Archived Name Filter

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The one, the only, hiddenmonkey!
Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
I am suggesting a filter for the /nickname command. This filter would make people unable to use nicknames that involve either vulgar language or even names of characters from anime/video games/etc many new players are fond of. When they try to set their nickname to "Ichigo Kurosaki" for example, it would say "This name is not available." Or something like that, it would force the newer players to think of creative names before beginning rp, making the character more of their own.
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I really don't understand the point in this... No support.
This list would be impossible to maintain. No support.
To a degree I see this working, I hate it when some uses a title for a nick name so I would love to see Assassin, hooded stranger, masked stranger mysterious strangers, knight, warrior, guard or Mage all become unavailabl but that is just me so I don't think this is needed.
As a community, instead of disappointing new people with the unavailability of names thus decreasing server value in their eyes, we should come together to give people tips to use better and more valid names.
From embarrassing experience, I've used unoriginal names before, but seeing others with their original names helped me to make my own, non-plagiarized names.
Unite as a community to help the newer roleplayers! OOC and PM'ed messages on how to improve roleplay do make a difference :)
Yeah, I know what you meant, and what I was trying to get across is using this for more "tip giving" honestly than denying...
I would support this strictly for the filter of vulgarity.
Even then it doesn't work properly. People could always use asterisks or different symbols/spelling, making the list ultimately impossible to get.
However, were you to change the filter to block any permutation of those names, essentially when those letters are used together... For example let's say think was a bad word, when the letters T,H,I,N,K are strung together in that manner, the name is unusable. This would also get rid of "Assassin" which isn't a very "good" nickname in the first place. I've seen it done somewhere, though I do realize that it could be a pain in the neck to actually put together.
I agree with ImBoring, there's far too many ways of saying and writing things on the internet. Back to your "THINK" idea, that's all well and good, but then people could just as easily use all sorts of different ways of writing it, including but certainly not limited to "leet-speak".

In the end, it's too much of a hassle to maintain and keep up to date. You're better off just taking them aside, and explaining to them what roleplay is.
Well, I agree with that.. but with "leet-speak" just bar the use of numbers as well. I do agree with the second part too, I'd just like to make things easier on people that think it their life's /goal/ to pull those people to the side.. plus some people can be rather rude when explaining.
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