Archived Nerfing Farming

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
EDIT: A lot of you rate disagree. I might just ask why?
  • Say why, if you don't then we can't do anything better if you don't say what you like/don't like.
  • A lot of people talks about "fixing" the economy. That is not something you just do. But this could be one of the steps.
  • Do you even farm? I have seen farmers here writing that they don't really care, or just make so much so it won't matter.
  • Did you even read the whole post.
So a few days ago, i wrote something about the economy. Read that here.
One thing is knowing how the economy works. Another is to use that knowledge.
I think getting food should be harder. So people can run into a food crisis. We could use this plugin.
  • Crops grow slower, or much slower. Why, because now food will get more expensive because it takes more time, and requires more space.
  • Crops have a chance to die. Why, That will make farming more frustrating, and some people won't do it.
  • Ability to ruin someones crops by trampling them. Why, now you can annoy enemies, and people can get unforeseen problems. That could cause even more problems if the amount of food on the server is tight.
  • Crops grow at different rates in different biomes. The biome you settle in now matters, if you want to farm.
  • Crops grows faster when it rain. Now someone will like the rain.
  • You loose food faster. Now people will have to eat even more. Maybe also filling more in inventories. (Can be annoying in PvP)
  • Rotten flesh should give less food point. Give longer hunger effect, and chance to poison. Why, because rotten flesh can be used right now. Rotten flesh should actually be disliked, and not something you eat when out of bread.
  • Food gives less food points. Why, now people have to eat even more. (Can be annoying in PvP)
  • Uncooked food should give more negative effects, not always but have a chance. Why, cook your goddamn food.
  • Crops can get old and die. Now people have to harvest in time.
  • This last idea will be very hard to code. Food can get old and then useless. Now people can't store food forever, and these other changes will be seen faster. Because all old food wil be useless.

Almost everyone can be self supporting without too much effort. By doing some of this, some factions will specialize in making food, and others will be dependent on those factions. It can even cause some factions to get into a food crisis.
Prises will rise, something a lot of people want.
If a faction is highly dependent on their own crops or others, and those gets trampled or destroyed in other ways. Problems can occur. EXAMPLE, faction A is a farming faction, they supply faction B which is a powerful PvP faction. Faction B and C is rivals. Faction C can now hurt faction B, by destroying the crops of faction A.

Why not
Food will be much harder to get.
People might not play if they can\t even get food.
It can create even more war and chaos.

Feel free to voice your opinion. I will add more information to this thread if you say something that is useful.
EDIT: for all the people just rating. Please voice your opinion, because I don't think you agree/disagree on all of it.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
EDIT: A lot of you rate disagree. I might just ask why?
  • Say why, if you don't then we can't do anything better if you don't say what you like/don't like.
  • A lot of people talks about "fixing" the economy. That is not something you just do. But this could be one of the steps.
  • Do you even farm? I have seen farmers here writing that they don't really care, or just make so much so it won't matter.
  • Did you even read the whole post.
So a few days ago, i wrote something about the economy. Read that here.
One thing is knowing how the economy works. Another is to use that knowledge.
I think getting food should be harder. So people can run into a food crisis. We could use this plugin.
  • Crops grow slower, or much slower. Why, because now food will get more expensive because it takes more time, and requires more space.
  • Crops have a chance to die. Why, That will make farming more frustrating, and some people won't do it.
  • Ability to ruin someones crops by trampling them. Why, now you can annoy enemies, and people can get unforeseen problems. That could cause even more problems if the amount of food on the server is tight.
  • Crops grow at different rates in different biomes. The biome you settle in now matters, if you want to farm.
  • Crops grows faster when it rain. Now someone will like the rain.
  • You loose food faster. Now people will have to eat even more. Maybe also filling more in inventories. (Can be annoying in PvP)
  • Rotten flesh should give less food point. Give longer hunger effect, and chance to poison. Why, because rotten flesh can be used right now. Rotten flesh should actually be disliked, and not something you eat when out of bread.
  • Food gives less food points. Why, now people have to eat even more. (Can be annoying in PvP)
  • Uncooked food should give more negative effects, not always but have a chance. Why, cook your goddamn food.
  • Crops can get old and die. Now people have to harvest in time.
  • This last idea will be very hard to code. Food can get old and then useless. Now people can't store food forever, and these other changes will be seen faster. Because all old food wil be useless.

Almost everyone can be self supporting without too much effort. By doing some of this, some factions will specialize in making food, and others will be dependent on those factions. It can even cause some factions to get into a food crisis.
Prises will rise, something a lot of people want.
If a faction is highly dependent on their own crops or others, and those gets trampled or destroyed in other ways. Problems can occur. EXAMPLE, faction A is a farming faction, they supply faction B which is a powerful PvP faction. Faction B and C is rivals. Faction C can now hurt faction B, by destroying the crops of faction A.

Why not
Food will be much harder to get.
People might not play if they can\t even get food.
It can create even more war and chaos.

Feel free to voice your opinion. I will add more information to this thread if you say something that is useful.
EDIT: for all the people just rating. Please voice your opinion, because I don't think you agree/disagree on all of it.
Everyone would just adopt feeding traits. NO! to this idea.
But then people have less traits for PvP like AxeResistant.
They could easily switch when going on raids. Temporary food. Also this makes the game a whole lot harder and would kill the economy. Diamonds might be worth less than food (shake)
They could easily switch when going on raids. Temporary food. Also this makes the game a whole lot harder and would kill the economy. Diamonds might be worth less than food (shake)
Diamond would still be worth more than food as it would still be relatively rarer and vastly more useful.

