generally accepted to be the roleplay hub of Regalia, at least to a fairly large number of players. The empty hotspots are usually empty simply because they are, more often than not, unknown to most others (I'll admit, I've never seen a lot of them, nor realized they were intended to be hotspots).

People will go to the tavern simply because they know other people will, too. It's not that the other spots deter players, it's that the tavern is the most widely known as a high-traffic area for roleplayers. In addition, the tavern is big, it looks nice, and it's very easy to get to quickly. I've had someone just ditched an RP because he didn't want to run to and from the church again and again.

Anyways, I like the idea of NPC civilians to give Regalia some life, but the consequences may be very irritating to a lot of players that typically have connection issues. Hell, maybe even to some people that don't have those issues.
The tavern has become generally accepted to be the roleplay hub of Regalia, at least to a fairly large number of players. The empty hotspots are usually empty simply because they are, more often than not, unknown to most others (I'll admit, I've never seen a lot of them, nor realized they were intended to be hotspots). People will go to the tavern simply because they know other people will, too. It's not that the other spots deter players, it's that the tavern is the most widely known as a high-traffic area for roleplayers.

In addition, the tavern is big, it looks nice, and it's very easy to get to quickly. I've had someone just ditched an RP because he didn't want to run to and from the church again and again.
The serves /specifically/ advertises the tavern as the rp hotspot. It says it on the website.
That is reliant upon users more than staff. People congregate around the tavern because other people are there. But if suddenly everybody started congregating at the cathedral or bath house, new roleplay hotspot.

I have an idea! Have the tavern collapse from some sort of disaster, or be taken over by vampires, or some other thing that blocks it off for a little, and set up a few questers who send people off to the find other roleplay locations in the city. With luck it'll help disperse the roleplay centers and bring a bit of life to the otherwise empty city.
Regalia. Capital of the human empire. Largest empire in Alorian history. Humans come from all over to live here, the holy city. But why is it so dang empty?! There are very far people anywhere except the tavern. People cluster together there, but there is no one anywhere else. How do we fix this? Well, what if we have several NPC civilians just wandering around the city. Some could stand, some could wander, some could pace back and forth. Anything. ANYTHING, to make the city less empty. Regalia right now looks like a barren wasteland. No life. At least, no human life. Yeah, NPCs cause lag, but there doesn't need to be tons. Just enough to add some life. Some could even have quests. Simple fetch quests. But seriously. Regalia is the most barren capital city ever. Ever been to your nation's capital? Pretty packed huh? (Except for Vatican City, but I doubt any of you live there. A population of 800.) Imagine Regalia as at least a fraction of that. Amazing, huh?
Love your idea, hate the lag. We need better computers.
During the winter festival and before Regalia spawn got a slight rework, there were at least 30-50 available NPCs so someone saying this would be a problem is a liar.
Having animals wander around would be very realistic, since pigs, chicken and cows would usually roam freely about in these times, unless Regalia has a 'no animals' policy...

But, yes. Flavour texts and npcs would be so much better!
If it won't affect lag server side. Or require people to have better internet connection(mine is terrible sometimes) I would like it.
But the small messages, and especially @Mecharic 's idea. Could maybe be just as good.
To the animals walking around (H) YAY. Npcs might just be ignored. And you can' totals to animals anyway.