Archived Non-premiums And Traits

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hey guys
Nov 9, 2013
Reaction score
Avantarii Princedom
Hello, as most of you know non premiums have limited access to traits, trait slots and trait points, with only 7 slots and a 100 point maximum if I remember correctly? I personally believe that it would benefit the players, the server activity and all communities of massivecraft in a positive manner if non prems were to be given access to an equal amount of traits and access to trait slots and points as premiums.

Now to highlight my points I made in the introduction.

  1. It would benefit the players: What I mean here is that it would obviously make lots of people happy, and in all honesty might improve overall server mood (even though I dont think there is much of a problem for that). This might be my weakest point, but still a good one either way, making non-premiums happy and might encourage more people to play actively.
  2. Server Activity: This would probably increase activity and new players on massive might feel better knowing that even if they were non premiums that they have equal access to traits. This will also potentially get more people who are already on the server back active again for fun of knowing that they are starting to get more equal things as premiums, but this might also be a pretty weak point.
  3. This has to be my strongest and most important point. It Would make all communities of massivecraft happy and would create a general amount of more equality: It would make non-premium roleplayers happy because they can add more and better traits for themselves, to either have fun or to add it to their character abilities when they rp. This would help the building/survival community, because they can now have better traits for doing what they need to do. Finally, this could potentially help the PvP community the most. This is simply because more traits, more access to traits and more trait slots would inspire more non-premiums who want to pvp to actually see what the traits are like and could possibly have them considering to buy premium more. This would get many more people interested in buying premium and starting to pvp overall.
Now I know what some of you may be thinking "the server needs donations and people wont buy premium if this happens" but I honestly believe that the premium sales will stay the same at the very least, and could potentially go up. I dont think that anyone who donates to massive, donates for access to better and more trait slots and points, its mostly for the pacifist benefit/armor keeping benefit.
If anything, giving access of traits to non prems could encourage them to buy premium by giving them a slight 'sneak peak' of sorts as to what Prem pvp might be like!

tl;dr : Premiums and non prems should have same access to traits, it most likely wont effect premium sales in a negative way, but instead it could possibly increase it.

State any opinions on why/why not you agree/disagree with this below! Thank you for taking the time to read this thread!
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I do not think this is a necessary thing. Sure it's a good idea but I don't think it's needed at the current moment.
I could see it being helpful alot. I mean there will still be the need to buy prem for the 15% resist in pvp as well, but it will deffinently improve quality of life for our non prem friends who assist their factions but fall behind due to not being able to have say haste2 when mining or whatever it may be.
As a premium, I agree with this completely. There is a difference between quality-of-life improvements and just flat upgrades. Things like "premiums get speed II, nonprems only get speed I" are silly. I feel like evening the playing field will just make PVP not premium-exclusive again, and begin to drive premium towards more quality-of-life improvements, rather than just flat stat-boosts.

This is just my opinion, by the way, as someone who has witnessed the PVP scene, but not really involved himself.
I think the penalty of 7 slots and fewer points is good enough they should have all access to all traits.
I think the penalty of 7 slots and fewer points is good enough they should have all access to all traits.
I dont think there should be a penalty for being non prem in this topic, since it honestly wont make people buy more prem just to get more trait slots.
OK I think we need to meet in the middle on this one. Perhaps allowing nonprems all traits but keeping the limited number of slots and points is a good compromise
OK I think we need to meet in the middle on this one. Perhaps allowing nonprems all traits but keeping the limited number of slots and points is a good compromise
This would be the middle... There's still things like pacifist, the damage reduction, backpack, etc. which will keep people who currently buy premium buying premium. This will just allow those who literally can not under any circumstances but premium have at least a bit of a chance in pvp, rather than being three-shot as they currently are.
I'm sure that @Thortuna @MonMarty and maybe @Cayorion may have seen this by now, if not I'd really appreciate a response as to why/why not this idea could/couldn't be possible.
I don't know why those few people are objecting to it, I personally think that it'd help out the server in the long run...

Think of it, I'm pretty sure that people buy premium for these reasons:

85% - Pacifist and Armor Keeping
10% - Donate to the server to keep it up out of the kindness of their hearts
5% - Combination of all the other premium benefits MIGHT amount to 5%

^ Those are just my estimations, I dont have much or any proof to back it up, but I think it seems reasonable.
Allowing non-premiums to get access to the same trait benefits as premiums surely wouldn't hurt the server, and it could potentially help it, so why not?
I don't know why those few people are objecting to it, I personally think that it'd help out the server in the long run...

