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New Regalian Almshouse


real life catgirl
Jun 27, 2019
Reaction score

「 ɴᴇᴡ ʀᴇɢᴀʟɪᴀɴ ᴀʟᴍsʜᴏᴜsᴇ 」


-= ɴᴏᴡ ᴏᴘᴇɴ =-

As the autumn ends, and winter's winds prepare on the horizon, the Imperial Isle Charitable House shall open its doors to give warmth and food to the needy of Regalia.​

Located just across the bridge from imperial isle, in Dragon Bend, Number 14, the house shall serve daily meals, as well as bequeathing blankets and warm clothes from donations. Those who are interested in assisting with staffing the charity should volunteer either in writing or through discussion with the heads of the house.


-= sᴇʀᴠɪᴄᴇs ᴏғғᴇʀᴇᴅ =-

The New Regalian Almshouse offers a variety of services revolving around benefiting the community in the most fundamental way possible. Below is a comprehensive list of services we offer to the public, free of charge --​

✜ Food Dispensary
"A daily food dispensary, offering free food and drink so long
as the counter is manned. Includes vegetarian options!"

✜ Goodwill Donations
"The Almshouse both accepts and hands-out donations received,
ranging from clothing, blankets, to basic medicine and household necessities."

✜ Limited Lodging
"Several beds prepared with basic amenities included, offered up for
those who are without a home or work and require aid to get back on their feet."

✜ Tutoring and Work Opportunities
"Staff at the Almshouse are available on-call for help in tutoring on
mundane subjects, as well as locating work opportunities based on skill-set."

✜ Daycare Services
"Available for working parents, the Almshouse offers child-care services.
Overnight child-care is also available in case of emergency."

-= ᴀᴘᴘʟʏ ғᴏʀ ᴡᴏʀᴋ =-

The New Regalian Almshouse is now looking for volunteer staff to work a number of jobs including cooking, cleaning, child-care, tutoring and translators; if you're interested in applying for any position either write a letter to the Almshouse or seek out one of the House Heads, Kaya Viduggla or Qalhata Sarnai.
[ For volunteer members of the Silver Heart Society / Office of Common's Ministry, speak or write to Qalhata Sarnai to be registered. ]


Character Sheet:
Preferred Job:
( Cooking, cleaning, child-care, tutoring, translator, etc. If none put "None.")
Discord: ( Just to more easily coordinate, not necessary though. You can PM for privacy. )
IC Letter to House Head ( addressed to Kaya Viduggla or Qalhata Sarnai ):
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IGN: SnashuuPomaymay
Character Sheet: Babey!!!
Preferred Job: Any and all are fine!
Discord: snashuupomaymay#9291
IC Letter to House Head ( addressed to Kaya Viduggla or Qalhata Sarnai ):
To Whom it may Concern,
Hello! I believe I may be helpful in multiple regards, and though my schedule is perhaps a bit wonky at times, I'd like to hope I can be at least a little bit helpful. I can cook, clean, make various medicinal alchemy products, handle children very well, and I'd like to think I'm quite good at multitasking. I hope you consider my efforts sufficient, and eagerly await your reply.
-Sincerely, Freya E. G. Kayser!​
IGN: Alianon
Character Sheet: im on mobile
Preferred Job: Translator, Cleaner, Child-care
Discord: joe#6969
IC Letter to House Head ( addressed to Kaya Viduggla or Qalhata Sarnai ):

o my dee̶ arst dauter, Cal

Common yet too improv, wold still lov too heIp anyway​

- Faust​
IGN: creaturestar123
Character Sheet: Bam!
Preferred Job: Cooking, childcare, and translator.
Discord: PM
IC Letter to House Head
To Whoever receives this letter

I want to assist with the voluntary efforts for the Regalian Almshouse. I have a mostly free schedule during the fall and winter months. I can cook and provide medical help. I can also brew medical and recreational alchemical products. I hope you find my abilities helpful. I, in waiting, look forward to your reply.

Asan Shovaldürsson .
IGN: GnotGnelf/MolagBallin (GnotGnelf for this character though.)
Character Sheet:
Preferred Job:
Childcare, tutoring.
Discord: PM
IC Letter to House Head ( addressed to Kaya Viduggla or Qalhata Sarnai ):
To who this letter reaches first,

Upon hearing this oppertunity, I had to take it up. The chance to volunteer and help those who require it. I'm willing to put my hand in to assist in any way possible. I'd be fortunate to get this position, many graces for reading.

-Moirraire Macleod of the Matrais
Character Sheet: Here
Preferred Job:
Cooking,child-care, tutoring,
Discord: You got it
IC Letter to House Head ( addressed to Kaya Viduggla or Qalhata Sarnai ):
A letter smelling of blessed incense delivered to the Almshouse, it bore a golden border with silver rose wrapping around them. Written within the top border is Sanktist Script. "Always walk in the Light of the Spirit."

Dear whoever this reaches first.