I feel the feed traits argument to be a moot point. We already have the feed traits. It's already better and much more efficient to use those traits as opposed to eating food which means this suggestion would only affect farmers and those who are actually interested in dealing with crops.

One effect I can see (assuming it hasn't happened already) would be the feed traits becoming the norm and crops becoming more like buff items (akin to potions) where players mainly rely on the traits and use food as secondaries/backups. If crops became more scarce (not rare, mind you, just less abundant than it is now), this would certainly make them feel more like tradeable items (again, like potions). The question is whether or not this system is desireable.
I think everyone here is right. Maybe it could help if feed traits got nerfed too. But is is my pov on feed traits, in a PvP aspect.

Darkness. That doesn't help you in the night, only when in true darkness.
Light. Helps you sometimes, but you could be raiding at night.(Not sure if the sun is bright enough, I guess it is)
Sunlight, that can maximum help half the time. Again not always useful.
Water. You don't fight in water.
Meditation. LOL
Vegetation. Can help you in all terrain.
Always. True OP
I don't like the idea of nerfing farming at all. I already have enough to worry about!
Having to worry about food. Or was that not obvious? I don't need to worry about a faction supplying me or My crops getting trampled!

PS, I'm not technically worried because farming will still be too powerful.
But still, would you really want to nerf something just to make it harder, yet not hard enough to have any effect? No.
The whole point of this would be to change it to the point where crops would actually have value and become more of a tradeable item whereas now it can be sold by chestloads per regal.
The whole point of this would be to change it to the point where crops would actually have value and become more of a tradeable item whereas now it can be sold by chestloads per regal.
Seriously? So much easier to kill mobs or mine than to do this. And the price may change by a stack or 2 but not a lot.
Also: Editing food values and changing the time it takes to grow crops/chance for crops to die is a little much. Editing food values will make food ;) less valuable. People will just make bigger farms, thereby eliminating this threat and taking up more world space. Big No No (shake)
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Seriously? So much easier to kill mobs or mine than to do this. And the price may change by a stack or 2 but not a lot.
Also: Editing food values and changing the time it takes to grow crops/chance for crops to die is a little much. Editing food values will make food ;) less valuable. People will just make bigger farms, thereby eliminating this threat and taking up more world space. Big No No (shake)
Now that's a better argument~
In regards to your first point, the focus is to encourage trade of food so other ways of making money are a bit irrelevant. Any change in prices would depend on just how much longer it takes to grow crops. The problem with this suggestion is that for prices to change enough, crops would have to grow at a really slower rate, say 10x as slow. And of course that would make farming much more boring and annoy a lot of people. (Though I have to admit that personally I like the idea of more longer-term growth and making it so that food would actually be rare enough that people would need to buy it )

Do note also that this isn't an all-0r-nothing suggestion, not all the changes listed have to be done and I don't like changing food values either.
Food is already extremely easy to obtain. The traits already allow some, if they choose, not even to require food in the first place. Due to being so easy to obtain, it doesnt have a very dramatic effect on the community. Just get a few seeds and some water, harvest, rinse and repeat until you have a mass food farm. Roleplay farming trade would be realistic, but minecraft makes it just so easy to gain food from other sources, that its really just a waste of space that could be in replace for a different plugin
Now that's a better argument~
In regards to your first point, the focus is to encourage trade of food so other ways of making money are a bit irrelevant. Any change in prices would depend on just how much longer it takes to grow crops. The problem with this suggestion is that for prices to change enough, crops would have to grow at a really slower rate, say 10x as slow. And of course that would make farming much more boring and annoy a lot of people. (Though I have to admit that personally I like the idea of more longer-term growth and making it so that food would actually be rare enough that people would need to buy it )

Do note also that this isn't an all-0r-nothing suggestion, not all the changes listed have to be done and I don't like changing food values either.
10x Slower = 10x Bigger Farms...
10x Slower = 10x Bigger Farms...
Mind you I did point that out as a problem.

Actually the problem isn't space, it's time. While theoretically speaking players would increase farm size to compensate for slower growth, practically speaking I don't think that would happen. The crop yield wouldn't decrease. You'd still get as much food as you would now everytime you harvest. The only thing you'd be compensating for would be that big excess of crops that isn't even used anyway. In terms of a farm, the only difference this would make would be the time it takes for the plants in a farm to fully mature. And really, I don't think that would be a problem either.

After all, it's been repeated again and again that as it is now, farms produce a huge excess of crops. I'm assuming that no one constantly harvests their farms immediately after it all grows mature. Meaning that there is a certain amount of time in which fully grown crops are just sitting there because they aren't being harvested right away. Even in such a case, there is still a huge excess of crops.
Maybe if we had plants that produced ores or something. I want renewable stuff. If we did get plant ores they would have to be way less efficient than mining
Thing is I used to fight for food prices, but then more and more people farmed. So prices shot down. It's like in the real world, when everyone was a farmer. But now there is so much land to farm that there will be so much excess then prices will drop. So coming from someone who fought for food and ended loosing. @Carnakt