Think of it, I'm pretty sure that people buy premium for these reasons:

85% - Pacifist and Armor Keeping
10% - Donate to the server to keep it up out of the kindness of their hearts
5% - Combination of all the other premium benefits MIGHT amount to 5%

^ Those are just my estimations, I dont have much or any proof to back it up, but I think it seems reasonable.
Allowing non-premiums to get access to the same trait benefits as premiums surely wouldn't hurt the server, and it could potentially help it, so why not?
I'd like to see some kind of trial period, just a month or so, where this is implemented (the traits, that is), with a disclaimer that it may or may not stay, just to see how it affects donation rates. Personally, I don't think it will at all, but I think it's one of those things you can't figure out until you try it.
I do not foresee this damaging a lot of the donation rate. as I've said before on countless times… The only way really to raise donation rates now is to add more role-play features to the premium package because right now the only thing appealing to her role players is that you can have more houses in the city and you can have the /char

I stand by what I said before that I think all traits should be open to everybody however I think the limitation on points/slots should remain how it is
I stand by what I said before that I think all traits should be open to everybody however I think the limitation on points/slots should remain how it is
But Why? If you stated it earlier, I didnt notice.
As long as armor is kept upon death, everybody will always buy Premium for PvP and survival.

+1 should've been like this from the beginning honestly.
In my view.. there still needs to be a difference between premiums and non premiums on traits.
But why do you think this? You've said that you don't think it's necessary but you haven't told us why you feel this way.
But why do you think this? You've said that you don't think it's necessary but you haven't told us why you feel this way.
I just don't see the reason they need to be changed. It's not so much as "i feel strongly that they need to stay seperate" but its more of.. "i dont understand why they need to be the same"
I just don't see the reason they need to be changed. It's not so much as "i feel strongly that they need to stay seperate" but its more of.. "i dont understand why they need to be the same"
It'll be more fair, for no reduction in premium sales, so why not? Plus, It'd make people happy and things a bit more fair, now I know what you say "People buy prem so its not fair" or something, but this will kind of be like a taste for the non-prems, maybe get encourage them to buy prem using IRL or IG money.
As the only current non-premium posting on this thread at the moment, I think if we were allowed only the 7 trait slots but got the II traits, followed by maybe the 150/150 opening (or even 125 or some crepe), I'm sure you will get some happy people, but still have people buying premium for traits. The literal only reason I do not PvP currently, despite having all the gear and decent McMMo, is because I fight against people with 140% percent heath, followed by another 40% with AbsorptionII. 180% health, followed by the 15% resistance does not exactly give me, with 160% health and 0% resistance, much chance. Trait-wise, there would still be a difference, but it would not be nearly as large as it currently is. It'd be bias for me to say 'gib moi all of et pls', though. I will admit it.
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I think this could help pvp a lot, I feel like more non-prems would fight now that they could actually stand a chance against a prem, which could cause more pvp between smaller factions. It might also encourage more pvpers to stay and try out massive instead of being destroyed by a prem with healthboost2 and absorption2 right of the bat.
@Wannag my man, you have some great ideas. +1 for me. I especially like this idea because it will get more non premiums into the pvp scene of the server. It can definitely make premiums not really "pay to win" and makes it a little more fair for the people that want to pvp but can't due to lack of traits. I suggest it be changed honestly because really what percentage of premium donators donated for the 3 extra trait slots? Seems a little unfair to me. Hopefully this can be resolved and give the non premiums some more than what they currently have.
it's pretty clear that this is a win/win suggestion. it will give the non prems a chance to last longer in pvp, and hey if they like it they may want to buy premium so they won't have to worry about loss of armor. the people disagreeing with this aren't looking at it from a non premium's perspective. and donation-wise, adding this feature will not cripple the donation rate at all. between /fix, armor keeping, and backpack, I'm pretty sure is no one that buys prem just for the extra traits instead of the more prominent features.
I don't really know anything about traits and how they relate to Premium. @Thortuna 's opinion would be more valid on this thread.
I belive we could make all the traits available to non premiums without it causing any harm, I do believe having the additional slots and points for premiums is a nice premium feature however but that is just my personal view, you all bring very nice strong points to the table for your arguments and i LOVE that this is made so nicely and that there is a genuine discussion about it instead of arguing.

I wont promise that we will change this because promising things and then not having it happen isnt fun but i will promise to bring all that was suggested in this thread up during the trait rebalancing and changes we have to go through soon.
I belive we could make all the traits available to non premiums without it causing any harm, I do believe having the additional slots and points for premiums is a nice premium feature however but that is just my personal view, you all bring very nice strong points to the table for your arguments and i LOVE that this is made so nicely and that there is a genuine discussion about it instead of arguing.

I wont promise that we will change this because promising things and then not having it happen isnt fun but i will promise to bring all that was suggested in this thread up during the trait rebalancing and changes we have to go through soon.
Hey there
I like this.
My personal viewpoint on premium/purchased benefits in any game is that it should not be a penalty to those who do not have it, but a reward to those who do.
The line between those is very hard to find, of course, but I think that the trait difference falls pretty hard on the penalty side.
With MassiveCraft becoming EULA compliant, all traits are now accessible by everyone and everyone has 150 points + 10 slots.
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