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Played Character Nox - The Neurotic

This character is actively played.


Sleeping Extraordinaire
Jun 27, 2016
Reaction score

nox 2.webp

Pinterest Theme Art



Basic Information 12.webp
Name: Nox
Age: 16 (appears 13)
Gender: Female

Race: Varran - Warran
Sexuality: Homosexual
Preferred Weapon: Claws and Fangs

Proficiency Points: (5+10+ +10 + 16 = 41)
↠ +5 Fist Combat | 5 from Prof Points
↠ +5 Sling Combat | 5 from Prof Points
↠ +10 Stealth Rogue | 10 from Talent Points
↠ +5 Dexterous Rogue | 6 from Prof Points
↠ +5 Conning Rogue | 5 from Prof Points
↠ +8 Drawing Art | 8 from Hobby Points
↠ +2 Cooking Art | 2 from Hobby Points

Body Shape
↠ 1 x 10 Combat Abilities = 10
Slim Body Shape
Extreme Low Fat

Zcorr | Parental Home Tongue
Common | Learned in Childhood

Vampiric Mutations (Barghest Bloodline)
Wald Pocketing
Wald Intervention
Wald Rigging
Wald Canis
Wald Chiroptera
Eye Color: Mossy Green
Fur Color: Muddy Brown
Hair Style: Scruffy & Matted
Clothing: Dirtied rags, or anything else she can scavenge
Height: (stuck at) 5'2

[Nox, two years prior.]

✖ Head and Facial Features:
Due to her Warran blood, Nox owns a cat-like head with a small bridge of a nose and pointed ears. Her head and face in particular are heart shaped, and there is a heavy tear in her Left ear. Although, the first thing that is often noticed in terms of her appearance is the horrible, mangled scar where her Right eye used to rest. Surrounding her piercing glare and ugly grins of interest, her Dark brown fur is a downright mess. Matted with dirt, grime, spots of clotted blood, and even parts on her head where dreads have started to form. And due to her lack of personal hygiene, you can guess that she stinks to high heaven, and her teeth have long since yellowed. She is hard to look at, to say the least.
[An Example of Nox's scar.]
✖ Body:
Covered from head to toe with her reeking, tangled, grimy state of fur, the sight of her is still hard to endure without a small grimace. Under her mangled fur also lives a healthy colony of everyone's favorite parasite.. Fleas! So be sure not to stand too close. Nox's body however is stuck at the staggering height of 5'2 since her infection with her bony, feral cat looking body.
✖ Fashion appearance and accessories:
Nox doesn't know what the word fashion means in any way shape or form. The Warran has always worn what was given to her, or what she could find and scavenge for. Usually sticking to one very old, very torn up outfit of rags. The only things she carries with her is her pouch of trinkets for her collection of trophies. Usually containing small animal bones, small things of interest she has found, things she has made, or items she's stolen from others.
✖ Voice:
Nox's voice is scratchy, yet high pitched due to her youth with a noticeable squeakiness to it. The Warran enjoys speaking in creepy or threatening ways to bother others in the form of long, drawn out hisses and growls intertwined with her words. Nox also enjoys using simple words and to the point statements, tapping into her impatient behavior.

✖ How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
When afraid, Nox will always take the easiest route. Running away and distancing herself the best she can from the cause of her fears in cowardice. Yet if she can't find an easy escape, she takes to putting on an act of hissing, raising the fur on her back, or just about anything to try and intimidate to cover up her fear.

✖ How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
Annoyance and spats of anger, unsure of how to deal with it. Nox has a famously short temper, and in instances of stress, she does the exact opposite of bottling it up. Instead, she lashes it out on the world around her in small or greater forms depending on the severity of her pressure.

✖ How would your character express feeling Happy?
Creepy smiles of yellowed, fanged teeth. While it is not a common occurrence, when delighted, it often leads her to becoming more vocal and open to those around her, for better or for worse.

✖ How does your character view Law and Authorities?
Lower than dirt. From her past experience with the guard and authority during the events of Fort Purity in her past, she has come to blame the forces in Regalia for her family's death and her own misfortune.

✖ How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
Due impart to her vampiric turning, Nox believes that other people and races are far below her. Assuming that they can only wish to be as agile, cunning, and as powerful as she.

✖ How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?

Despite being raised in a Faith of Baskarr household, Nox no longer follows her old teachings. Currently lacking belief in any sort of faith.

✖ How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
As a user of minor abilities due to her vampiric bloodline, she views them as advantageous. If used against her, however, she sees it as incredibly annoying. Generally, the Warran is uncaring unless it disrupts her day to day life.

✖ How does your character feel towards their family?
While Nox's family has since passed away, she enjoyed spending time with them growing up. Since losing them, she has not yet found anyone else to be referred to as "Family".

