Archived New Chat System

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Feb 14, 2014
Reaction score
The Atherian Empire
Hello all members of the MassiveCraft community. I am actually requesting a change in one of MassiveCraft's new features, which is the new colored chat system and the italicized Premium and name. There are a few reasons why I don't like this:
1) It makes everything look like ally chat, and very confusing
2) It widens my faction title and makes it so my title takes up half the chat line
3) I can't see who's staff or not or things like this.
I think it would be fair if we made a poll about this to have an organized little 'vote' here.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I just don't like the Italics and premium in front of premiums
One reason I dislike it is because Premium stands out less, and my entire friends list was deleted. It also makes it harder to see who said what in Alliance chat, because EVERYTHING is purple. If I want to just keep my out for something a certain player says in Alliance, I cant cause everything is purple. This is also a reason I have quit other servers, the chat system was way too confusing.
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One reason I dislike it is because Premium stands out less, and my entire friends list was deleted. It also makes it harder to see who said what in Alliance chat, because EVERYTHING is purple. If I want to just keep my out for something a certain player says in Alliance, I cant cause everything is purple. This is also a reason I have quit other servers, the chat system was way too confusing.
I have not been on. May someone post some screenies of this?
Just give the new update a bit of time to settle :)
Everyone seems to hate change. Sure, it might be a tad confusing, but stop complaining about something that has only existed for a few hours. Get over it. Eventually, people will become familiar with the system, and that'll be that. So for now:
  • Stop bugging people about how you hate it and want it changed.
  • Don't make threads about it. It's awfully tedious.
  • Take time to learn and get used to it.
  • Read. Stop asking staff to explain and look it up for yourself.
-prepares for the ratings-
Everyone seems to hate change. Sure, it might be a tad confusing, but stop complaining about something that has only existed for a few hours. Get over it. Eventually, people will become familiar with the system, and that'll be that. So for now:
  • Stop bugging people about how you hate it and want it changed.
  • Don't make threads about it. It's awfully tedious.
  • Take time to learn and get used to it.
  • Read. Stop asking staff to explain and look it up for yourself.
-prepares for the ratings-

Some people just don't like certain changes. Most changes that Massivecraft makes are liked by most people. Just because not many people like a certain change doesn't mean their opinions are wrong. People have a right to say they don't like something, assuming it's complaints that actually have a reason, not "i dun like dis hurtz my eyez".
Some people just don't like certain changes. Most changes that Massivecraft makes are liked by most people. Just because not many people like a certain change doesn't mean their opinions are wrong. People have a right to say they don't like something, assuming it's complaints that actually have a reason, not "i dun like dis hurtz my eyez".

Yes, they do, however. When there are more than four threads about the same subject, with the same opinions, and with people simply complaining and nagging constantly, it can become rather aggravating. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, yes, however when they're screeching their opinion like bloody murder it becomes frustrating for both players and staff. Besides, some certain colours are being changed, along with the possibility of italics being altered anyway. I just wish people would be more considerate and wait without grumbling about it every minute. And, instead of creating multiple threads, just comment on the one.
Everyone seems to hate change. Sure, it might be a tad confusing, but stop complaining about something that has only existed for a few hours. Get over it. Eventually, people will become familiar with the system, and that'll be that. So for now:
  • Stop bugging people about how you hate it and want it changed.
  • Don't make threads about it. It's awfully tedious.
  • Take time to learn and get used to it.
  • Read. Stop asking staff to explain and look it up for yourself.
-prepares for the ratings-
We have a right to complain. I made a thread about it because I didn't want to spam general chat. I don't want to get used to it because the change was, in my opinion, odd. And, I did read. I made the thread when they hadn't posted any information on it. They now changed it.