Archived Notice Boards [ In Game Notice Boards, New Subforum, Etc ]

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score
Hello! So I tossed this idea in Noble Chat and was told to make a thread so here it is!


There are Three Points to make here.

1- In Game Notice Boards: The creation of two Notice Boards, 'The Golden Willow Board' and the 'The Sewers Notice Board' (or any other cooler name). Where players can submit to have information and Forums Pages linked to- ill get to that in number 3.

2- New Subforum: The creation of a new section on the Forums called "The Undercity" where all Sewers and Crime related events, notices, bounties, black market deals etc can go.

3- Linking the In Game Notice Boards to the Subforums and Specific Posts that they pertain to! This can be done very simply with a plugin, which I will go into more detail on below.


In Game Notice Board Maintenance and Addition-

Currently, there is only one functioning Notice Board, the one outside the Golden Willow Tavern, which is, sadly, fairly irregular in its updates.

My main proposition for this is 1- that that Notice Board be maintained using posts from the Forum Section- Via linking signs to posts- and 2- the addition of a New Notice Board in the Sewers, which will do the same effectively, linking itself to the newly created Subforum.

New Subforum ' The Undercity ' -

There is currently no place to post "Notice Board"-esk posts pertaining to crime besides the "Events and Announcements" section, which is NOT what that is there for in my opinion. Due to the current Notice Board being In Character, any posts which would not be allowed by the postal/messenger service that ICly runs the Board are removed and/or locked.

The solution is simple, A new Forums section dedicated to the shadier side of the city, called "The Undercity" . This is where any posts would be put up about bounties, crime-related notices, gang activity, black market trade, etc would go. Effectively being the (ICly) unregulated and more illegal version of the current "Notice Board" forums. This would require four Tags/Labels as well: "Notice" , "Bounty" , "Trade" , and "Other".

Linking Forums and In Game Boards-

This one probably seems the least likely before you read it, but it IS possible to make it so that when a player right clicks a sign, it messages them a link to open. With one amazing and well made plugin called "ServerSigns".

This plugin has been around since late 2011- near the beginning of Minecraft Multiplayer itself- and as such, it has been extensively developed. There are more or less no bugs or kinks that would need to be worked out.

What this plugin allows staff to do is not only message players links- it can teleport them to specific warps or coordinates, run a command as the player or as console, send a message to certain players, or basically just run ANY command at all in any way you want, with one click of a sign.

Simply put, specifically in relation to this idea, this could be used to link signs on Both Notice Boards, so that a sign could be placed by Staff with the title/summary of a thread that they feel is relevant / important, along with a method for players to ask to have their posts linked up, so that the In Game and Forums Notice Boards can effectively work in unison to pull everything together.

In addition, this may have the side effect of introducing newer players to the forums in general, as usually it takes a player a fair while to do this. This would open them up to all of the resources here, such as guides, etc. Effectively, it has the potential to drag players into the forums and out of the "nooby" ways much quicker than they would otherwise. Which I can only see as a huge benefit.


That is, essentially, the idea. Its a little long, I know, but I feel like it would be a very useful and immersive addition to the server. Feel free to say whatever and talk about this below- though, try to stay relevant. lol
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Addon: The signs that are links should probably be formated as

Line One: (Bounty, Trade, Notice, whichever is relevent)
Line Two: (Name of Thread)
Line Three: (Name Of Thread CONT)
Line Four: [Click To Read More]
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I know for sure the Willow notice board is being regularly updated again, as it linked the vents that were hosted a week ago, with updates very few days.
I know for sure the Willow notice board is being regularly updated again, as it linked the vents that were hosted a week ago, with updates very few days.
Aye. Though, I still think the ServerSigns plugin would make it a bit more effective. As well as the whole Sewer Board section thing.
Bumping an old idea, with an addendum: the Undercity section would be the Slums section now, given that is looking like its nearing completion. EDIT: THis is also a bit outdated, was written before the Roleplay section was restructured but its still mostly applicable.
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