Preserved Sheet Nathan Solidor

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Really? When have you seen me harass anyone.
Really? When have you seen me harass anyone.


But I don't want to clog the thread with links so I'll simply say that I've seen your aggression towards other groups and members on Massive and politely request that you refrain from expressing such negativity, as others have. At least, that is, in the grand quantity that you have.


But I don't want to clog the thread with links so I'll simply say that I've seen your aggression towards other groups and members on Massive and politely request that you refrain from expressing such negativity, as others have. At least, that is, in the grand quantity that you have.
That isn't harassment.
1. I simply suggested the people who get into constant OOC fights should be banned from use of the system, which is fair.
2. No. They literally used our banter chat to post gore and porn, and not even the normal kind of that either.
If it was Harassment I would be banned from Massivecraft.
That isn't harassment.
1. I simply suggested the people who get into constant OOC fights should be banned from use of the system, which is fair.
2. No. They literally used our banter chat to post gore and porn, and not even the normal kind of that either.
If it was Harassment I would be banned from Massivecraft.
Right... Look, I'm not trying to draw out some long argument to belittle you, so don't feel as if you need to defend yourself. For the sake of simplicity I'll say this: I, and I'm sure multiple others, believe your points are somewhat valid but it is the way that you express them that is the problem. I acknowledge you are new to Massive and require guidance, so for the time being I'd respect your elders in a sense. That is all.