My Little Calendar Project


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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So I've had this idea in my head for a very long time part project part joke, @Gabriel and I talked about it a couple of times here and there but it never really materialized. I basically want to make a calendar with a person for every month, of the "spicy" variety. I have no idea when it will be finished, could be a very long time. Could even be a thing only at Christmas, so a Christmas calendar, or I might finish it before summer and then we get a pool party calendar or something.

I'll use this thread to allow people to apply for specific months, as well as show sketches when they come in and are available.

In order to apply post the following message:

Name of Character: Post the name of your character. Note the character must be male!
Race of Character:
Post the race of your character. Note any race, excluded however are Mekett
Preferred Month: Post the preferred Month you would like to apply for.
Link to Character application: Link to your thread Note I do not accept peer applications!

When you apply for a position, you are not guaranteed to receive it. I pick whoever and whatever I like and I may swap your preferred months if I deem necessary. When you apply, you give me permission to illustrate your character in underwear, in a seductive or otherwise not normal pose. I will not draw your character performing any erotic actions or inappropriate conduct, this calendar will be purely pg and kid friendly. When you apply, if you haven't already got art of your character I will choose to render your character the way I see them. If there is inconsistencies with the end result, I am not to blame, and you may not appeal to me to have it changed. I will draw your character for free if you sign up, so beyond your application nothing is further required. I am much more likely to accept applications from people who have already gotten art commissions from me in the past, particularly character that I have already drawn. If at any point you want to pull your character from the calendar, you may say so, but not beyond the sketch's completion. I will not allow this little project of mine to become a free art bin for you to get a free sketch, so as soon as the sketch is made, you cannot back out. Your character will always be depicted alone on one page with various thematic items, so maybe like a Christmas tree, or a pool toy, or something likewise. Remember again that I do not accept child, female or mekett characters applying for this calendar. You must have a staff approved character application for my work to be quick and efficient and most important of all: fun.
Name of Character:
Shayin Crassan
Race of Character:
Preferred Month:
March/April for teh springtime flowers!
Link to Character application: Can be found in my signature and here.
I forgot to add, if I have drawn your character before, you don't need a character application.
I forgot to add, if I have drawn your character before, you don't need a character application.
Does it count if you drew your own character from awhile back, and I adopted that drawing as my own? >w>
Name of the character: Graeton Pileran
Race of Character:
PreferredMonth: Don't mind, november would be cool.
Link to Character application: N/a, you have drawn him before.
Aw hell, why not?

Name of Character: Crual-lassa' Ras
Race of Character: Elf
Preferred Month: July. I so often get comments as to why I wear pants in summertime in Arizona, and why I'm not roasting...well if I can do it, Cruallassar can do it too! (That was quite irrelevant...)
Link to Character application: You've drawn him before. Although he may not be quite the same now...for example, I think I've pretty well ditched the face I'll still include the app link.
Name of Character: William Coen
Race of Character: Ailor
Preferred Month: June, though any is fine
Link to Character application: Drawn William before
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Name of Character: Lanaskan Shadowaika
Race of Character: Slizar Naylar
Preferred Month: November would be nice yet I'm okay with any other
Link to Character application: APPLICATION
Note: You drew Lanaskan before but as the Slizar were rewrote, his physical desc. changed and so that image is now out of date