A comrade of mine has given me notice of this wonderful Almshouse you have opened and I wish to help in your charitable endeavour. I am well versed in childcare, tutoring and in addition to this the cooking. With these skills, I believe to be a fine asset to your cause.

Oratari Ode
Humaira K'urit-ch'el el-Farah
Dame of the Matrais Order
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Thank you for volunteering for the New Regalian Almshouse, we'll send for you soon to go over training and get you properly acclimated to the environment. Having a good multi-tasker on board is no doubt going to be a huge help, we look forward to working with you soon!
~ Spirit Bless,
Qalhata Sarnai
House Head, New Regalian Almshouse

Talk in person, thanks father. : )
~ Love you <3

Your skills and schedule will no doubt be a great help in the coming winter months, and having such a well-rounded person to lend a hand will be an absolute blessing. We'll send for you soon to go over training and procedures, and look forward to working with you soon!
~ Spirit Bless,
Qalhata Sarnai

House Head, New Regalian Almshouse
Moirraire Macleod of the Matrais
Your enthusiasm is greatly appreciated, seeing someone so passionate about helping others is a joy that I count myself lucky to experience. We would love to have you aboard, and will send for you soon to go over training and procedures. We look forward to working with you!
~ Spirit Bless,
Qalhata Sarnai

House Head, New Regalian Almshouse
Humaira K'urit-ch'el el-Farah

I'm delighted to see a fellow Violet Guardsman applying for this position, and a devout Unionist at that. I'm confident that you'll fit right in, and I've high hopes for your contributions to the Almshouse! We'll send for you soon to review training and procedures, though they should be mostly familiar given your background. We look forward to working with you!
~ Spirit Bless,
Qalhata Sarnai

House Head, New Regalian Almshouse


@SnashuuPomaymay , @alianon , @MolagBallin , @Aurelian30k , @Ethan Cho
IGN: Th3rmite
Character Sheet:
Preferred Job: None
Discord: Yurs already has it
IC Letter to House Head ( addressed to Kaya Viduggla or Qalhata Sarnai ):
To what ever person gets this first,

I Can try my best to help where I can. Though I am unsure how best a smith can help with charity.
At the very least I can try to assist to help better the people of this city.
~Ahti Seppänen
IGN | Mollymock
Character Sheet | Here!
Preferred Job | Anything and Everything
Discord | Mollymock#2812

IC Letter to House Head |

Hello there,
I hope whoever reads this is doing well, and is taking great care of themselves (Remember! Smile at the trench. For it is a smile which will act as your bridge). I am Meriel Morfiel. I love knitting. Cooking is a another favourite of mine. A meal I especially enjoy is stuffing a mushroom filled with cheese, and throwing whatever else I find in there (I've drawn a picture below, in case you're confused). In my advancing age, I have found a lot of free time, and would love to aid you however I can, and I'm most excited to hear from you soon!
Best regards,
[Besides his signature rests what can only be described as chicken stratchings, rubbed on the page by ink. Furthermore, under this sat his previously mentioned drawing of a delightful Mushroom-based meal.]
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IGN: Lina Bella Poliwag Seppanen
Character Sheet: See Signature.
Preferred Job: Cooking.
Discord: You have it.
IC Letter to House Head ( addressed to Kaya Viduggla or Qalhata Sarnai ):
(Writen on stationary.)
To whom is may conc'rn,
I wouldst loveth to bringeth bak'd valorous foods, weekly to donate. On occasion I can cook in house. Alloweth me how I might s'rve our community most wondrous.
Lina Bella Poliwag Seppanen
Mister Seppanen, I'd like to speak with you further on the matter of assisting with Almshouse operations; I'll seek you out soon in time to go over potential means of making use of your particular set of skills. We look forward to working with you soon!
~ Spirit Bless,
Qalhata Sarnai
House Head, New Regalian Almshouse
Thank you for volunteering for the New Regalian Almshouse, we'll send for you soon to go over training and get you properly acclimated to the environment. One with extensive experience such as yourself would no doubt be a huge help, and I'd love to try your mushroom stew should you have the time to cook it for the volunteers! We look forward to working with you.
~ Spirit Bless,
Qalhata Sarnai
House Head, New Regalian Almshouse​
Lina Bella Poliwag Seppanen
Missus Seppanen, I'll speak with you more personally on the matter of volunteering at the Almshouse; we can discuss procedures, training, and scheduling when you've the chance. Send for me soon and we can meet up whenever it's most convenient for you. We look forward to working with you soon!
~ Spirit Bless,
Qalhata Sarnai
House Head, New Regalian Almshouse​
@Thermite , @Lady Lina , @Mollymock
Character Sheet:
Preferred Job: cook, hunter, teacher
Discord: bwmwags#1271
IC Letter to House Head ( addressed to Kaya Viduggla or Qalhata Sarnai ):

Hello I'm James Larskon,
I'm the Nook's huntsmen and as a law abiding citizen with the deep ingraining of Highland generosity. I wish to use my wealth to better this city in any way i can. I hope to get to work swiftly.
William Treji Larkson
(the Old Storyteller)​