✖ What is your character's biggest insecurity?
Her own state of life. While Nox is stubborn and confident the way she continues her life, it is a rather lonely and spiteful one. When she catches others enjoying their lives with laughter among friends, she feels as if they are mocking her. What is there to be so damn happy about? How dare they act like they have it better off than her. This is often why she causes misery upon others for the sake of it or upon such happy individuals, to spread her own dismay and nihilistic view of the world.

✖ What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
Her abilities, merchant prowess, and trophy collection. Each aids in fueling her egotism, convincing her that she is more clever and sly than many of those who roam Regalia. Especially to her growing list of stolen items from individuals, reminding her of times she has bested others.

✖ What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
While others may see Nox as doing the opposite of bettering her life, Nox's own ideals have become twisted over time. She enjoys having power over others and causing trouble, and the more times she proves her "strength" over others as well as spreading misfortune, she feels she is doing better and better for herself.

✖ What is your character's biggest fear?
Being unable to control her life or circumstances. When the world whirled out of control when she lost her family and the events that followed, it left her heavily traumatized. Never wanting to feel controlled, restrained, or lost like she did, she holds a tight grip on her freedom and choices to do what she wants.

✖ Impatient: If placed in the position that she has to use what little patience she has, Nox will easily grow annoyed. Her mood will turn sour the longer she has to wait for something that she wants, and if she doesn't get it, she will often resort to other methods in her rising anger. This also applies to if she is waiting for others. If they don't make haste, she will simply walk off.

✖ Rude: As if she never learned what manners was, Nox has little disregard for other feelings beyond her own. Leading her to be very rude towards others in the form of snarky words, mean actions, and selfish acts. Truly, it's as if she has no limit on what she will say or do to others, which can make the Warran rather dis-likable to say the least.

✖ Pyrophobia: From her eye having to be healed together with the help of fire and hot coals, Nox found the event very traumatic, and is thus afraid of fire. Preferring to stay away from fireplaces, campfires, and untamed flames. If one was to hold out a torch and waft it in her direction, she would easily give up on said person to quell her anxieties and fear.
✖ Lack of Depth Perception: Due to her singular eye, Nox has no depth perception. This means she has a very hard time catching things thrown to her, as well as tossing things at others (giving her horrible aim), and of course, judging the distance between places, including heights. Which has often led to her spraining her ankle from a leap downwards that was just a tad too high.
✖ Biting Nails: An easy expression of boredness from the Varran. As her vampiric trait allows her nails to grow back rather quickly, biting or using her claws to pick at her fangs are certainly not done as a form of gross bodily upkeep.

Scratching Fur: When having to perhaps sit still for a long amount of time, the Warran becomes restless, and more aware of the fleas biting at the skin under her fur. Taking to scratching along her arms, behind her ears, or wherever else the annoying itchiness becomes more apparent. In turn, she usually becomes more temperamental due to such.
✖ Artistic "Vision": From youth, Nox always had the gift of creativity. Enjoying her times of painting and crafting things when she could. Nowadays, she likes making drawings with blood, the easiest paint she can find, or pieces of charcoal she can scavenge. She also enjoys making little figurines and trinkets by chipping at stones or brick that she finds, a skill passed onto her from her Mother.
✖ Gathering "Trophies": Perhaps bordering on kleptomania, Nox avidly enjoys stealing items from those she feeds on, especially someone who was hard to capture in her little claws. As well as ordering people to give her certain items of interest, and gaining them if they deny her in one way or another. Seeing it as a reminder of her strength and cleverness.

✖ Gnawing: As you could of probably guessed, it is typically bones that Nox enjoys chewing and gnawing on. Putting her in a good mood as she finds the stimulation of grinding her teeth into something quite pleasing and relaxing.

✖ Scritches behind the ear: While always appreciating the offer to be scratched by one she likes and trusts, there's just a certain spot right behind her ears that soothes the Warran completely. Often times lulling her into a comfortable cat nap if she is somewhere she considers safe.
✖ Overly happy / Social individuals: When around those with jovial and happy personalities, Nox with glare her singular eye. Finding them irritating as she doesn't understand what they have to be so damn happy about. Their existence alone mocks her for her lack of own well being. Thus, she tries to steer away from too much happiness in one place, or try to sour their moods herself.
✖ Guards: Blaming the entire establishment for the death of her family, she owns a very bitter opinion and grand distaste towards the loyal guards of the holy city. Leading her to disregard them wholly, considering them less than dirt itself and not even worthy of being prey. Although, this does not exempt an unlucky Guard whom she decides to descend her "pranks" upon.

✖ Clean places: When in places that are unusually clean for what she is generally used to in her slum and sewer habitat, she finds herself feeling out of place. Although, she will always blame it on the area hurting her eyes with it's ugliness. Nox prefers to stick to places that suit her best.
  • No surprises here
  • Hill'eijola Jillatei @HodlinG "I want dat Scarf."

Life story.webp

In 293 AC, Nox Serna is born in Regalia to her Yarran Mother and Warran father. Soon to become the eldest of four.

