Archived Noble Trade & Commerce Sheet

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May 28, 2016
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So I've been getting really invested into noble RP as of late and started trying to figure out the finances of a noble house. After a few discussions with moderators and a few forums reads of the article here, I thought that while this was really good and covered the whole war side well, it didn't really justify how the economies were doing (or at least it wasn't apparent). While I know there are some things behind the scenes that can't be viewed for RNG sake, I thought perhaps that a bit of how the economies of different nobles could be influenced by said nobles through commerce. So, I made this sheet. What do you guys think? If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to add to this thread!

The Sheet:
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I'll give you props for the suggestion, but now I have to burst the bubble.

In my time as a noble, money rp has not been a strong suit. When taxes were able to be dedicated as a percentage, several houses ended up with money riots one way or another. While I could just throw blame on the houses for not watching their finances, I think it highlights the reality that economy roleplay is rarely played out whether you're dirt poor or rich as a king.

Economy roleplay has just never been a significant thing. I've made trade deals with other houses, but they mean literally nothing after the roleplay. While yes, this system would guarantee meaning, it would be a lot of OOC management that detracts from roleplay in game. I don't make trade deals with families anymore because it's flavor at the end of the day. My family trade is beer brewing, but I don't like running a brewery/tavern in game anymore. It still exists, and I do bring it up at times when it's necessary, but that's the extent of my business roleplay.

I think my largest concern would be the reason I left my noble family about a year ago: roleplaying based on spreadsheets is unrewarding and ultimately ends up like a chore to stay irrelevant. The rich got richer and the poor had no way of gaining anything without sacrificing your identity. It was a dark time imo, and while I still screech as the existence of a new spreadsheet, I can appreciate the stipulations set in place to make gaming the system difficult. Adding in personal finances just wouldn't be viable for me to manage by myself, especially when I start working and have to deal with personal finances.

Tl;DR good ambition, but economy roleplay is nonexistant.
While I see your point of economy rp being something not everyone wants to jump onto, I believe it would make it easier for people to fund the war rps. Since it would help fund not only war but more commercial growth, it would be a great way for nobles to try and gain power in other ways than social standing or military might. Right now you can't really control your economy that well which makes the wealth coins a bit of a wonky thing. Most players can't gain any even if (in roleplay) they have good commerce and trade just because of how the war is going. I believe the way things are now heavily skews the perspective of how nobles operate. I believe it should/could be more diverse and well-rounded for a more level rp field. We already have to deal with one spreadsheet, why not add another?
On phone but the economy already functions with wealth tokens, and they generate through the colonies and slow when troops mobilize.

I suppose finding more ways to get tokens would be nice, but I wouldn't want it to undermine the bargaining influence of ithanians, or the benefits of colonization.
I'm not looking for feedback on this system because it maintains as much activity as I'm willing to run the backend.
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