Archived New Trait Ideas!

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The Dark Wolf
Dec 20, 2013
Reaction score
The Fields of Elysium
Roleplay Guilds
We all know about traits and how awesome they areana how many endless possibilities there are for traits.
This thread is for future ideas about more traits please post both positive and negative trait idea's followed by what the trait does and how many points it adds/subtracts. Below are some ideas from me.

Positive traits

+50 FallHeal : It adds 0 Acrobatics points like fallimmune but heals you as in as much damage as the fall would have done.

+200 Pacifist: similar to premiums pacifist but a trait for non-prems that gives them pacifist all though from the points they couldn't have any other traits really.

+40 DrownStrike. Works the same way as other strikes but adds a drowning affect for 5 seconds if it hits.

[Premium only traits]

+100 LigtningBall. Similar to the way fireball works but instead of fire charges EnderEyes once you shoot the ender eye out where ever the eye hit a blast of lightning will strike down doing about 3 whole hearts to an Unarmored target.

[Negative traits]
-50 FallDamage. Increases by 25%

-30 SlowWater. Swim slower in water.

-30 SlowLava. Swim slower in lava

-75 PotionWeakness take extra affect from potions.

Please add idea's of your own :D
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I disagree with Pacifist since basically all nonprems would use it (I asssume, at least :P) since it outweighs the negatives of not having other traits and Pacifist is the most important feature of being a premium in my opinion.

FallHeal is interesting, but OP at its current cost. Maybe raise it to 100, even 150?

Also, the LightningBall and DrownStrike traits are a little under powered and too similar to other traits, I see no need for them.
I agree completely with @Joshy54100 here, FallHeal can be severely OP at only 50 trait points, and it would mean that there would be no danger to fighting on a precarious tower or cliff face. As for the DrownStrike, it wouldn't do anything. At all. And LightningBolt... Why would you use it over FireBall? Fire Charges are easy to craft and at the current suggestion, FireBall does more damage than LightningBolt. If LightningBolts were buffed from the original suggestion, my fear is that they would become OP, so, I feel that neither that nor DrownStrike would need implamentation
First. @Joshy54100 : The similar in strikes with the DrownStrike idea, is the point most of e strikes are the same in a way. And I agree pacifist is one of the best premium features so maybe the points needed should be upped to make it where if non-premiums want to use it thats the ONLY trait they could use. The lightningball when I thought of it I was looking at more of a rp-magic point of view over Pvp reasons.

@Tokugawryuu DrownStrike could actually do a lot if worked on, they could increase the affect so its not and underpowered

. And for the FallHeal, your example Tokugawruu was battling on a high ledge and not have to worry about falling off. There's already a trait that prevents fall damage so you already don't have to worry about falling while Fighting.
First. @Joshy54100 : The similar in strikes with the DrownStrike idea, is the point most of e strikes are the same in a way. And I agree pacifist is one of the best premium features so maybe the points needed should be upped to make it where if non-premiums want to use it thats the ONLY trait they could use. The lightningball when I thought of it I was looking at more of a rp-magic point of view over Pvp reasons.

@Tokugawryuu DrownStrike could actually do a lot if worked on, they could increase the affect so its not and underpowered

. And for the FallHeal, your example Tokugawruu was battling on a high ledge and not have to worry about falling off. There's already a trait that prevents fall damage so you already don't have to worry about falling while Fighting.
There is a trait that prevents damage, but what I'm saying is that you could just jump off and have the benefit of 3 instant health II pots instantly. I'm not talking about not taking damage, I'm talking about instantly healing everything your opponent has done against you
The fall heal could become way op, as if you were almost dead you could just jump down a hole.
Also who swims in lava?
Some of mine that I came up with.
-30? Blast vulnerable take 25% more damage from explosions IE Creepers Cannons TnT.
+75 (Prem only) HealAlways2 grants same regeneration effect as a regeneration potion.
-50 WolfVulnerable or (Mob Vulnerable?) Take 25% more damage from wolves and or mobs. (Making taming slightly more viable)
+80? ExpolsionRevenge and Or strike, creates an AoE bomb explosion harming everyone but you or possibly your faction/alliance members, for 2? Hearts 50% chance it would be effected by the vulnerable trait.
+100 Lightningstrike damage doe for 3 hearts 20% chance and 5% on melee to summon lightning.
+50 launchstrike 5% chance on melee 33% on archery to launch foe 5 - 7 blocks into the air.

Some might be OP I personally would like to see @Brycea1111 s totem trait idea found here implemented.
First. @Joshy54100 : The similar in strikes with the DrownStrike idea, is the point most of e strikes are the same in a way. And I agree pacifist is one of the best premium features so maybe the points needed should be upped to make it where if non-premiums want to use it thats the ONLY trait they could use.
I don't think you get my point, just giving out premium features for basically no money at all could reduce premium donations. If anything that is added to the server decreases premium donations, then it should be instantly removed in my opinion, no questions asked.
Even if pacifist was the only trait they could have, non pvpers could use it to avoid losing items on death, meaning a faction could avoid pvp all together. That's not really how survival is supposed to be, and it would damage pvp by severely lessening the amount of loot gained.
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What if it was the pvp flag so they wouldn't lose stuff upon fall/starve/fire deaths like before but would in pvp?
Some of mine that I came up with.
-30? Blast vulnerable take 25% more damage from explosions IE Creepers Cannons TnT.
+75 (Prem only) HealAlways2 grants same regeneration effect as a regeneration potion.
-50 WolfVulnerable or (Mob Vulnerable?) Take 25% more damage from wolves and or mobs. (Making taming slightly more viable)
+80? ExpolsionRevenge and Or strike, creates an AoE bomb explosion harming everyone but you or possibly your faction/alliance members, for 2? Hearts 50% chance it would be effected by the vulnerable trait.
+100 Lightningstrike damage doe for 3 hearts 20% chance and 5% on melee to summon lightning.
+50 launchstrike 5% chance on melee 33% on archery to launch foe 5 - 7 blocks into the air.

Some might be OP I personally would like to see @Brycea1111 s totem trait idea found here implemented.
I want explosion revenge/strike o_o
What if it was the pvp flag so they wouldn't lose stuff upon fall/starve/fire deaths like before but would in pvp?
Because PvP flags are only activated when you damage another player, not when you are damaged yourself
Actually the old pvp flag feature that was there for a month got removed if you attacked OR got hit, the only thing it protected was against fall, fire etc deaths.
I still severely disagree, since I'm pretty sure this would dissuade some players from wanting to donate. If they can unlock a full part, (even a partial level) of premium for free, then why would they want to donate? It will only lead to less premium donations (as far as my educated guess leads me to believe, at least).