Even as a child, Nox tended to show a rather harsh and unemphatic personality. Mostly playing alone. But when engaging with her younger siblings, she would often force them to engage in games and dares. Typically ending with one of them in tears, a thwack over Nox's head, and a harsh spat of a temper tantrum from the young-ling.

Growing up, Nox Looked up to her mother. Enjoying her stories that she told about her times in northern Ithania before she met her father and moved to Regalia. Especially the ones about her trophies that she earned throughout her life that now lived in their home.

When she was old enough, she grew a hobby of hunting and killing small creatures for fun. Stealing their parts and bones as trophies like her mother.

Through her youth, her parents were adamant to teach their children Common. Nox had difficulty focusing on their lessons, and often avoided them. However, she took an enjoyment in writing, and attempting to copy her siblings handwriting, jealous of their better penmanship.

One day, her father didn't come home from his work at a local tavern. Returning home five days later after their mother having went and searched each day. He came home weak, frail, abused, and shaven for having been caught stealing. Nox resented the guard forces in Regalia because of this.
During the cold winter of 306 AC, Nox (now 13 years of age) and her family are towed away with the rest of Regalia's minorities to be locked away in Fort Purity.

When the Kade Dragon made his appearance and knocked down the wall that held them all inside, among the chaos of tumbling stone and stampeding crowds, Nox nearly died when she was hit by a large piece of falling stone, knocking her unconscious. Not soon after, she arises from underneath some rubble with a concussion and a bleeding gash where her right eye used to be. Heavily damaged and caved in.

Desperately trying fight through her haze to try and find her family members, she stops in shock when she caught sight of just the leg of her younger sister sticking out from under a pile of remaining rubble. After this, she knew the rest had probably met the same fate. All she could do now was to find help for her injuries. In shock and incredible pain, she had little time to mourn them before trying to get help for herself.

Staggering about the panicked streets, she is blessed to find a helping hand and is guided into their home to be healed. Unfortunately, her helper lacked enough medical expertise. Instead opting to close up the heavily bleeding gash with the help of fire and coals. After an excruciating process that lead her to passing out from the pain, the wound is sealed.

After receiving a handout of bandages and a bottle of aid from the individual, Nox returns to the harsh world of Regalia. Hardly having healed mentally from the ordeal, the husk of a Warran dips into the slums over the torturous concept of living in an Almshouse.

As if her luck couldn't get any worse, Nox gets bitten by a vampire from the Dorkarth Bloodline. The vampire nurses her through her changing, hoping to gain a malleable worker into their coven. But once Nox survived the process and grew back her strength, she found a way to escape, and fled as fast as she could.

Realizing her new powers, she grew sick of feeling weak, sad, and abused. Turning her upset into spiteful anger and revenge as she aims to survive with the gain of her abilities, and twist her misery onto others.

Upon spending some time lurking about Regalia in her vampiric state, she grows to learn more about the underbelly of the city among the sewers. Soon joining a Coven, and growing a vicious personality out of survival and bitter past.

Soon enough, she learns of a trade to earn her money, copying documents and papers, a knowledge passed onto her from an old coven member. Soon enough, she grows a knack for the ability, and takes it into her own hands to obtain sources of wealth and favors.

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Bruce's Coat Fabric.
A ragged piece from his winter-time blue coat.

Akeno's Earring.
Made of solid silver, and ripped straight from the ear.

Jingurl's Horn.
A small, snapped off piece of antler.

Eric's Tail Sock.
3-4ft length, orangey red cloth with a thin wool interior.

Kamirah's Gold Bead.
Coughed back up again from one of Kami's necklaces.

Karoline's Lock of Hair.
Delicately snipped, a perfect ginger curl.

Annelie's Water Container
Perfect for holding all sorts of... liquids.

Sigrid's Wooden Fish
A small carving of a Varran's favorite dish. Good for idly chewing on.

Random Assortment of Creature Bones.
Tiny ribs, femurs, and skulls.
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@Jonificus Is it still the case when Varran's mentally mature by 10? Sorry if I'm overstepping a bit, but I am rather curious on that note. I hope to play an edgy teenager prone to spouts of anger/tantrums and moodiness, but not sure if she would act that way at 14 considering how Varran's age. Do you think there is a way to make it work?
@Jonificus Is it still the case when Varran's mentally mature by 10? Sorry if I'm overstepping a bit, but I am rather curious on that note. I hope to play an edgy teenager prone to spouts of anger/tantrums and moodiness, but not sure if she would act that way at 14 considering how Varran's age.

I'm afraid we don't have any special rules for varran when it comes to age. Mentally and physically mature can mean plenty of things, can still play them off as an edgy teenager
@Jonificus Darn, but that is a good point. The edgy-ness shall prevail. Updated her age to 14, as well as an extra 4 to her proficiency points! Hopefully everything is still good.
@Jonificus Gave Nox a major update after the vampire changes as well as the new personality & abilities format.
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@skullpanda90 Approved, but I would heavily suggest that you do not actively mention in RP that your character looks underaged, even for in-universe Regalian Law.